The True Entrance Exam

[ High level of internal damage detected, initiating Demiurge Healing ]

Rens body was completely healed. He felt as though the mana pressure was now nothing but a slight breeze in his hair. The peoples reactions varied from confused to angry. The Poison Pillar was in disbelief. Most of the teachers were also in slight disbelief from witnessing a random peasant kid compete with the strongest. The king had no reaction like normal.

[ Another wave of poison mana to internal organs detected ] After hearing this Ren knew who was targeting him and him only. He opened his eyes, looked into the mana camera and gave a sly smirk.

Although everyone was confused on why he had done that, the Poison Pillar was in shock. Before anything could happen, the test ended. "1008 of you pass the first test... better than last year I suppose."

Some cheers could be heard in the crowd of teachers. Most of them were silent. "Now that the first exam is over, we will begin the true entrance exam!"

"No matter how many pass this test, the ones that pass will receive a monster mana core of the first grade!" Everyone was in awe. The rumoured monster mana core that only top nobles could have was being given away just like that.

Monster mana cores have 12 different grades. It goes from 1 being the worst grade, still being extremely rare and powerful, to 10 being the strongest. The other 2 grades are the Mythical grade and the Legendary grade.

The higher the strength of the monster, the higher the tier of the mana core. It also is less rare for strong monsters to drop their mana core, if you can take them down.

All of the students were much more motivated now that their theories were confirmed. Out of the 1008 students present there, Ren noticed some that were special than others, that stood out from the crowd.

"The true entrance exam is one out of 3 you are going to have. Each year you take an entrance exam again to ascend into the next grade." Everyone was shocked after hearing this. "Another devilish entrance exam?? And every year as well??" Different opinions were heard across the crowd. Some stayed quiet while others ranted on.

"Yes that's right! Now shut up ya' maggots. Its time for the true entrance exam. Each one of you will pick a number tag from this here box. You will compete in a tournament like battle. will be called randomly to the platform. Due to this, only half of you will pass..."

The squabbling could be heard by all the pillars. "Be quiet you impudent fools, this school is not something that is easy to get into, the most prestigious school in the Kingdom of Suvarna has its limits!" Spoke the Poison Pillar. After everyone zipped their mouths, the true entrance exam began.

Everyone took their time picking a number in a line. Ren was number 405. After everyone was finished picking their numbers, they were moved out of the field in order for the same 20 or so people to come back and demolish the large dome building while creating a big stone platform in which the battles would commence.

The battles would be won if the opponent gave up, was knocked down, or kicked out of the ring.

"Alright, number 99 and 274 up to the platform." The Fire Pillar called out. "Hello sirs, today I will be your judge." Spoke a funny looking man. He was a skinny man wearing a tight suit. He had a monocle on with a large mustache on his face as well.

Number 99 was a green haired kid with a wooden sword attached to his back. Number 274 was a normal looking kid with brown hair and a little steel wand.

The names of the competitors were 99 Mintz Ashbluff, 274 Doren Kezel. After the judge said begin, Mintz immediately stepped forward, rushing at Doren who was trying to get a grip on the situation.

Right before Mintz threw his punch, Doren used the Fireball skill to shoot a single fireball at Mintz way. The teachers were pleasantly surprised by this, which confused Ren. 'Why are they being astounded by a simple spell like that?'

Doren backed up, scared and almost about to drop a tier, and started to chant before releasing 4 water bullets at Mintz. The bullets threw Mintz off and grazed him slightly even though he tried to dodge it.

Mintz, now angry, rushed at Doren. Mintz now had an aura around him, he had a body enhancing skill, Strength Increase. The teachers were even more surprised by this. Even some of the pillars were surprised to see someone using enhancing magic.

Mintz ran over to Doren, who was stunned in fear from the menacing aura of Mintz. Before Mintz reached Doren, Doren used a water spell that protected his front side. Mintz suddenly appeared behind Doren, the speed of the movement was so fast it looked like teleportation, an advanced magic skill.

Mintz again threw the same punch, this time almost landing before being stopped by the judge. "Calm down there little man, such a ferocious punch would have blown a hole through this man."

