Chapter 55: Ava Olson.

Ava Olson.

I walk into the Houston's coffee shop and sat down. I heaved a long sigh after running from home. Elena's not listening to anyone, Naomi is making matter worst, forcing her to eat, my mom is busy with some works, that bitch, Julia Wilson is acting all nice after what she did, my brother has been fucking all the maids in the castle and the princess, a weird woman.

All these happened within a few days of their arrival and I'm all tired. I sat and watched a couple kiss and laugh together, I wonder where I would get this lucky to have a mate.

"Hey, babe." I looked up to find Diane smiling down at me. Her gluttony mate stood beside her, eating cookies. I kept wondering how in god's name has she been patient with someone like him. I frowned and relaxed on the chair I was sitting on.

"Tell me Elena's not eating yet." She said and sat in one of the chairs.

"Well, yes. She isn't eating anything yet. I'm so worried about her. This is exactly the fourth day." We heard Karl gasping and we looked at him. "I do not imagine myself doing that." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Can you just shut up?." Diane shouted at him and focused back at me. "What do we do to help her?."

"I'm worried about that too. I'm tired of begging her to eat." I stated.

"Why don't we find her mate?." She asked.

"Mom said no one knew where he was. The people she sent had returned yesterday with no words of where he was. I thought he would be found somewhere after the lightning struck him that night. Well, I've told Naomi to send her men and she's still on it."

"I've an idea." Karl said and we looked at him. "Yeah. Why don't you engage her in social activities like out on a bar?. Like her having fun. You don't know, she might forget about the hunter boy for the meantime."

I look at him thoughtfully. "That sounds like a great one." I mumbled. "Aw, that's so thoughtful of you." Diane said to him. He leaned forward and they kissed.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's get to it." I said and called the waiter to our table.

"I want you there tonight. I want you to convince her about it." I said to Diane and she started coughing. Her mate quickly handed her a cup of water on the table. "Easy babe."

"Okay, what's it?." I asked. "The...royal princess, I can't stand her. She scares the shit outta me." I can testify to that too. My heart raced by mere hearing of her name.

"You could feel that too right?. I can't." She added.

"Diane. I know. Do you know what happened today at breakfast?. She sent her daughter flying to the door. She has no heart." I said and they both gasped. Customers were looking at us, obviously hearing what I said.

"I saw her at the market today, I nearly peed on my pants today." A man from another table said. We looked at him, anticipating his story.

"She asked if I had silk woven clothes, I answered that I had only the one made for queens and princesses, she said that she didn't like it, but just a simple gown. I walked into the shop and came out with a very beautiful colored designer gown and the look she gave me was sure to burn down my shop." Everybody bursted into laughter. "But you could have brought the one she requested." A woman told him.

"No one knows what she likes. I don't particularly."

"What about her daughter?, She slapped an elderly woman this morning." My eyes grew wide.

"What?." I almost shouted. "Yes, Ava. The woman mistakenly poured drinks on her and she slapped her on the cheek. I'm just coming from the bar now." The man said.

"I heard she was going to get punished according to the rules. This is the greatest offense." The coffee girl said.

"I don't know, I feel that girl's trouble. Since she came, we've been going from one problem to another. She's a load of troubles, she orders everyone around as if we are her maids. She's not even a princess yet." A woman said and everyone nodded.

"And she will be soon. She's a royal." I told everyone. "That's it right?. We're going to be in a mess. The clan's a mess already."

"I have to go, Diane. This is not a small issue, I have to talk to Naomi about this." I muttered to her and ran out of the coffee shop.

I parked my car and walked into the mansion. Then I started hearing voices upstairs and I walked up to see what was going on. I followed the voices to a room where Julia occupied. I stood frozen as to what was happening.

Elena pushed Julia on the bed and she fell. She wanted to fight back but couldn't, Elena was stronger. Elena was hitting her so badly that blood was oozing out of her nose.

"You dare use your power against them again, bitch." Another slap landed on her cheek, I've never seen Elena this angry. She dragged her up and pushed her to the wall.

"What's going on here?." A voice at the entrance sent chills down my spine. The power radiating from the voice covered up the room and I knew who had the voice. I couldn't look back, Elena threw Julia down and turned.

The angry look she had on her mom was sure to kill a human being. She ignored us and walked out of the room while I followed quickly.

I walked into the room to find Elena packing some clothes into a bag.

I was happy she finally got out of bed but what was she doing? "Elena." I called but she ignored me and zipped her bag.

"Don't tell me you're going." I said. "None of your business." She snapped at me.

"Elena. Outside isn't safe for you."

"Same as this place. This place isn't safe either."

"She's right. Listen to Ava, Elena." Someone said from the door, I gulped down recognizing the voice. I shifted behind so she could pass.