
It had been a week ever since he had received the Dragon's Tome. Up to this point, it was still inactive and he wondered if it would ever wake up once again.

Four days after traveling their food sources were already exhausted. Too tired to nibble and conserve each bread they had brought. But even after that, they managed to reach Hillow City before running out of bread.

Along the journey, they spent their nights on checkpoints made by farmers. They weren't alone during the night; Other travelers also spent their night on these checkpoints. The travelers who made camp at the checkpoint assigned one person to keep watch over the sleeping travelers. That person was also responsible for keeping the fire lit all over the night. Seia never volunteered to keep watch over the group but was able to take a peek in the middle of the night.

Their journey went on smoothly. No dragons were present in the area nor any other dead person. Although tiring, it was worth it when they had reached Hillow City.

As many travelers from different backgrounds desired to enter Hillow City. There were a variety of individuals present in Hillow City. Majority of whom dream of a better life inside the walls. But a greater number of these dreamers never wanted a day-to-day job. They entered Hillow City to become dragon hunters. When Seia observed the area, there were many parties of Dragon Hunters leaving and entering the gates.

The walls were heavily secured. There were two gates present on the walls. Both of them were large enough for people to enter and leave the city. The right gate was used for the registry of travelers, hoping to become permanent citizens of the city. While the left gate was used for citizens of Hillow City. Whose citizens possessed a badge to signifying their place in the city.

Soldiers garrisoned on the walls keeping the city secure from dragon attacks and fiendish bandits. It wasn't as high as Cedric City but it had ample security for many Fitolinan travelers to live on. Soon enough Hillow City became a hotbed of opportunistic refugees, travelers, and merchants. When Seia observed the city gates-Lines of homeless families and dreaming dragon hunters waited in line. The line constantly moved and had no sign of stopping. It seemed that the ones responsible for the registry were just giving away badges for a quick coin. Luckily Seia and Althea had managed to not spend their coins. They possessed 30 copper coins which were already enough to feed two people with hard bread for two weeks.

Seia patted the shoulder of a man in front of him. He asked a question. "Hi! Sorry for interrupting you but how much is the registration fee?"

"Oh-um, If I remember correctly 9 copper coins per person."

"Ah, I see thanks!'

After a short while, they finally reach the gates. Men and women dressed in armor gave out badges. There were multiple tables inside the gate-Each table possessed a crate of badges. Seia dropped 18 copper coins on the table. A guard who sat in a barrel reached out the badge and gave it to both of them.

Finally, they were able to enter Hillow City. After a week of walking they could finally find more opportunities in life. Inside the city walls, there were low-lying buildings. Near the buildings, numerous stalls were intending to sell wares. From fruits, freshwater fishes, and second-hand weapons.

The area near the city gates was crowded with people. To the point that Seia and Althea became confused. Yet they were also enamored with the city.

"Wow! This place is teeming! I want to live here brother!" Althea's eyes sparkled like a normal kid. Seia smiled at her excitement but was worried about what would happen next. "Now that we have reached Hillow City, what do we do? We still need money to live in Hillow City."

They strolled around the city. Often looking at sights that amazed them. The majority of the poor and the middle class resided near the city walls. The streets near the city walls were dirty yet the number of job opportunities near it was higher. The buildings were made with stone bricks while some were made with wood.

After walking a bit more, they finally reached the city center. The city square was large but was also crowded with peddlers and buyers. Many carriages passed through this area to head to different districts of the city. The square had four large paths leading in different directions. Carriages coming from the east had a frequent load of dragon corpses. The majority of the Dragon Hunters came from the east.

'So the eastern part of Hillow is filled with Dragon Hunters huh? But I'd have to go find a job first and a roof to stay.' They returned to the western district of Hillow City. Luckily though when they came back there was a stall that had job offers. A man with a mustache sat beside me in a chair.

'So there is one here too huh? That's good, at least I won't be spending the day traveling the streets searching for Job Opportunities.' He approached the stall and inquired about the person. "Hi! I would like a job! At least something that I can get a roof on!"

"A fellow homeless huh? Let me guess you came from Cedric City?"

"Uh-Yes! I came from Cedric City. I just wanted to escape that place"

"Folks there are harsh. Especially when you're homeless. So what job do you want? Do you want a job that is not work-intensive? Your body seems too weak for more intensive jobs. Do not worry I can lead you into one. It has low pay but it can provide you with a roof! You're fit for a restaurant or a tavern!" The person then stood up and led Seia to another area. Seia was pretty turbulent about the experience. He never once gained suspicion towards the person.

He led the both of them into a pretty crowded street just near the western gate. The man knocked on the door and a person came outside. He wore an apron made with linen. When they came inside there were chairs placed in order. It was a tavern with a fair amount of customers. The man introduced Seia and Althea to both of them. "Introduce yourselves,"

"Oh-My name is Seia Annenroe and this little girl here is my sister. Althea Eis." The owner smiled and introduced himself.

"My name is Sanon. I own this tavern. I am currently understaffed and pretty much my whole family maintains this tavern."

"We are alright as long as we have a place to reside!" Seia replied.

"I see, Are you from Cedric City? If so I can offer a bed although it isn't in the best condition."

"Any bed is better than sleeping in the streets." Seia never desired to return to the homeless life. He never wanted to experience days without food in his stomach. Any opportunity to get out of his predicament was welcomed by him. No matter the condition or the hardship.

"I see then, I am willing to accept anyone. As long as it eases my workload." He symbolled them to get inside. He took a couple of coins and gave them to the man with a mustache. They waved their goodbyes before the man left the tavern.

They headed to the kitchen and introduced both of them into the family. "Welcome to the kitchen! Would you be glad to work here?"

"Yes! Yes, I would gladly work here! But can I ask a question? Would my little sister be allowed to live here?"

"Of course! It seems that you're not blood-related but I can see the chemistry between the both of you!"

"Really! You hear that Althea! We'll get to live properly now!"

"But of course, Both of you are dirty and In a place where I serve food, I want it clean. But don't worry, you can wash in the back of the building!"

"Oh really! Thank you! Thank you!" They were led to the bath. On the way, they met the owner's family. He had a wife and two kids. One was old enough to work other jobs while one was younger and the same age as Althea. They showed a kind expression towards them. Making them more welcomed to their new environment.

They headed to the bathroom of the household. The water was lukewarm. They removed their clothes and poured themselves with water. The dirt was swept away. Seia came first into the bathroom.

The Dragon's Tome who was still dormant was not affected. It did not become wet nor did it show any signs of change. Not bothered by it, He continued cleaning himself. He looked at a reflection of himself.

"It's been a while since my face has ever been this clean. It kind of warms my heart."