
"Are you sure this is going to work? I hope that it does but I am doubtful." Renzia remarked his worries over his plan. He planned to lure out the monster roaming the ground floor. While some soldiers would survey the top floor and the ground floor in order to determine a safe path for the survivors.

"It's going to work, We need something or at least anything to lure out the monsters from the ground floor. The church bells are loud enough for it to resonate throughout the town, to the point that we can find a safe path to escape this town." Anatolia explained.

However, Renzia questioned him about the two of them. "So what about the person who is holed up in the bell room? Are we going to leave him alone until his death?"

Anatolia looked at him seriously. "There is an opportunity to save that church servant but if that opportunity disappears... Well, we have no choice but to leave him alone in the church to die. The life of one man isn't worth the lives of 34 people here." It was cruel but Renzia understood and agreed with him.

Across the street, Tinker felt hesitant to agree with Anatolia. As a church servant, it was an honor to die for the sake of others, which is regarded as a virtue for the church but on the other hand, he feared facing death. He bit his mouth as he tried to make a decision in the room. Soon he made up his mind and informed Mother Morrayn about the situation, a situation that he feared would cost their lives. "Mother Morrayn, We have bad news and some good news. I have managed to come into contact with some of the soldiers across the street but..."

Mother Morrayn responded to him. "My dear servant, What is the bad news?"

"The bad news is that they too are stuck in the town hall, unable to escape the monsters that seem to roam under the ground floor of the town hall." He explained the dire situation of Anatolia's group

"I see, did they say it to you?"

"No... It was just a hunch... They would have gotten out of their rooms but it seems that they couldn't". As he talked, he bent down on the floor and held his hands together. "It would seem that they desire for us to ring the bells for them to escape..."

"It's no matter... It's alright, it's better to die for the good of others." However, her face told a different story, showing an expression that was scared of meeting death. Her lips stretched horizontally to the back of her eyes; With her eyes raised and pulled together.

He stood up and clenched his fast, looking at the church bell, he approached the windows and nodded to Anatolia. Anatolia pulled his head out of the window, raising his hands and symbolling them to be prepared for what is to come next. He placed his hands outside once again and made a thumbs up to Tinker.

Seeing this, he clenched his fists as he approached the church bells, slowly waving the rope bound with the bell. 'Here it comes...'

He shook his hands and the bell rang. The sound resonated with the town gaining the attention of monsters and survivors alike. All of the monsters from outside of the town hall immediately glanced towards the direction of the church. While those who were on the ground floor of the church and the town hall shook their hands looking for the source of the sound.

Consequently, the monsters from the outside made a roaring scream that it also attracted those who were inside. From the mayor's room, they hear the echoing sounds of the monsters and the constant banging of the wooden bells. Crumbling wood scattered throughout the floor as the monsters desperately used their arms to head outside.

"It's working... I can't even hear my damned voice Ha!" Minerva gave a smile, realizing that they could escape the mayor's room. The majority of the soldiers nearby the doors prepared their armors and spears waiting for Anatolia's signal. Renzia decided to stay behind to protect the survivors while the soldiers scouted the building for a possible escape route.

"Get ready and split into groups of 3! We cannot face those things by ourselves." He raised his arms while looking at the windows, many of the soldiers stared at his hands.

The monsters continued to march through the church. A horde of them arrived and destroyed the church doors made of strong hardwood. Luckily the church was also made with a stone foundation and a stone wall. Tinker, who was in the bell room desperately opened the window, exerting most of his energy on it. Soon a slight opening came into the window which was large enough for both Tinker and Mother Morrayn to fit into. 'At least going for the roofs would give us a lot of time to survive in this...'

A continuous stream of monster hordes came into the church hall. The church in itself wasn't large as such the monsters inside were slowly getting crowded to which some of them fell on the floor, crushed by the pressure of the continuous stream of monsters.

