Chapter 62: The werewolves in the coven.

It's been days since the incident with mom, I hadn't seen her since that day, she was always out on business and when she comes back, she shuts the door on our faces. It's morning and I just had a morning jog with Ava. I went into the kitchen to grab water out of the freezer and met Noami.

We looked at each other for a while before I mustered the courage to walk towards the freezer. She shifted behind and stretched out a bottle of water. I was surprised though I collected it nevertheless. She walked towards the counter.

"Why are you nice to me?" I asked her, she kept her mean look and ignored me. I watched her pour hot water from the flask to the mugs on the table. "Care to join?." She asked. I shrugged and stepped further, placing my hand on the counter.

She finished adding coffee and stirred, she handed me a cup and took hers to her mouth. She was acting strange, Naomi in this same kitchen threatened me a month ago when I was with Stefan.

"I know you must feel surprised, girl. I'm nice if you know me." I scoffed, "You've killed someone before." She laughed and tucked her hair behind. She held the mug carefully as she ran her hands over it. "Stefan told you that?." She asked, and looked at me. "It was self defense. He wanted to kill me first." She said,

"Well, it's bad to kill. I don't find myself doing that in future." I said. "Well, you'll need to kick some asses in future. Especially that bitch, wendy. She's next to die on my list." She casually stated as if it's nothing. I know I've had troubles with Wendy, but not to the point of killing her. If not, a respect to Cali Jeane is needed.

She places her hand on my arm, "Look, this is war. Wendy wouldn't think twice before ending your life once she gets the chance. Be careful." She muttered, turned, dropped the mug inside the sink and walked out of the kitchen.

I saw Ava pacing around the room agitatedly. I wondered what went wrong now, she looked up and saw me from the kitchen door. She walked to me and immediately hugged me. I was confused though I hugged her back.

"I'm nervous." She said, "Nervous about what?." I asked and she disengaged from the hug. "You've not heard?." I roll my eyes. "You know I do not care about many things these days."

"Yeah. The wolves broke up their alliance with the vampires." She revealed. "So I heard."

"Okay, and they're on their way here. Do you know?." She asked with her eyes wide. "No. Just heard from you. My god." I clasped my hand on my face. "The Alpha wolf broke the alliance because of you and he is in fact coming to see you." I put the words together and she nodded.

"Wow. I'm so happy for you. Such great news. You're finally going to see your mate. Such a relief that I have to sleep well tonight."

She pinched me and I screamed. "What?. What are you doing?" I whined rubbing my arm. "You're not gonna miss me." She said, I breathed out, "Of course. I will." A cleared throat made me look up, Julianna was walking down the stairs in style. I rolled my eyes at her and turned to Ava. "Let's get you primed."

I know I'm not stylish but I think I did perfectly. Ava looked at her reflection in the mirror and a satisfying smile went across her lips. "I don't know how I feel. I think I'm gonna explode," She said nervously. "Don't worry, I'm with you. Always." I assured her and led her out of the room.

Downstairs, I met Madame Maggret looking not too happy to see us. She had a worried look on her daughter and wouldn't say a word. "I think you're not happy to.."

"Oh baby.." She cut her off and hugged her, tears were starting to roll down Ava's eyes. "I'm happy you finally found him. I'm very happy for you, and today's meeting will decide if you go with him or not. It's good he broke the alliance because I am not ready to give out my daughter to any vampire's supporters." She said, I smiled.


~Edward Bynes.

I looked around the hall and found all the witches staring at me, some not looking happy to see me either. Maybe because of the problem I had with them before. My eyes searched for the only person who led me to the coven and when that familiar smell hit my nose, I inhaled and Ethan jumped up in excitement. I've not seen Ethan this excited and I'm glad someone like my our mate made him happy.

I was surprised he didn't make any comment at my thought as I saw her coming into the hall. I stood, admired the way she carried herself as the Luna she was and two girls were by her side, one of which I recognized as the chosen one.

"Now I get why that prince wouldn't let the chosen one go." Scarlet said to her mate. I nodded to this, the chosen one was a very beautiful lady, she had bleached-blonde hair and sea blue eyes. Her skin glistened like the sun and she was very beautiful.

"She's beautiful, no doubt. Let's focus back on our mate." Ethan said, making me look into the eyes of Luna. She smiled at the gold witch and looked at me too. Her soul also felt the bond.

A cleared throat made us turn our attention to the royal princess who sat in front of us. She smirked, "Welcome, Alpha Edward. What brings you to the coven?." She asked.

"Thank you, Princess Ann. I'm here to pledge a peace treaty." I replied, looking at my mate and then back on her.

"Weeks ago, you fought us over the chosen one and here you're standing asking for peace, huh." I ignored her statement, "You broke your alliance with the vampires, can I know why?." She asked.

Ann is a woman of wisdom, the way she chooses her questions carefully could make you very careful while answering her, if you make any mistakes in your answers, she bites you off. She doesn't care about anybody, and we must be careful around her. I mindlinked them.