Chapter 46: The solution.

Just when I was about to carry the plate into the kitchen, he stopped me and picked it up himself. He had it flung to a cushion and wrapped his hand around my waist. Stefan buried his face into my tummy while I snaked my hand around his neck.

He carried me off and gently placed me on the bed. "Next month's christmas." He mumbled into my ear. I moaned out of pleasure, shut my eyes and allowed my nostrils to take his scent in. "And it's your birth month." He mumbled into my ear and I opened my eyes.

"What?. How did you know?." I asked, surprised. He smiled, "Your diary said so." My eyes went wide and I pushed him off me and sprang out of the bed.

"You went through my diary?. How much do you know?."

"Oh baby. I didn't read through it. I only found out that your birthday is on the 2nd december. Come on, relax." He defended, I rolled my eyes and sat back with him.

"Please, tell me about Naomi." I whined, grabbing the pillow and putting it on the bed board. I relaxed on it and crossed my leg.

His countenance fell and all I could pick up was a sad look pasted on. I really knew there was definitely a problem between them.

"She killed my best friend." He said and all the curiosity I had inside of me was replaced with sadness. He undeniably tries to hide it from me but never succeeds. As his mate, I could feel his sadness, fear, happiness and all. Our mating bond was becoming stronger even when we had no mates.

My stomach churned at this and I was forced to drag him to myself.

"Damon was a very special friend to me. We grew up together and did things together but she killed him. He was Wendy's mate."

Wendy...Wendy's Stefan girlfriend. My hands slacked off his body and my expression changed. "What?." That gasp escaped from my lips before I could stop. He spun his head to look at me.

"Wendy's mate is dead, and Naomi killed him." He picked up my hands. "I know what you must be thinking of. I know I'm bad because I dated my best friend's mate. But this was his wish. He wanted me to take care of Wendy till I die." He explained, and I removed my hand from his.

"And then, you had sex with her." I said. He slowly nodded, and my both hands clamped to my face frustratedly.

"Oh my God! How could you?. Why did you?....oh god."

"Stefan, you're horrible."

"I know. It was twice and I wasn't gonna do it again. I'll never make such a mistake again. Never."

The next morning, I dressed up in a pair of exercise leggings and a body hug top over my head. I took my bottle of water and exited the room. After a very heartwarming talk with Stefan yesterday, I didn't want to see him looking at me in the morning.

Just when I hopped down the step with a headphone over my head, I saw Ava hopping out and I called her. She turned and smiled when she saw me. She waited till I got closer to her. "Didn't know you liked early morning fitness exercises." She said,

"Yeah. I decided to go out this morning, I didn't like the fact that I was eating out of shape." I joked and she laughed. "You're not even out of shape to start with. You lack some strength but your curves are just very nice dear."

"Okay. Cmon. Stop teasing me and let's continue." I told her and we jogged along, out of the mansion.

"So tell me about yourself. Anything bothering you?." She asked.

"I have lots of things bothering me, dear." I replied. "Care to share?." She asked, and I shook negatively. "Nah. I do not think so." She sighed and stopped. I turned.

"My mother used to say this. A problem shared is a problem solved. But if you do not like to share, it's fine." She said,

We were sitting on top of a big rock in the open field. There were a few people jogging around the field and Ava and I had just finished 3 rounds. I am fucking tired and famished, but the things bothering me wouldn't let me rest.

Ava looked at me for a while and touched my arm. "I've never told anyone this but I don't know if I can trust you with it." I stated flatly.

"Elena. You're a very special person with so many special abilities. There would be a time when you wouldn't have time for your mate and yourself. This is the time that you need to sort out whatever that it is, that has been eating you up." She explained. Though I find it hard to believe that I had a purpose on earth, what she just said made a lot of sense.

I had gone through life, not believing that I am the only one to stop the war but for the fact that there would be a time where I would fight to stop a particular war that would end humanity, the times I wouldn't have to think of any other things but the war, not even my mate.

"I am human. But I have supernatural abilities, a power that could kill any race on earth but do not know who I am. Yeah, I'm being told my purpose on earth but I do not know why I have these powers. Why was I sent to the world to save humanity?, Why is it just me?." I confessed.

She sighed out and tapped me, "I know someone who has such powers. A very rare witch and the first conversion of the royal witches."

Royal witches.

Remembered the white witches were from the conversions of the royal witches and they had abilities. They are stronger than any of the witch's coven. But the first conversions, the first human to be converted to a witch was very powerful.

They were very rare to find, the person who wrote the book, "Witch's heritage." said that they had some hidden ability that others do not have. You can achieve this ability if you are converted by a royal witch.

And the royal witch was only one person, the only daughter of Helena Minerva who had not been found for years.