Godthunder Academy

Merlin and Ren went back to Rens home in the slums. After hearing everything from Merlin, Rens family was teeming with glee. Even little Korya was happy to hear that they were moving out of the slums.

On coming home Ren's family embraced Ren just like they had before. Ren was touched but this time he did not cry. After what he saw, he vowed to never cry or break down in emotion again.

Merlin then had Rens family pack up all their stuff, and as he had done before, chanted a spell, allowing them to float alongside Merlin. "Vyn Severin Zorion."

As they got closer to the inner city, Korya was able to see the outer city, her eyes were glowing at the site of such a prestigious place. After a little bit they arrived to the ginormous gate that separated the outer and inner city. This gate was called the Grand Wall.

On arriving, they had to check their prime citizen badges before going inside, which Merlin had prepared for them. On the sight of Merlin, the Grand mage of the empire, many people that were around them bowed, including the worker who checked prime citizen badges. He was confuzzled on how and why the grand mage was bringing peasants into the inner city, but he did not have the balls to ask him directly.

After getting inside Ren and Korya couldn't stop looking around. As they walked they saw many mansions and manors all throughout. In the middle of it all was the king's palace. It was magnificent. The embodiment of luxury itself.

Merlin then brought them to their residence. On arriving, Carla broke into tears and even Daniel started to tear up. It was their previous residence they stayed at before getting kicked out of the inner city. They had not seen the place for 12 entire years...

Where they were going to stay was a mansion with 4 rooms, it 12000 feet in size, with a normal mansion being 8000 feet, this was an especially big mansion. Inside they were greeted by their maids who worked under the head butler.

Rens parents knew the head butler personally and the head butler himself was relieved to see Rens parents again. Ren walked in to see a black man with who stood 6'1 feet in height and wore a clean butlers suit in which his muscles could be still seen through. He looked to be about 50 and his aura that was leaking out was intimidating even though he was clearly trying to suppress it. This man was easily in the Great Monk rank.

There were 6 Servants in total. The head butler Cromwell, The Head Chef Laura, and the 4 other maids. "Your muscles are very defined young sir, I see you participate in the art of "Working out" " Cromwells eyes glew at the thought.

After greeting everyone, Ren and Korya went around and checked out their new home. After everyone got accustomed to the mansion, Merlin gave some other information and left. The Servants also started doing their jobs while Cromwell stayed with Rens parents.

There was something Ren's parents had to share with Ren, they knew it was the correct time. This was something they wanted to hide from Ren forever, but knowing that he would be going into an academy where he would likely see the king at least once, they had to reveal the truth to Ren.

After sitting down with them in the living quarters, Rens parents told him about their past...

Ren didn't know what to think, first off he was adopted. 'I can't believe they were not going to tell me that.' After this, Rens parents told him about his true family. "Your father is the Emperor of the kingdom.." Ren was flabbergasted, but most of all angry.

After hearing about what had happened to his parents, his hatred for the kingdom grew. He had already disliked the way the poor and rich were separated, but this was too far. His thirst for revenge grew as his goal became wider.

His parents were surprised at how he handled the information. He had become much more mature.

The next morning was beautiful. The sun was smiling down on the Envigoron household. Ren packed his belongings for the second time and left with Merlin who had come to escort him after saying his goodbyes to his parents.

"The school you will be going to is the most prestigious school in all of the kingdom. You should be very thankful that I am on your side Ren, hoho." As they talked Merlin revealed the school's name to be Godthunder Academy. 'A very expressive name.'

The school itself was enclosed by a big stone wall. Upon arriving Ren saw tens of thousands of students lined up in front of the school. As Merlin and Ren walked through the crowd towards the front, everyone moved out of the way in awe of the legendary grand mage who was said to be rarer to see than the king himself.

Merlin left Ren at the front of the crowd and went up into the ginormous stage that was front of all of the students. The stage was attached to the school. "Everyone line up in rows!" A rough voice roared through everyone's ears. Standing on the podium were the 7 Pillars of the kingdom. These 7 were the people who the king trusted most and the strongest people in the kingdom behind the grand mage. Their families were known as the heavenly families, they were the top dogs of the different noble families.

The one talking was the Fire Pillar, a man with bright red hair, known to be one of the strongest out of the 7 Pillars. "Look here ya' maggots! I am the principle of this here academy, before you even think of getting in, you gotta go through the entrance exam! Thats why were are all gathered here today!"

