Orc Cave

"Today we will be going on a field trip." Azo proclaimed to everyone loudly. People started to chatter amongst themselves on where they could be going, and why so early on in the year.

"We will be going on our first mission! Once we get to the adventurers guild you will all get informed on what mission it will be!" On saying this, Azo had everyone get ready for their trip. Ren was also pretty excited to go on a trip. The adventurers guild intrigued him when he first heard about it back when he was training with Merlin.

After a couple of minutes, everybody stopped talking as they saw a ginormous looking air bubble coming down from the sky. "This is what we will be riding on to get to the adventurers guild. Get on everyone!" Avo was happy, as adventuring was his passion and bringing newbies to the art was exciting to him.

Ren was also exhilarated. The students hopped inside of the bubble one by one and it started to float once they were all on. The bubble soared through the skies with a good pace and reached the wall surrounding the inner city.

After entering the outer city, Ren stuck his face to the bubble to see outside. It was much more alive than the inner city. A place that he remembered. The bubble landing right in the middle of a bustling road with shops on every side and people talking at all times.

As the students got off some were disgusted by all of the people there, but Ren was ecstatic. In the middle of the town was the adventurers guild. It was surrounded by a road on all sides, like an island.

It was huge, people were going in and out at all times. Some wore knights armor as others wore dirty rags. It was truly the place Ren remembered. As they came inside the Adventurers guild Ren saw everyone inside.

People talking, laughing, having a few drinks, singing. It was a place where Ren felt more comfortable, it was almost like a bar. Avo had a disgusting look on his face while he went up to the front desk.

After a couple of minutes of waiting he came out with a happy look, and a bunch of bronze plates in his hands. Each student wore a bronze badge on the left side of their chest. As Ren looked around he also saw every single person there also wearing a badge, some bronze, others gold and other elements.

On wearing the badges, a group of people came out, there were around 9 people in total. Most of them wore the Gold badge, 2 wore Silver. "Now that all of you have your badges, you will split into 6 groups of 5 because there are 30 of you. and one of these here adventurers will guide you on your first missions! You can trust them with your lives!" Mr. Azo said happily.

Ren was not paying any attention to any of that, instead he was already looking at the listings. "I see your already looking at the listings Ren, good job, I see you also have a passion for adventuring!"

In total there are 9 adventurer ranks. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Platinum, Emerald, Sapphire, Adamantium, and Mythril. A Conjurer that is a Mage, rank 1, is on the level of a gold rank adventurer. A Conjurer that is a Sorcerer, rank 3, is on the level of a Sapphire rank adventurer, of course this all also depends on your missions and experience with addition to other things.

Ren was then grouped with 4 other students and 3 adventurer's because they had extra or something like that, Ren was not paying attention to it. The four students he was grouped with looked mostly useless. One was tall and skinny with glasses and snot coming out of his nose.

Ren was not impressed. The other two looked almost identical, 2 girls that had the same hairstyle, makeup style, everything about them was similar. They looked scared to even be there. The last one did not look useless, but he was hopeless. He acted brave with a smile on his face but was the most scared on there.

He had the same uniform as everyone else, but he had a bow attached to his back and His hair was completely black, not just dark brown but vantablack. The 3 adventurers they were paired with were all gold ranks.

2 males and one female. They all looked to be the age of 23-27. One of them were named Brutus, he was huge, about 6'7 feet tall. He looked like a muscle brute. He wore a tanks armor and had a huge shield on his back. The other was named Kaizel, he was around 5'7 also with black knights armor on. He had a normal sized sword sheathed on his waist.

The final adventurer joining them was a woman named Elucia. She looked very beautiful to the normal person. She wore bright red lipstick and was very slow and flirty with her talk. After everyone introduced themselves to each other, they went over to the board to look at a mission post, what Ren was waiting for.

"This one here looks very nice, an easy goblin cave mission.." Kaizel spoke. "Isn't that a bit too easy, these are kids but we are diamond rank adventurers, let's give them a bit of a show.." Elucia said slowly.

