Chapter 54: Caught Julia.

"Hope I didn't take much of your time?." He asked, dropping the dish on the bed. I looked at him, "Not at all. Hummm. So nice." I said, enjoying the aroma.

I stopped eating and stared at him, "What?. You don't like it?." He asked.

"No..uhm it's good. This is actually my favorite." I told him. "Really?."

I nodded, "This was the last food mom made before she passed on." I said, truthfully and tried to put my emotions in check. Her last words, "Protect your sister." Ranging in my head.

I grabbed the glass of water and gulped down immediately. My phone rang and I picked it up. "Naomi. You've got to see this." Ava said.

I quickly dropped the glass cup. "What's going on?." I asked.

"Right now, I'm in a car following behind that cursed girl. She just left the mansion now."

"Continue trailing after her, I'm coming. Don't let her get out of sight, I repeat, don't let her get out of your sight."

I ended the call and stood up. "I see everything's not fine. Can I join you?." Max asked me.

I ignored him and walked out of the room. He was following behind, while I rushed out to my car and opened it.

I was driving hastily out of his compound when I received a message telling me where to find her.

"Is it about the chosen one or?." Max started.."Max, I'm trying to think. Can you shut your mouth up?." I yelled at him.

I saw Ava's car and stopped beside it. She must have parked it there, so as not to arouse suspicion from that fool. I was imagining what I would do to her if I found her guilty. I'll squeeze her so badly that there isn't any more life in her.

"What's going on?." I asked, she turned and put her index finger on her mouth to shut me up. Then she looked surprised at seeing Max behind me.

"Make it audible." I ordered as they were speaking in low tones.

"Could have told me over the phone." That girl said.

"Who's the girl talking to?." I asked. "It's Wendy. They're working together." She replied, I bit my lips angrily, "She's not here for a night and she's already fucking around..what a bitch." I cussed out angrily.

"We shouldn't be seen together. I've done what you asked of me, so where's my bargain?." She brought out her hand. Wendy handed her a black wrapped package. She grabbed it like her life depends on it and took it right under her nose and smelt it.

"A drug addict. Interesting." Max chuckled and I and Ava glared at him. I can't believe he finds this funny.

Wendy quickly dragged her by the arm closer to herself. "If you say a word about this to anyone, I swear I would kill you." She threatened.

"Just stop this nonsense. Giving my brother to you over this doesn't make me weak. Forgotten, huh. Forgotten, I am stronger than you can ever be. Now get your filthy dirty hand off me."

My god. This girl was beginning to irritate me. How dare she hurt Elena like that?. And where was Stefan taken to anyway?.

We walked back to the car after that girl left. I was leaning by my door thinking of the best way to punish that idiot. I knew she must have been hiding things from us. Does the princess know about this too?.

"Poor Elena. She's going through a lot. From one problem to another. I can't believe her sister could betray her this way." Max said, breaking the silence between us.

"I heard she's not actually a sister to Elena. Though I am not certain yet, if Elena's a blood to the royal princess, why isn't she a witch?." I look at Ava, shaking my head at what she just said. This is a true fact. Was Elena adopted?.

We dropped Max over at his house and I drove off. As we parked our cars off, we got down together and started walking toward the castle.

"Why did he come with you anyway?. Is there something you ain't telling me?." Ava questioned and I stopped. "Who?."

"Max of course. Or is there one you keep behind Max?" I raised my hand to slap out her curious dirty mind and she scampered away.

"If you talk to me like that again, I'll wipe you with a cane. That we seem to work together doesn't mean you should disrespect me." I snarled.

"And..don't say a word about this to anyone, not even to Elena. Until we find evidence against her."

I rarely stay home, I was either getting closer to fishing out my enemies or going on a job for Maggret. But these days, since Elena and Stefan came, I usually stay home to watch them. And now, I think I have more pressing issues to sort out. It was my job to see to everyone who lived in the clan affairs. I was the chief warrior and I've gained so much respect. I never told you guys that I learned how to fight from Max. So my history with Max didn't start today, he was a childhood friend.

Everyone except Elena came down for breakfast. This was repeating itself for three days. She hadn't tasted water and I was worried. She was starving herself while her mate was probably fucking Wendy at hill town.

Yes I said so. I'd sent spies to hill town and I found Stefan was fine. I heard the evil witches tampered with his memory and he couldn't remember anything about his mate. I heard he was back to being the asshole he was before meeting his mate. In all, he was still dating Wendy.

Then I looked at the bitch opposite me. Oh, how I wish I could strangle her right there. Does her mom know she's this evil?.

"Mom, does she always have this look on her face?." She asked, pointing at me and I snarled.

"Mind your business, Julianna." Her mom replied to her. She frowned, "Mom. I do not like her." She stood up and tried to leave, immediately a strong wind swept her off the floor and sent her flying at the door.

Everyone at the table gasped. I was surprised at this. She stood up and left without a word. "Oh my god!." Ava let out a long breath and dropped her spoon.

Another drama.