
'What the hell was that!?' Beckert's transformation crossed into Renzia's mind. Witnessing Becker's transformation lowered the already depressed mood of the group. Inside their minds, they couldn't fathom that a simple stone could cause so much damage to the body of one person. When they heard the screams on the Town Hall they quickly ran back.

Each of them stole a glance at the dormant body of Beckert on the dirtied beach. They kept running towards the town hall. Only looking back once fearing that there may be other monsters that could attack them.

Their hearts beat profusely as they carried their bodies with great weight. It was generally uncomfortable for them to face a familiar and kill him. Yukio and Khareva showed no emotion than the three others who felt sadness. "Goddamnit! I never thought Beckert would become one of them!" Renzia bit his lips as he spoke in disbelief.

"No waste in crying, we should head back to the town hall. Report it to the General". Yukio spoke in a cold tone.

But a worst-case scenario already happened inside the Town Hall. Oblivious to the fact that it already happened whilst they were fighting Beckert on the beach. Once they finally reached the town hall, they were met with the cries and sorrow of a woman outside of the building. They had been hearing the screams of this woman as they neared the building.

They were surprised of course. It never crossed their minds that an injured woman would cry in front of the Town Hall without being noticed by other survivors and soldiers. Their hands were already clasped to their spears, readying themselves for another fight that may or might not come soon. "Miss! What happened to you?!" Renzia questioned.

She had a bloody face; Her ragged clothes brimming with blood as she held an amputated arm. Her tears mixed with the blood on her face as it drooped down to her cheeks. The situation disturbed the group but that didn't stop them from questioning the woman. "Hey! What happened?" Renzia repeated his questions.

Unfortunately, it would seem that the woman won't stop sorrowing. But that didn't stop them from asking again. "Hey! Stop crying! We need to know what happened in the town hall!" He asked once again this time in a hurried tone.

The woman finally came back to her senses. Stricken with grief, she found it hard to respond yet she spoke in a few words. " They're all dead... All!"

Their eyes widened as they heard her voice. Renzia found it wild but plausible considering the situation. He hoped his dear friend and boss were still alive. Walking with wariness, they neared themselves to the door as they tried to open it. Minerva tried to bring the weeping woman but was not able to. "No! I want to stay... I have nothing... NOTHING!"

As she spoke, he felt uncomfortable so he let go of her hand and proceeded to follow his squadmates. 'Damn woman, I'm trying to save you but ok then. Your choice."

The squad crouched down ; Their legs moving slowly and carefully so that they wouldn't step on an object that would attract some noise. But their effort was for naught as their chain mails made more sound than their footsteps. Luckily, they haven't witnessed another madman or monster on the way. Feeling confident, The squad entered the grand hall of the Town Hall.

But what they had seen was out of this world.

It was so preposterous, so graphic, so demonic that the only thing they could do was gag out of disgust.

What became of the inner hall was a massacre. Blood splashed in every corner of the room. Pieces of flesh and amputated limbs scattered through the room. Corpses of survivors and soldiers made a mess of the inner hall. Three of the soldiers couldn't stomach seeing such a sight. Minerva, Renzia, and Thilgo knelt as they saw the dead bodies of their colleagues and friends. Yukio and Khareva displayed a cold emotion but they had shown a little discomfort.

"What happened here?! How come we hadn't heard such a thing!?". Thilgo was baffled by the sight. One thing he couldn't understand was how silent the Town Hall was when they went outside. Tromarie beach could only be reached by a simple walk, They would've heard it outside but they couldn't even hear a single small scream when they were on the beaches.

The situation in Tromarie was already strange enough, this situation just made it worse for the squad to face. The three of them slowly stood. Their eyelids closed so that they couldn't witness the dead bodies of Tromarie civilians. With no way to go, Yukio decided to order the squad to go upstairs. "We'll go upstairs, There may be survivors."

Both Yukio and Khareva moved forward, stepping onto the wooden and slippery stairs. The stairs were filthened with red and potent blood. It made it hard for the squad to step into the stairs without going off balance.

Once they reached the stairs, they met silence and awryness. Furthermore, there were no signs of life present in one of the rooms and halls of the second floor of the town hall. "No splitting up, Those things are stronger than the normal man. We can't kill it by ourselves." Yukio warned the squad.

"What do we do?" Thilgo asked her

"Let's try to find our lord general first." She responded in a monotone voice.

They followed her lead somewhat comforted that they had someone competent they could follow despite the situation. They briskly walked the second floor as the sound of their footsteps resounded on the wooden floors. Each one of them opened the doors and inspected the rooms, hoping that they could find a survivor to bring with them or a soldier that could help them.

But they only got silence and emptiness. Disappointed they decided to enter the Mayor's room and gladly they found signs of life inside the room. Although it was faint they weren't going to let it go and pass it off as a monster. All five of them never knew how the madmen worked with only knowledge that they had incredible strength. Yukio slowly opened the door while being positioned in the sides. Her head approached the small gap in the door and took a peek inside it. She observed the room and blood was not present on the floors. Positive that there was no threat in the room, she widened the gap on the door. She placed her head through the door and glanced in every direction and to her happiness.

They were alive, In fact, once she glanced to the right the only thing she had seen was the pointy spears directed at her. The scared soldiers put down their spears feeling relieved that no madman was present in the hallway.

The five of them safely entered the Mayor's room without any trouble. Glad that they were able to find survivors and hold out in the building.

Three of them were so nervous that their legs gave up and dropped down to the floor. "Finally, people…" Renzia said in relief. Breathing heavily while he sat on the ground.

Meanwhile, on the other corner of the building, Anatolia stood with only his red gambeson present. Pleased that the squad that he sent outside was still alive and well. Unfortunately he caught on that one of them was missing from the group. "What happened to Beckert? Is he perhaps dead?"

"Yes, unfortunately, he transformed due to mysterious circumstances. We do not know how he became a monster in such a short time." Yukio answered with no hesitation and laid it straight to Anatolia.

"That is quite saddening. Sadly, there are more problems present in our situation. It's kind of weighing on me. But take a rest for a while. The five of you might be exhausted." Anatolia assured them.

Renzia who couldn't help but be curious about the massacre that ensued in the grand hall. "Hey! What happened downstairs?"

They paused for a bit until Anatolia filled them with the information they needed. "I guess you should know what happened a while ago."

He continued. " What happened downstairs was something out of this world. It all happened so quickly and quite silently too. It was so fast that I wasn't able to make a clear decision in the fray. Well, let's just say, monsters attacked the survivors downstairs. However, what made it different from the madman earlier was that they were stronger and that the sick survivors on the main floor were massacred quickly. Their necks slashed, spilling a lot of blood. Limbs scattered. It was in general a horrible experience. We hadn't seen the monster's face but all I knew was that there were others capable of extraordinary feats. We weren't able to save a lot of them, only a few of us remained. But it's good that you arrived here. Because those things... They are not simply madmen... They are monster born from something..."

Anatolia was unsure what to do from now on yet he would try his best to make the best decision possible.