Terrified, he witnessed that hundreds of them were present and knew the scale of the situation. 'Hundreds of them! This situation may be more grave than what we thought. My 12 men aren't enough to defeat all those monstrosities! We have to go to Farley City as soon as possible!

"But I'm not going to leave that guy first... What should I do?... I need rope, perhaps a fabric strong enough!" He looked into the room and saw the curtains on the windows. 'Aha! perfect!'

"What are you doing?" Renzia asked

"Making a sheet rope." He ripped out the sheets from the window, tying it from one fabric to another, using any cloth they could rummage in the room. He signaled Renzia to help him while other survivors also followed and helped their leader without being ordered. For a few minutes, he managed to create a sheet rope made up of curtains, clothing, and beddings. It was long and strong enough for it to reach the other side of the street.

"Are you sure things are going to work once again?" Renzia can't help but be doubtful.

"It's going to work, trust me" Anatolia made a small smile before opening the window and climbing to the roofs. The roof wasn't steep enough for him to fall. With the roofs made with clay, strong but weathered down and weakened. He delicately walked the roofs and carefully bent his knees down. Pulling out a knife from his hand, he tied it to the other edge of the long fabric. Whilst doing so he glanced from every direction looking for a pole to tie the other end of the sheet rope. Luckily there was one present, to which he decided to approach.

Tinker on the other hand was terrified by the repeated thumps and bangs from the hall, thinking that the bell room would be overrun by those monsters.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

Bang! Bang! Bang ! Bang!

He looked at the door with dreadful eyes and once again he looked out the window. There he saw Anatolia on the roof tying a knife to the fabric. Realizing his intentions, he felt a small tint of happiness within himself. Mother Morrayn noticed this and asked him. "What happened? Is there something out there my servant?"

"Mother Morrayn, I am happy to say that we might get out of this bell room. We won't die!" He once again pried open one of the windows without it breaking. He held the hand of Mother Morrayn and led her out of the bell room, walking discreetly to not get the attraction from the monsters below. Yet with the never-ending growling, the sounds of their steps were nullified in the process.

They left the bell room but they attracted the attention of a few monsters located outside of the building. Regardless, their heart resounded through their body and sweat ran down on their cheeks. They weren't going to give up the chance of getting out as such he readied his hands to catch the rope.

'So the town's priestess is still alive...' Anatolia thought. He hastened his trying and raised his hands to the air. Throwing the knife across the street with great energy. It reached the other side's roof however it slid down after impacting the clay roof. Luckily, Tinker dropped down, reaching his hands over to where he successfully grabbed it before falling down the roofs. Some weathered tiles fell to the ground where it became rubble. Tinker almost fell to the street, lying on the edge of the roof, merely relying on the strength of his hands as he held on to the tiles. 'Damned! I almost died!'

Anatolia was also startled but was glad that Tinker managed to get a grip.

Tinker slowly regained his composure, where he moved slowly, trying to climb the slanted roof. For a minute, he carried his body above with the help of Mother Morrayn, managing to gain a grip over the sill.

Finally able to crouch down he tied the sheet rope over the mullion, tying it tightly with random knots that aren't easily loosened. He removed the knife; Where he decided to stay behind so that Mother Morrayn could go first. "Mother Morrayn, you have to go first!"

"What?!-I mean why-sure!" She responded with pauses, not knowing what to say until deciding to follow his decision to pass the streets. 'I... I don't like this at all. I don't like this at all!'

After Anatolia tied the other hand of the rope to a pole. Mother Morrayn decided to cross the street first but her fear slowed her down. "Mother Morrayn, you can do this! We can escape this tragedy and help others in the future!" Tinker encouraged her. Anatolia waved his hand signifying her to come closer.

Seeing that this was the only choice she decided to cross the streets. Making a huge gulp as she held the rope. She kept her knees to the rope and tied it around her. Her grip was strong and she was constantly shivering in fear. She closed her eyes and crossed the street slowly, never looking down hoping that she would never fall to her death.

Fortunately, her slow approach came to fruition as she reached the town hall safely. Tinker however wasn't.