Chapter 61: Edward Bynes.

"You should fucking let me kill that prick for insulting our luna. How dare you let him go away with it?." My wolf scolded. "Stop scolding me, Ethan. We can't fight a vampire prince in his kingdom, full of demons. Are you insane?" I asked.

"Why do I feel you're afraid of him,huh?." He asked and I clenched my jaw. "Shut up, Ethan." I growled out and tucked him behind me. I looked at my beta and he shifted back in fear, "Call a meeting now. I want to see Lisa, now!!." I said before walking into my office.

I sat down and looked down at all the papers on the table. I swept them off the table in anger and hit my hand on it. I looked at the crack it made and breathed out. "Poor table. This is the sixth table since monday, I think you should tell your beta to make an iron one." Ethan mocked me and I ignored him.

"You know you should have let out your anger on the prince earlier, why are you doing it on the poor table?."

"Ethan. I'm not fucking afraid of anyone, I was considering my beta."

"Oh fuck. Your beta takes the blame. Well, when are you getting our mate back?." He asked me. "I did all you asked me to. Just give her some time." I told him.

"No. We have to see her today. We have to let her know she's ours. Get on it." He ordered and I groaned. "Are you commanding me, Ethan?."

"Don't forget I'm the alpha." I warned. "I made you an alpha." He said. "Shut up stupid dog. The moon goddess did. Now get the hell out of my head." I said and blocked him.

I walked into the Hall of the council and everyone stood up and bowed. I nodded and went to sit.

"I have two pieces of news for us." I started and looked at each one of them. "I have my mate."

"Wow. Congratulations Alpha." They said in unison. I smirked knowing the second news would put them off guard.

"And the second news is that I broke the alliance with the vampire prince." Immediately, everyone frowned. I scoffed, "You're not happy I've found your luna?." I trickly asked and everyone bowed.

"Forgive me, Alpha. We are happy that we've found out Luna, hence we do not know why you broke the peace alliance with the vampires." One of them said and others nodded.

"Alpha Edward. Yes, we know the witches had the upper hand now because they are with the gold witch, but remember the war between the vampires and witches years ago, even the so-called royals were killed during the war." Another said.

I scoffed, "The first reason I did what I did was that your Luna, my mate, is a white witch." Murmurings eloped amongst them. Ethan was pacing around the corner, ready to snap the head of whoever would be against our mate.

"Those fools." He growled into my head, breaking the large wall I put in between us. I rolled my eyes and stood up. Everyone became silent, watching me as I stepped to the middle. "Are you against your luna?." I asked.

Everyone bent down, not looking up at my face. "Listen. If you're going to talk, think before you do. The moon goddess gave us a human with her(goddess) powers to stop the war. The witches are trying the best they can to stop the war too, a witch raised the chosen one from a child to an adult and you dare compare those days to a meniac prince's rule. What has the vampire prince achieved so far?." I asked, looking around.

"You believe he wishes us good, huh. Whereby he wants the chosen one for himself. He's fighting the witches for his selfish desire and we are only a pun in his game. He is using us to get what he wants because he can't fight the witches alone."

"We're sorry, Alpha." They apologized. "My wolf is disappointed in you. He's angry he is leading a pack of dogs not wolves. How can you shrink from the name of vampires?."

"Beta Boyle." I called, "Alpha." He answered. "Where's your mate?." I asked.

"She had gone to send the message of our coming to the witches." He replied. "Ask her to see me when she comes back."


I came out from the bathroom and saw the clothes the maids lined up on the bed and the packed luggage beside the bed. I breathed out and went to sit on the couch, I grabbed my phone and looked at the messages sent by the Alphas abroad.

*You took the right decision, Alpha Edward. You have our back over here and if the war breaks out, we'll come down and fight for our own.* I smiled at the reassurance they gave me.

"You see. I'm the smartest Alpha ever. Didn't I tell you it would work?." Ethan asked, very proud of himself.

"You did it because of our mate, Ethan. If not, we could have lost in the war and lost alliances with other races because of this mistake. Kudos." I said to him, For once, Ethan and I were cool. Oh I wish to inform you that my wolf was the most stubborn, hot headed wolf ever.

We were at loggerheads all the time, but I love him. "Are you sure?." I heard him ask. Confusion crosses my face.

"Are you sure you love me?." He asked again and I rolled my eyes. "No. I hate you. And I'm gonna punish you later, you won't see me coming." I said and smirked.

I put on my clothes and I heard a knock at my door. "Come in." I said.

The door creaked open and Lisa walked in. She bowed, "The ride's ready. I, the gamma, and Scarlet are ready to move." She reported. I smiled at her, carried my bag and walked out while she locked the door behind.

Back in the car, a sudden joy crept into me thinking of how close I was gonna be with my mate. I could not contain the happiness and it was all over my face. "Alpha, Luna is a very beautiful girl." Lisa said.

"I know right?. How did you know?." I asked, "I felt the bond when I saw her. She had a bob with rounded red hair and dark caramel skin. She's gorgeous." She described while I felt proud, my mate was beautiful, and yes, the red hair that attracted me to her that night. Her smell intoxicated me and I enjoyed the joy it gave me, "I can't wait to see her." Ethan said.