Cave of The Ancient Goblin

Ren arrived in the goblin cave. It was on the side of a mountain, a hole in the wall that was about 3 meters wide and high. A pretty cramp space. " Fire " Ren thought in his head. A small bright flame embered onto his finger which he was holding in the air.

Ren walked for 2 minutes before hearing weird noises that didn't sound human around the corner. He immediately ran around the corner to find 2 goblins eating something.

The goblins wore a nothing but an old rag on their private parts. They were skinny little creatures that were about 3 feet tall and weighed around 40 pounds. There weapon of choice was a wooden club.

One of the goblins quickly grabbed his club and ran towards Ren, the other ran deeper inside. Ren used Fire Ball to burn the goblin to a crisp.

Before, Ren had asked Merlin why adventurers risked their lives and how the business of adventuring got so big within the kingdom.

Merlin had replied that Adventurers simply followed the listings inside of the adventurers guild, they would get compensated for their troubles by the people they helped and the most important reason people become adventurers was because of what ran the adventurer and knight economy.

Mana cores. After killing a monster, in rare occasions they drop their mana core. Mana cores are extremely valuable. It can be sold to the market for a hefty price or used to enhance one's own mana core.

Monster mana cores are used to strengthen armor that is used in the knights guild and adventurers guild. They are extremely valuable treasures based on their grade and the monster they dropped from.

Ren went over the the goblin that had died to check it for a mana core. It unfortunately didn't have one but Ren was not expecting one anyways. Such a rare element being inside the body of a random weak goblin was out of the picture.

Ren continued running at a good pace towards the goblin that had ran further in the cave. After running for a couple of minutes Ren came across a slightly larger part of the cave. Around a foot wider in height and length, it was barely noticeable.

Ren first noticed the route directly in front of him, but then he noticed another route to the east of him. It was in the darkness a little bit further away. Ren thought nothing of it and headed towards the north route.

Before he entered the north route he heard some noise behind him, it was a goblin that was rushing towards him with a club. Ren immediately used Lightning Blast to eliminate the goblin.

Ren thought that the east route was supposed to be hidden from weaker adventurers so that the goblins could get an easy sneak up kill on them, luckily Ren had upgraded senses and saw that east route, or else he would have been a goner.

Ren then decided to go into the east route. The goblins tactics surprised Ren, he did not think they would use such smart strategies', but he knew that no matter how smart they were, they were not going to expect a flank from the route that they thought only they knew about.

After going down the steep east route, the route opened up to a bigger cave room. It was 15 feet wide and tall with about 16 goblins inside, one looking different than the others. Ren noticed discarded human bodies near a fire pit in the corner of the room.

Ren was angry but the goblins had not seen him yet so he decided to take this time to conjure a 2 Plague Arrow spells with the help of Crona.

Ren jumped out in front of all of the goblins who turned their heard in synchronization and used the Plague Arrows. They went through the crowd of goblins and obliterated everything in their path before disappearing in the wind. The spells killed 10 goblins, there were 6 left.

[ Dangerous heavy blood lust detected, I encourage host to be cautious ]

Ren then got a better look at the weird looking goblin. It had a small gray beard and was holding a crooked staff that looked to be made of the same material as the clubs. It also wore a purplish robe that covered most of its body.

"You did not do well to come here human." The robed goblin spoke. Ren was surprised by hearing the goblin speak. "Your not a normal goblin are you."

The robed goblin grunted out of anger. " You are correct, I am no mere goblin. I have lived for over 205 years, considering the average lifespan of a goblin is 20 years, I am an ancient goblin!"

The ancient goblin then chanted something and released what looked like an ocean wave in the air, it engulfed the room in a thick aura while empowering the other 5 goblins, they grew to 4 feet and their muscles became more defined.

The goblins ran at Ren who backed up due to the aura the ancient goblin had released. As he stepped back the ancient goblin chanted again and one of the goblins instantly teleported in front of Ren in the air. The goblin was already swinging its club straight towards Rens head.

While in the middle of casting a spell Ren thought 'I can't cast this spell fast enough to avoid this attack!'

Ren then ducked down, he realised that he cannot always rely on only magic, and that he needed to utilize his body at most as he can in battle as well. Ren pulled back his arm and let out a destructive punch into the goblin.

The force of the punch traveled through 2 goblins, destroying their insides and leaving a hole in both of them, killing them instantaneously. Ren was blown away by the strength of his physical abilities. He had not expected his punches to deal so much damage to his enemies.

Ren then realised that throughout all of Merlins trainings, He had been training his physical ability with Copycat, and that his physical strength was now also very strong. Having confidence in his strength, Ren ran through the goblins, pummeling them into the ground with destructive blows.

The only goblin left was the ancient goblin, who was stunned at Rens combat abilities. The ancient goblin broke out of his awe and started to chant while Ren ran at him. He then released multiple stone bullet attacks that Ren dodged easily.

Ren got over to the goblin and punched with full force, obliterating the goblin in an instant. As the goblin fell over, he released a shiny stone that fell on the floor.

It was the size of a almond but it shone bright. Ren picked it up and was ecstatic at what he had just heard in his head. [ Mana core found ]. Ren had no idea how to use the core, so he stored it in his pocket before moving on.

This room seemed to be the end of the cave. Ren walked over to the fire pit where the bodies were. Chunks were taken out of the 2 human bodies. It almost made Ren barf. The smell was almost as putrid as the smell of his own impurities. He then saw a little 3 foot door beside the bodies in the cave wall.

He opened the door and inside were about 6 baby goblins. [ Baby goblins seem cute but once grown they can become those human eating creatures in the future, I recommend killing them now so that-] Crona stopped talking.

Ren was already beating the shit out of the baby goblins with the clubs of their parents. He had no remorse for such things, and he also didn't care anymore. He didn't care if he was in the wrong for killing them, after what he witnessed that day, he didn't care.

After checking all the other goblins for their mana cores, Ren headed back out of the cave and towards Merlins residence. Once he arrived, Merlin saw the expression on the face of Ren, who had just passed out after arriving.

Ren had used too much mana and energy on the trip, and he used the extent of it while getting back.

After a couple of weeks, Ren awoke. It was the day of his time spent training with Merlin. Merlin was relieved that Ren woke up in time, because there was something he had to share with Ren before their time ended.

After Ren awoke he was called to the Mana Chamber. Merlin was present there when he arrived. After walking in Merlin started to talk. "You starting tomorrow are done training with me, but this is not the last time you see me."

"I am sending you to a the most prestigious magic academy in all the Kingdom of Suvarna!" Ren was blown away by hearing this, but most of all he was concerned for his family. Ren had many questions which were all answered by Merlin before he could even ask them.

"You will move into the inner city with my help, you and your entire family will be given a home inside and will be given prime citizen badges that permit you to stay in the inner city. You will be attending the academy for 1 years at a time, only coming home after 1 year for each of the 3 you will be attending for."

"There is no need for you to worry, I have already taken care of everything." Ren was ecstatic upon hearing this, he could finally achieve one of his dreams of moving his family into a better environment, he could also use the tools in the academy to become stronger much faster.

There was one thing still bothering Ren. "Why are you doing this for me?" Merlin chuckled on hearing this. "Why? Because you are the last hope of this disintegrating world!" Ren had no idea what Merlin ment at that moment in time, but it would become prominent in the future of Ren Envigoron!