"You know what? Your right, we will then be going into the orc cave... if no one denies.." Brutus proclaimed. The adventurers agreed on that. The other 4 students also said yes, they had had no experience adventuring so they had to agree with what the experts said.

Ren wasn't so sure. Even goblins for him weren't too easy, it was mostly because of the ancient goblin that he met but what if he met an ancient orc in the cave. Orcs are one rank above goblins when it comes to cave dwellers, and it didn't sound too easy for Ren, but he decided to also follow what the experts were saying and agreed.

Kaizel ripped the poster off of the wall and took it to the front desk with a smile under his breath. After a little bit he came back with a piece of paper.

The adventurers took all the 5 students outside and put them into another mana bubble as they headed to the location of the cave. After a good bit of time they arrived in the middle of a forest, the same forest the goblin cave was in.

The cave was up on the side of a mountain. As they arrived on the mountain the bubble popped and they landed on the floor. "Alright, inside of this cave be wary of the orcs, they are very strong, big brutes that are over 7'00 tall!" Said the big brute, Brutus.

Once some more directions were given, everyone entered the cave. It first was straightforward with a slightly downwards tilt. After a couple of minutes of walking the cave opened up immensely. The walls were now 20 feet apart and high. It was a very spacious cave.

The students were assigned to hold baggage. The coward kid ( Syfas ) was walking behind Ren, Ren was noticing this the whole time and was pretty annoyed. He also found it kinda funny as well.

After they got pretty far into the cave, everyone saw something on the side of the cave wall. A bunch of crystals that glowed a sky blue.

The adventurers announced that these caves were very valuable because they stored large amounts of low grade mana crystals. These mana crystals were used to build armor in many places and sold for a hefty price.

Brutus started to mine the crystals and put them into the backpacks of the students. The sound of the mining awoke some danger. Ren was the first to hear something in the distance, before he could go check it out, it came straight to them.

About 6 orcs. "Get ready to fight!" Kaizel screamed out. Brutus got in front and charged one of the orcs, knocking it on the ground. That's when Kaizel landed the finishing blow to the heart with his sword.

Brutus was slightly injured from attacking the orc, and was healed immediately by Elucia. Just like this they finally beat the 6 orcs. It was a rare occurrence for orcs to be grouped up to heavily in caves. Usually 3 orcs would be the maximum amount of orcs that grouped up together.

All three adventurer's were pretty tired from the fight and decided to rest a little bit to eat and regain their stamina. Ren was getting super excited. He also wanted to fight these orcs that looked pretty powerful but he didn't want to blow his cover.

Before the adventurers could rest, around 20 more orcs that were grouped up started to appear in the distance the way they had come. The adventurers had no choice but to run, leaving the students behind. They ran into a 2 way, they went left.

As they screamed and ran, The snotty kid and the other 2 girls followed them, Ren on the other hand went right, he did not have a good feeling about that path. Syfas was already following Ren, so he had no choice but to go with him.

Syfas started to scream and cry like a baby. Ren got annoyed and screamed out "Shut up will ya! You were talking about how brave and strong you were back at the guild, why can't you be like that now! Half the orcs are already following us!"

Syfas looked at Ren was a serious face and said.. "I am not scared!! There's just something in my eyes!!" Be then began screaming with a cowering face again. Ren sighed as they came to a dead end. The end had hundreds of mana crystals but no way to go back.

Soon after, the orcs appeared. 'Wait, why am I running, after everyone ran I followed them but I forgot my new attained strength!' Syfas just fainted as he saw the dead end. He suddenly woke up the next second with determination. "Don't worry... I will protect you..."

Ren got surprised, but after the orcs arrived, Syfas started to cower behind Ren again. After Ren let out another sigh, he confronted the orcs. "Hahaha, I did not think id need to reveal some of my powers to another person yet but it seems I have no choice.. Syfas, after you witness this, you will have to join my team that will take over the world got it!?"