[The current functions:
pocket dimension apartment
Dimensional/ World travel
-Ability Gift(Auto)
-Identity creation(Auto)
Harem management
Update(V:1.0, No updates available)
Locked functions(Not available yet)
Omni points:0]
[Status: An RPG video game-like representation of your power and abilities. It can be readjusted for better understanding when needed.
Inventory: A spatial storage arranged with infinite space called slots that can hold up to 999 per stack of items.
pocket dimension apartment: It's as its name says, an apartment in a pocket dimension. It can be upgraded and or modified with the use of Omni points.
Dimensional/ World travel: You can move to different worlds and experience them, but the function can only be used once each world is properly 'conquered', 'completed', or in long time skips belonging to the original 'story'.
-Ability Gift(Auto): Subfunction of the Dimensional/ World travel. Once Master enters a new world, abilities pertaining to that world will be given randomly.
-Identity creation(Auto): Subfunction of the Dimensional/ World travel. Once Master enters a new world, an identity of that world will be given randomly.
Relationships: it's a tracker of the relationships you establish with individuals and or factions.
Harem management: self-explanatory.
Update(V:1.0, No updates available): Eventually the system will be upgradeable.
Locked functions(Not available yet): The functions Master will have to unlock along the way.
Omni points: Points that can be earned by Master once you achieve something, complete a quest(currently unavailable), Defeat/Kill an individual(Bonus points for killing), and some other way provided by the system.]
[Name: self-explanatory
Age: self-explanatory
Gender: self-explanatory
Species: It contains the basic information of your species while also taking into account which world you've originated from.
Physique: Similarly to the parameter before, it contains information about your physical Constitution taking into account your World of origin.
Bloodline: self-explanatory
Class: Your main class slots, which are limited by various factors the main ones being your soul rank and your level. You currently have 3/3 slots available.
Sub-class: Similar to your class, your sub-class also has limited slots, but much more slots than it. You currently have 4/9 slots available.
Titles: Not only do titles have their own effects and bluff but they also serve as proof of your achievements. There are infinitely many possible titles, not all of them beneficial.
Status: self-explanatory
Affinity/elements: A record of the elements with which you have an affinity, this means being able to cast spells of that element with the proper training.
Rank: It is a signifier of your overall abilities according to a letter based ranking.
Soul rank: self-explanatory.
Threat level: A signifier of how dangerous you are in overall, considering things such as connections and such.
Tier: A signifier of how well versed you are in using your abilities and prowess for anything non-combat-related.
Battle tier: A signifier of how well versed you are in using your abilities and prowess for anything combat-related.
Level: A numerical representation of your progress and power defined by the system's calculations.
Exp: The numerical value of how much progress has been made until the next level.
Lifeforce(HP): It is the numerical representation of how much more damage can be taken by you before you die. If it reaches 0 you die, also it can be instantly zeroed if any essential organs are destroyed.
Energy(MP): It is the numerical representation of how much energy you still have available. There are various forms of energy, such as mana, Ki, Chakra, etc. As you enter different worlds, you will gain access to them. If it reaches 0, it will cause exhaustion, but if it goes beyond -100, it will kill you. Also, going into negative values will always have mostly irreversible consequences on your body.
Stamina(sta): It is the numerical representation of how long you can stay active and or battle. If it reaches 0, you will blackout and take time to recover and regain consciousness. If it reaches -100 through the use of some ability you will be crippled to varying degrees depending on what you did and might even die. Also, the lower the stamina the less of your full strength you'll be able to use.
Strength: The strength stat is a numerical representation of the physical strength and it might also affect speed depending on how it's used.
Dexterity: Dexterity is the numerical representation of hand swiftness and proficiency, having a major effect on production tasks such as cooking, blacksmithing, tailoring, etc. It also improves your ability to use weaponry.
Vitality: Vitality influences stamina, Hp, as well as the speed of recovery of your body, the higher it is, the longer you can stay active and the faster you can recover.
Intelligence: Intelligence affects the amount of energy that can be stored by you, as well as your control over your abilities and how powerful those abilities can be.
Political power: A numerical representation of your political power.(This stat may vary vastly from world to world.)
Endurance: It affects your natural defense and how resilient your body is, allowing you to take less damage from attacks and also affects how fast your stamina drops, if you have more endurance your stamina will drop slower.
Wisdom: Wisdom affects your resistance to abilities and the speed of recovery of your energy as well as how fast and how many of your abilities you can use at once.
Demonic power: The more you kill the more demonic power can be accumulated and a demonic form can be unlocked and made even stronger by accumulating more demonic energy. Demonic energy is not easily gathered.
Divine power: The gate to godhood. The method of acquisition may vary, but once enough of it is gathered you acquire a divine form and eventually Godhood. There are three main ways to acquire divine power, one is to harness faith from mortals and the other is to steal it from those who already have it, as for the last way it requires you to make your soul rank Divinity, then you will be able to obtain divine power naturally.
Spiritual power: It is possible to harness through meditation, and by negotiating with the spirits themselves or by stealing it from the spirits. Once enough is accumulated a spiritual form will be available.
Insight: Insight is the representation of one's observation skills as well as the ability to predict risks.
Leadership: It represents how connected to teams you lead you are, increasing team effectiveness when you are leading.
Tenacity: how resistant you are to exterior substances and effects, such as poison or an ability that can make you sleep.
Agility: it represents your overall speed of movement, flexibility, and reaction time or reflexes.
Will: It represents how powerful in both attack and defense your mind is, your will to keep fighting, how much your emotions affect your stats and there are rumors of it being able to distort reality to a certain extent if your will is high enough(The power of never giving up, no matter what!).
Indomitable: It represents the ability to nullify a small portion of the enemy's attack, reducing the damage taken.
Fighting spirit: It represents the duration and power of your 'Aura'.
Evasion: It represents your ability to dodge and has a small effect on your speed movement.
Dignity: It represents your honor and garners respect from others.
Concentration: It represents your accuracy and ability to hit the vital points of the enemies with precision and it also increases your proficiency using your dexterity.
Charisma: It represents how attractive you are to others and also brings people's attention to you.
Luck: It affects probability in your favor in certain circumstances, as well as gives you overall good fortune.
Pseudo Plot-armor(Rank: AUTHOR)-lv:MAX: This is a reality-bending type ability/Skill that increases your luck attribute to an unreasonable degree, also protecting your life from almost all dangers and making things more convenient for you.
Pseudo Mary Sue(Gary Stu) Aura(Rank: AUTHOR)-lv:MAX: This is a reality-bending type ability/Skill that increases your charm attitude to an unreasonable degree, also making it so that the Omniverse revolves around you in a way.
Pseudo 'Story' Reading(Rank: AUTHOR)-lv:MAX: This is a reality-bending type ability/Skill that allows you to see outside the confinements the 'Story' and read about 'story developments' and or 'character' thoughts. The consequences of doing so, are unknown.
Massaging(Rank:EX)-lv:MAX: Having reached the apex of what a mortal could possibly ever accomplish in massaging, there is no more progress to be made, at least as a mortal. It increases dexterity to the mortal limit.
AUTHOR's blessing: A blessing given by an unknown entity, referred to as the AUTHOR. It gives you two abilities, namely: Pseudo Plot-armor(Rank: AUTHOR)-lv:MAX and Pseudo Mary Sue(Gary Stu) Aura(Rank: AUTHOR)-lv:MAX.
Inventory: Already explained.]