Mintz jumped off stage back into the crowd. Although the punch did not land, Doren had still felt some of the force, his bodily functions had stopped responding, he had peed himself.

Just like this all of the battles commenced until it was up to Ren to fight in the last one. Ren was annoyed that he was the last to be picked but his attitude brightened up when he finally got to fight.

"Number 405 and 1008 up to the platform!" After standing there on the platform, Ren started to stretch. His body had gone pretty stiff from standing around. His opponents name was.. Engar Aniviorion, the youngest prince of the Kingdom of Suvarna.

After Ren learnt this, his calm attitude turned into a silent but deadly one, all of the Pillars and teachers could feel his blood lust. "Isn't this a bit too much blood lust for a simple battle?" "What would happen if the young master got hurt?"

The king communicated with Merlin. 'Your disciple is showing deadly blood lust towards my son, what is the meaning of this Merlin' 'My lord, I have no idea, but I can assure you that My disciple will not ever kill even a fly hoho.' The king was annoyed by Merlins answer, but he had to trust him, if anything went wrong, he himself would go and stop the match.

Engar spoke. "You! You peasant, you are the one who... it will be delightful killing you!" Engar spoke with both fear and rage. The battle commenced. Ren looked at Engars eyes, Engar felt the same feeling of despair as he had felt at the village. Engar stepped back immediately.

"You think I am scared of you?! Your just a lowly peasant!" Engars performance was seen by everyone, and no one was impressed, especially Engars teacher, The Poison Pillar. Ren's mind was fuming, he couldn't think calmly.

In his hatred, he started to walk over the Engar, who kept on backing away. 'What are you doing Engar! Fight!' The Poison Pillar mind communicated to Engar. After hearing this, Engar formed multiple Fireballs and Waterballs and shot them at Ren.

After seeing Engar being scared of Ren, Some students started to support Ren. "You can do it! You can dodge those spells!" His small crowd was chanting. [ This is a good opportunity to build your legion that will take over the universe, host ]

Ren turned back at the crowd. "Shut your mouths!" [ Spell Domination 16% Activated ]. They immediately stopped chanting in fear.

Engar shot all of his spells at Ren, who didn't dodge them. Instead he used his hand to brush from off to the side. "Do you think i'm playing a game with you?" [ Spell Domination 16% Used ] The Domination spell could be sensed by even the king.

The spell itself did not have any significant effect on the stronger people, such as the pillars and the king, but the Domination Spell was something that only legendary monarchs and great sages had attained. For such a little kid to have the Domination spell was unheard of.

With the help of Crona, Ren started to conjure his Plague Arrow. An intense ominous aura thickened the atmosphere. As Engar was running across the platform, he looked back to see a Plague Arrow about 3 inches away from him.

Even the judge could not react fast enough, not knowing what spell Ren was using.

In a split second the King had appeared in the stage. His hand held the dissipating arrow that almost reached Engar. Engar fell on his butt from the shock. The king who had a heavy robe, titanium knights armor, and a luxurious crown on looked down upon Ren who did not hesitate to looked back with the same hatred he had for Engar.

This man he was staring at, was his true father. He couldn't help but feel his rage about to burst. The king then let go of the arrow. He put his hands hovering above Ren and used the skill Gravity. Ren felt as though a mountain had befallen upon him. He was pulled to his knees.

Ren still had enough strength in to lift his head and look at the king. The king was now angry that Ren had such impudence, he used even more force and crushed Ren to the ground, Ren coughed up blood from his internal injuries that were soon healed by Demiurge Healing.

Before the king could use any more force, Merlin had appeared in front of him. Everyone including the pillars were astounded by what they were seeing. Merlin held the kings hand and slightly lifted it away. 'He may be rough, but he is my disciple. The one with the potential of breaking through the heavens'

The king let go of his spell and left the school. Merlin soon followed him, but only after finding out what had led Ren to be so furious with Engar.

Ren then got up, wiping the blood off of his cheek like it was nothing walking back into the crowd. Everyone moved away from him, instead of Mintz.

Ren walked over to Mintz, "Yo, you wanna join my group?"
