
It had been 9 hours ever since the shockwave devastated Tromarie and Farley. The survivors holed up in the Mayor's room kept their footsteps quiet. They removed their chainmail and boots or any item that can display loud sound. Carpets were extended through the floor. It absorbed the sounds of their steps in the room. Making it easier for them to move around the room without the worry of attracting the monsters below the second floor.

The mayor's room was large and carpets filled the floors. Shelves were filled with lavish decorations and books that no commoner can afford. For many, it was their first time entering such a room.

"We're still lucky that many of them had not seen us nor even noticed our presence in the mayor's room." Anatolia knew that what they had witnessed was no human nor does it show any behavior of a human. Nonetheless, he was glad that luck came onto their side.

Many of the other soldiers either sat or stood nearby the doors, keeping their bodies steady in order to avoid gaining the attention of the monsters. Citizens of Tromarie sat in the middle of the room trying their hardest to not get overwhelmed by fear.

But they couldn't help but be afraid of what to do next. The situation was just too bizarre and out of this world for them. "I don't know what to do..." Even Anatolia was hesitant to make a decision for the group.

Renzia peeked through the window and observed the outside. There were occasional screams of pain that reverberated in the town. Monsters roamed the ruined streets, all of them walked slowly and somewhat convulsing.

"We are all going to die here..." With such a state, one of the soldiers lost hope of living. Plus, they didn't even know if there were people alive outside yet. All they could do was sit around until an opportunity came around their corner. But even they doubt an opportunity would appear miraculously.

Anatolia came closer to the windows. His hands massaged his chin; Forced to contemplate the situation.

He incessantly looked in every direction; Taking into detail every hole or object that could distract the zombies. Fortunately, the church and its corresponding bells were intact but it was already bloodied by the monsters. "It should be empty by now..."


The situation within the church wasn't going well. As many citizens come to the church reporting heavy sickness. The servants and their supplies were severely expended. Even some servants started to get sick as well. As the healthy survivors dwindled to a few. "There is no choice, they are too sick, we have to get to Farley City and get more medicine!" Tinker was one of the church servants who remained healthy. Wearing peasant clothing such as a green tunic and pants made with coarse wool. He had a brown hair whose style is very messy and curly.

He approached the town's priestess Mother Morrayn who was sitting in one of the pews. She wore a white cassock with an X necklace. Her white cassock was embedded with floral decorations. On the outside was a white robe made with linen and covered most of her body with a hood present. Her face exuded a mature and prim beauty. Her silky long brown hair contributed to her beauty.

With the influx of sick survivors entering the church, she couldn't help but pray to the Goddess. "O Lady, Our Goddess, please help us in this time of tragedy..." She knelt on the ground and placed her right hand into her chest. Lowering her head and as she prayed for safety.

Tinker only stood there and waited for her to finish. 'If I were to interfere I would disrespect the goddess...' In the end, it stalled his requests.

It took them a few more minutes after Morrayn finished praying. She left the pews gracefully and headed towards Tinker. "What may you inquire about, my servant?"

"Mother! The servants are being overwhelmed; only 3 of us are left healthy! I feel that we need more help from Farley." He reported the grim situation in front of Mother Morrayn.

Morrayn considered the situation at hand. Closing her eyes so that she could think more clearly. "The only thing we could do is pray to our graceful lady. I will proceed..."

"AAAAA" The agonizing scream of a man echoed into the church. This startled both of them and looked at the church door.

Witnessing the mutilation of a church servant who tried to help a convulsing man who was on the floor. The surrounding survivors screamed to their hearts and ran away. Morrayn tried to defuse the situation by stopping the fight but by the time she got closer, the church servant was already dead and lying on the ground. Blood continuously left his where it made a pile.

Both of them were mortified, unable to move due to the shock. Their bodies paused as the monster decided to pursue the screaming survivors who fled into the church building.

The monster never ran fast and displayed signs of tiredness when pursuing the fleeing survivors. Others of the same condition also began attacking the healthy folk.

The heads of the children were torn and removed from their spines. The broken ribs of a teenager as he died from a strong punch in the heart. It was truly bloodshed and in front of her at that. She couldn't stomach seeing such an event as such she retreated to one of the rooms.

Tinker, who was also immobile saw the escaping priestess. Not knowing where to go, he decided to follow her hoping it would be safe.

Morrayn's eyes widened in fear, which Tinker found weird. As such he questioned her. "Why would you leave my lady?"

Morrayn desperately reined back her mature aura. She calmed down despite being a nervous wreck. " There are some things that I, as a priestess, cannot face alone..."

" ... I guess our Goddess Marcia says it perfectly, We are made imperfect and we should accept our weaknesses. There are times" He was hesitant to agree with her but in the face of tragedy he also shared the same feeling. ' I don't want to face that thing... I guess I too am scared to face such things'

They were holed up in the stairway room which led upstairs into the bell room. Thinking that there might be more monsters located in the church. They decided to head into the bell room.

The stairs were rigid and narrow but were enough for them to easily climb up to the second floor. Climbing faster, so that they could reach the safe room quickly.

They finally reached upstairs and opened the bell room. It was squeaky clean and no dust was seen in every corner. The bell room was large with the bell situated in the middle. On the walls, there were windows present. But they weren't of the best quality.

Despite being squeaky clean, the room was filled with objects and crates yet they were organized. The both of them could easily hide in this room until sufficient help came into town. "I think this place would be enough but food would be a problem though..." Tinker said.

"My servant, we also store some food If I remember. They aren't the best of quality but that is what the Goddess graced us with at this moment." Morrayn assured his worries.

Both of them remained in the room for a while as screams of pain and death engulfed the town. Morrayn was heavily disturbed and couldn't handle hearing such things while Tinker looked out the door.

Morrayn's thoughts were in a trance feeling helpless for the third time in her life. 'Why is this happening!? If this is happening then the demons have invaded the realm! They will conquer us all! Why have they arrived? Is the red star the seeds of evil? Why is the goddess leaving us alone.'

She flooded her mind with countless questions. She couldn't help but start panicking while breathing heavily.

Her eyes inflated in fear.

Her ears were covered by her hands.

Tinker felt worried that help wouldn't come to the city. Considering that most of the soldiers were also killed and turned into monsters. 'What will happen to us all? Even the group of soldiers General Anatolia brought were dead or already turned...'

As time passed they became more anxious. Tinker looked out at the windows and saw General Anatolia looking out from the window in the town hall.

He frantically made movements that would attract Anatolia's attention but it was for naught. He decided that he would open the windows but it was hard for him to open without many others. The corners were rusty and it would surely make a noise if he were to be careless on his next actions.

But to him attracting General Anatolia would relieve him of his worries.

He held the window handle with great strength and pushed it open with great strength. Luckily it managed to open a little, which attracted Anatolia's attention. 'Finally! We are saved!'

He smiled in front of the window and placed his hand outside. Waving it towards Anatolia. But Anatolia symbolled him to quiet down. So he reduced his movements as per Anatolia's order.

Anatolia retracted his head back to the room. "It seems we aren't the only survivors here. Luckily they are also located at the church. We could use them so that we could escape here." He informed them

He returned to the windows and directed his face to the right. He waved his hand as if holding a rope symbolling for Tinker to ring the bells.