Chapter 92: Shocked to the bone.

"Where are the others?."

Stefan looked up and of course, my heart quickened slightly when I saw what he was wearing. Just a plain apple green button- down, dark blue jeans and his black converse, nothing unusual or elegant, but hell he looks damn good. His dirty blonde hair was untidy, his grey-blue eyes bored into mine.

"They're training out. I've been waiting for you to wake up." He replied tossing a pancake on the plate.

"Smells nice." I mumbled and started walking towards him.

"Yeah but it isn't for you." He said,

I cocked my brows,"What do you mean?."

"I'm not cooking for you. This is for me."

"Are you kidding me?. Give me that!." I shouted and he teleported to the other side of the kitchen. My eyes searched on the table and didn't find the plate of the pancake.

"Using your powers, huh."

The next minute, we were dragging the plate of pancakes with our powers. "Give up Stefan."

"You don't know how to cook.." He was mocking me,I rolled my eyes at him and released the plate on his face. I gasped when I saw the plate rolling down his face and crashing down on the floor. I bursted out laughing. I stuck out my tongue and winked at him.

"You're so unbelievable.." He said and started running upstairs. He didn't come down and I ended up walking into the kitchen to try making one for myself.

This is the fifth burnt pancake I've made. I threw the frying pan on the counter and walked out hungrily.


"Elena.." I heard my name called behind me and turned. "Where are you going?." Cali asked.

"Going to get some food." I replied, she looked surprised. "I thought Stefan was making breakfast." I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, he was making breakfast for himself." I responded.

"That asshole.." She cussed.


I pushed the door to the coffee shop open and we walked in.

"And the women and children are already packed in. It's just us and the warriors."

"Good. Have you told the warriors to vacate home?. Anything can happen." I mumbled. She shakes her head, "Everything is set now. We are ready to fight." I nodded..

"We ain't supposed to kill anyone except the vampires and hunters. At Least I've saved the kitunes, and there are more to save. Tonight we end the war amicably."


"Today marks the last day of the war, it is either life or death, or we might never see each other again. Guys I want you all to come back alive, remember we're doing this for our clan, our families and for us."

"Till the last day.." I raised my wine glass. The others did the same, "Till the last day." They chorused.

A messenger ran into the hall. He bowed, "Aife, he sent his messages."

(Aife means great warrior of the myth.)

"Go on.." I said. "He wants to see you, alone."

"No way. I disagree." Stefan blurted out. I cast my look at him, *Calm down* I mindlinked.

*There's no way in hell that I'm letting you go alone.* I sighed and looked at them.

"We'll meet him. All of us." I said..


Standing with Stefan and the other crew in the middle of night. Jake alighted from his car. He was alone, I looked at Stefan. *He is alone.*

"I asked you to come alone." Jake said

"Well, I didn't agree to it. Did I?." I asked him. He nodded, and then leaned on his car.

"What do you want?." I asked.

"You." He simply replied and Stefan snarled.

"Leave him alone. He's only messing with you." I pushed him back.

"Ever wondered why I came alone?." He asked, I cocked my brows in confusion. "It's happening.." He said and started laughing. "What's happening?."

A burning smell hit my nostrils and I looked at Stefan wide eyed. "They are in the clan." I shouted and looked at the others.

"Go save them. Go." I pushed Stefan, he hesitated but obeyed.

It was me and Aaron against Jake.

"Jake, stop what you're doing.." I screamed angrily. He hissed and in a blink of an eye swung Aaron and before I knew what was happening, he threw him onto a tree and I heard his back crack. Jake was sneering with his bared fangs and long fingernails.

"Jake, stop.." I attacked him and he flipped me up like i was nothing and threw me against the car and i fell. He was stronger, powerful. I started feeling dizzy, I didn't know what was happening. Even Aaron was unconscious, and I do not think he was breathing over there.

"It was taking longer than I expected." He said. Then started walking back to me, who was trying to stand on my feet.

He grabbed my chin up so that I was looking at his terrifying eyes.

"The drink you all took, was mixed with the middlemist red's camellia."

No. It's not true. Oh my god. The most dangerous flower in the universe. The one meant to make us vulnerable and human. The only thing my mind clicked was Stefan before losing consciousness.


I opened my eyes slowly, I squinted when I noticed the sudden brightness inside the room, I blinked. Then blinked once more and again before my eyes got used to the brightness. I suddenly noticed I was inside a room, a vacant room.

Inside the room was a bed, a table beside it. I was sitting on a chair- well tied up is the most appropriate word. Yes, I was tied up on a chair, both of my hands were behind my back and were tied together with a chain. My feet were stuck like glue on the legs of the chair. My heart accelerated those moments before I fainted.

Jake poisoning us with the camellia of mortality.

Aaron lying lifeless on the root of a tree.

The thought that Stefan and the others died in the battle.

I tried to reach him internally, his smell was faint and I could listen to his heart beating slowly. I breathed out knowing that he was alive but in trouble. Another smell hit my nostrils, the smell of blood.

My eyes searched for any wound on me but couldn't see any. Was it on my neck or?...I screamed at what I saw. My stomach churned up and I puked out. Goose bumps filled my face and a chilling sensation filled my body from head to toe.

A head...not only a head but Jake's head was hanging at the door handle, with its mouth open.