"The horrid entrance exam." "I can't do this, maybe I should just go home." "Don't people die in these exams?" Ren was hearing all kinds of things about the exams. He looked over and saw 4 other people that were beside him. Him and the other 4 were a row in front of all the other people.

He also heard people talking about that. "Why is that peasant looking kid lining up with the 4 masters!" "How dare he." "He probably doesn't know anything about this place haha." As he looked at the other 4, he saw one in green glaring at him, as if he did something. He looked kind of familiar but Ren didn't pay any more attention to that.

Behind the 7 Pillars were hundreds of teachers. Ren could also hear them talking about the same thing. "How impudent is that peasant to be standing next to the 4 masters." "Don't worry, he will definitely learn his lesson soon."

After this the Red Pillar spoke again. "This entrance Exam will be seen by the King and Grand Mage themselves! Im sure you know why. Now if there are no questions, their highnesses will now arrive.

On saying this, trumpets and drums started to play. The King walked out with the Grand Mage (Merlin) Beside him. Merlin was smiling brilliantly to Ren. Who smiled back. Some servants brought in 2 luxurious thrones encrusted in many gems and sat them in the middle of the stage. The Grand Mage and King sat down.

Everyone was in awe of what they were seeing. They saw the Smiling Grand Mage and The expressionless king with emotionless eyes. ( ' means either thinking or mind communication) 'Why are you smiling so brightly Merlin, even I have never seen you do so' 'I have found a disciple my lord' 'What?!.. I mean.. What? You, who did not take any of my talented children or any others as your disciple found one worthy enough? I guess it's good enough to be smiling about'

After they arrived sat down, everyone bowed. Including the 4 at the front. Ren did not know to do this and stayed straight. After everyone bowed Ren quickly tried to bow before he was stopped by one of the pillars. The Poison Pillar. By this time everyone had already stopped bowing.

"You dare to not bow in front of his highness? This child also is standing amongst the 4 masters of the kingdom. What an impudent peasant. I say we give this rustic the penalty of death!" On saying this, the Poison Pillar looked to the king. All of the other pillars, teachers, and kids also looked at the king in anticipation of his answer.

They all knew what he was going to say. The king always listened to his trusty Pillars. 'Merlin, I presume this is your disciple. A peasant eh?' 'Yes my lord' Merlin replied in mind communication with a smile. "My verdict, This childs punishment will be... nothing."

Everyone was speechless, especially the Poison Pillar, who's "suggestions" were always answered. After a minute or so, the silence was broken. The Fire Pillar spoke. "We will now commence with the entrance exams.." Ren was confused on why Merlin had not proclaimed him as his disciple, but then realised that it was most likely for his general safety.

In front of everyone, over 20 people arrived and started to create a building out of thin air. Ren was in awe, as was everyone else. The field they stood at was now a large dome shaped building, similar to the one Ren trained at in Merlins Residence.

The Fire Pillar spoke. "For the first test, you will all go inside that there building and have to withstand the spiritual pressure we 7 Pillars will output. Who ever doesn't faint from the spiritual pressure begins the first test of the entrance exams. "

"Being completely honest, this test is just a test to weed out all of the weak scum amongst you so that we can truly test to qualified ones for this academy!" The students found his words harsh but did not have the courage to speak out.

The students were escorted inside of the building and were sat down 3 feet across from each other. A type of camera magic allowed those in the stage to see inside the building.

The 7 Pillars then began feeding the dome with their mana. Said mana was sucked in by the mana crystals in the room and released densely throughout. The manas of the different pillars were differert colors, it was like watching rays of rainbows travel into the dome building. Mesmerizing.

Many started to faint immediately, not being able to handle the pressure.

Soon there were only around 5000 students less, a dramatic decrease in people. The masters at the front started to struggle as so did Ren. At about 1200 people. Rens internal organs started to get damaged, but Ren continued on.

People started to question who he was. Being backed up by the king himself and being allowed to stand with the masters. They despised Ren for what he had on. They were confuzzled as to how he had hung on for so long. The Poison Pillar was one of the people who had started grow their hatred for Ren even more.

The Poison Pillar then concentrated even more mana directly to Ren, ignoring all other contestants. At a split second, Rens kidneys bursted into pieces. He opened his eyes as he coughed out large amounts of blood. The pain was immense.

At another split second the pain stopped, instead he felt a soothing, warm feel.

[ High amounts of internal damage detected, initiating Demiurge Healing ]