Mintz Ashbluff

"Yo, you wanna join my team?"


Ren went up to Mintz and asked him if he wanted to join his team. Mintz was confused by this. "What do you mean team? And why ask me, go ask someone else.." Mintz Replied. "It's mostly because your strong, and also because everyone else has been avoiding me. Cmon, join me, with you on my side it will be easier to become the King of the world."

Mintz for the first time looked at Ren. "K- King of the world? What a foolish dream, no wonder you went against the king, you must be crazy." Mintz looked back at the sky. "Okay.. then what's your dream?" Ren asked. "My dream.. My dream is to become the world's greatest swordsman!" Mintz spoke after a pause. "-_-" (Rens face after hearing that).

Looks like we both have big dreams! How about we team up so that we can achieve em! The King of the world can have no less of a right hand man than the worlds greatest swordsman!"

While Mintz and Ren were talking, The Fire Pillar started to speak. "Congratulations, the ones of you that are still alive here today, have passed the entrance exam of Godthunder Academy. " were cheers in the crowds of students.

There was only the evaluation test left for the students. To be able to get into the academy, the evaluation test was not needed, but to know your Mana Affinity and Mana Potencial was something that was hard to attain for even nobles. It was a rare chance to see your true potential in the world.

As Mintz and Ren talked, Mintz stared back at the sky. Ren was confused on why Mintz continually looked at the sky from time to time. When he asked the answer Ren received was, "I look at the sky because that is the reason I am still alive."

When Mintz Ashbluff was 8 years old, he lived in a small village in the outskirts of the Suvarna Kingdom called the Roronoa Village. His family was an average housed. Mintz lived with his father, mother, and 3 siblings, 2 little sisters, and one little brother.

Their village was a sword village, the economy was run by swordsmanship and swords in general. Mintz and his siblings also participated in the art of the sword. Mintz had a talent for the sword from a young age, and he was always at the top of his class in sword school.

As the Kingdom of Suvarna began to conquer more land, they trampled through all those that did not join their empire. One day Mintz had gone into the woods alone, to train his sword. His goal was to become to strongest swordsman in the entire village, to be able to protect his family, his siblings.

He found joy whenever he got stronger in the sword, because protecting and providing for his family would be much easier with strength. But on one fateful day, his life changed. A tragedy struck.

He saw his entire village smoking from the distance. He ran as fast as he could but when he got there, there was nothing but ash and horse tracks. In the middle the the village, The flag of Suvarna. Mintz was broken.

His beloved village was gone. He was devastated as he checked his home. All of his siblings were cut in pieces, his parents were decapitated. Words could not describe how Mintz felt. He wanted to leave, to meet his family in the afterlife.

But something spoke to him, after crying for days, his tears dried up, he had no more left to drop. From that day he vowed to become the strongest swordsman on the planet, and to destroy the Kingdom of Suvarna.

This was a promise he made not just to himself, but to his family. From that day on he trained ruthlessly everyday so that he can better himself. After he turned 12 he came to the Kingdom.




Everyone was given a couple of minutes to group up in the middle of the field in front of the school once again. By now it was 2 in the morning. After those minutes passed by, a large crystal that was over 10 meters high and 6 meters thick was brung on a large cart and placed in front of the students.

Once you are born with a certain Mana Affinity or Mana Potencial, you could never change it, and if it was not good, then you would theoretically never succeed in life, at least that's what the people of this world believed.

"If any of you want to test your Mana Potencial and Magic Affinity you may." The Fire Pillar announced. Many students were pumped seeing the large crystal. The first person to go up to the crystal was none other than Engar.

Although he had failed the entrance exams, even the school couldn't deny royalty. Engar went up to the crystal and put his hand on it. The crystal would then glow a certain color depending on the Mana Potencial of the person, and that it did.

"The Mana Potencial colors range from Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Phlox, and Vermillion. Violet being the weakest and Red being the strongest Mana Potencial. Phlox and Vermillion on the other hand are extreme rare mana colors. The only person to receive a Phlox Mana Potencial in over 100 years is the current grand mage of the kingdom himself"

People gasped in awe. "Vermillion on the other hand.. no one has gotten Vermillion in over 10,000 years. There is no need to worry about that." The Fire Pillar laughed a little before the crystal started to glow as Engar put his hands on it.

A yellow color appeared, followed by a slight tint of orange. "An orange grade! That is High tier, very good!" The Fire Pillar Exclaimed. After this, many of the students in the crowd had their motivation dropped. Instead they started to sloop down as Engar came back to the front of the crowd with a smirk on his face.

After that, the other 3 masters went up to the crystal. Gurren, Kalo, and Yokari. Gurren got the Orange Mana Potencial, Kalo slight red, and Yokari got a bright red color. Everyone was in awe of Yokari as he walked down from the crystal with a blank expression.

"Anyone else willing to test their potential?" No one raised their hands for a while before one came up. It was Ren. Ren walked up to stairs to the crystal with a smile on his face. Even though he knew his mana potencial was of the lowest grade before.

As he put his hands on the crystal, it felt as time had slowed down. A giant burst of light shot up through the crystal. A brilliant color lit up the sky as everyone watched in awe. "Vermillion?!"

No one could be mad, they could only appreciate the legendary color that they were currently witnessing. It lit up the entire sky, making it feel as though it was mid day. Ren also couldn't believe his eyes while staring at such a brilliant color.

'Crona.. what is this?' [This host, is the fruits of my labour. I have been working to create a new Mana potential inside your body ] Ren was ecstatic. He jumped down from the stage as everyone looked on.

Just like this the night carried on. Mintz also tested for red mana potencial. There were multiple other students that got red mana potencial.

After it was about 3 in the morning, everyone was assigned their rooms.

Ren followed the map to his room, as he walked through the hallways he could see how big the school really was, it was magnificent. He soon found his room, which happened to be right near Mintz's.

As Ren walked in he felt a feeling of relief. He slumped himself on his bed and fell asleep immediately.