Pay For Your Sins

Syfas had a confused look but said yes out of desperation. "Yes! Yes! I will do anything!" As the orcs were about 20 meters away, Ren held out his right hand... 'Domination!' On saying this, the orcs stopped in their tracks. Their faces sloped in fear as their eyes widened.

What they were witnessing was the hand that was 10x bigger than them petting him on the heads. They could do nothing but bow in fear, to Ren. Ren had no mercy for them, being that kill humans for fun had no place in his heart.

Syfas peeked from behind Ren to see all of the orcs bowing down to him. Syfas backed up from Ren, noticing his menacing bloodlust. 'Black Lightning...' A ginormous bolt of lighting appeared from the roof of the cave and struck all 10 of the orcs with a loud "BOOM!".

The orcs were eradicated. There was nothing left but blood on the floor. "What... what are you..." Ren started to walk towards Syfas who was now scared of Ren. "Don't.. don't kill me please!!" Syfas screamed.

"Your promise?" Ren said, his bloodlust instantly vanished as he helped up Syfas, his new companion. "Oh.. yes! Yes, I am now apart of your team! That will take over the world?" Syfas was still confused by this part.

"Yes, exactly!" Ren didn't answer Syfass' question at all, but Syfas still understood. "What is your goal, Syfas?" Ren looked Syfas straight in the eyes. "My goal... is, to become free! Truly free!" Ren smirked. "As is mine..."

Syfas and Ren started to run towards the other area where the other students and adventurers had ran. After a minute of running they went down the left path of the two way. After running in their for a little bit they say blood everywhere on the floor, there were also the bodies of orcs everywhere.

'As they were then, the adventurers would not have been able to take out 10 entire orcs by themselves.. who did this..' Ren thought to himself. Syfas was still behind Ren, trying not to step in the pools of blood on the floor. "Eeeekk!"

After running a little more, Ren saw a body on the floor in a pool of blood in the distance. He started to run full speed, then he saw Kaizel, holding one of the similar looking girls by the throat, choking her in the air.

The body Ren had seen was the body of the snot faced boy. Ren then started to run towards Kaizel while screaming "OI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" Kaizel stopped smiling, finished the girl off and looked at Ren. Behind Kaizel were the other two, also laughing.

"So this was your plan all along huh?..." Ren was furious, this rage was something he had only experienced once or twice. As Ren slowly walked towards them step by step, The adventurers started to explain their plan.

"Gold? Hah! We are diamond rank adventurer's, what can you possibly do? Hah!?"

"Why, why did you do this, there is no financial gain or anything of the sort..." Ren said quietly. "Why? Hahaha" It was a maniacal laugh. "BECAUSE IT'S FUN! THAT'S WHY!"

Syfas, who was a couple of meter behind Ren stopped where he was, he didn't know what to do, and froze. 'What are you doing! Get up! Help Ren! Cmon! Your supposed to be brave!' No matter how much he tried, he couldn't move.

Ren was now only around 15 meters away from Kaizel and the others. 'DOMINATION'...

While Kaizel laughed, he decided to make eye contact with Ren, the moment he did, his entire body locked up. Beads of sweat started to roll down his face as he saw what was his Doom. Rens bloodlust had once again thickened the area they were in.

"Fun? What a pathetic excuse..." This was a bewildering moment for the adventurers, how was a kid so scary, how was his bloodlust so strong. They felt helpless. Losing control, Brutus ran towards Ren while screaming, he had his shield on his shoulder as he rammed Ren.

Elucia got ready to heal, and Kaizel was ready to attack after Brutus, but Ren already knew their fighting patterns. Ren raised his hand towards Brutus who was storming him. 'Gamma Radiation!"

Rens eyes glew a dark green for a second before the entire room started to have a slight tint of green. Brutus immediately fell on the floor. He started to move on the floor as if he were being electrocuted by the pain. Brutus wanted to scream but couldn't because the pain was unbearable, he couldn't even breathe.

Blood started to pour out of his eyes, ears, and nose. He started to fizz a blood colored fizz out of his mouth. The next second Brutus started to scream in pain. Elucia tried to heal him and Kaizel also ran towards Ren in anger. 'Gamma Radiation.. dying is not enough for you.. you will pay by torture for the sins you have commited.' Kaizel fell on the ground in the same manner as Brutus, and so did Elucia.

Syfass' mind was blown, he didn't know what to think. "You... who are you.." Kaizel used the last of his strength to speak those words. He was in disbelief. "I? I am your death." Ren started to walk away, Syfas soon followed.

A little bit after Syfas started to follow Ren out of the cave, A large boom sound was heard, 'Black Lighting'.

Ren's emotions were all over the place, but before they could leave, both Ren and Syfas heard a voice. "You... you are strong indeed... I will come to you instead.." They both looked back, thinking someone was behind them, there was no one.

Something then appeared in front of them out of no there, teleportation magic. "Hello human, your bloodlust travelled throughout the entire cave, even reaching me.. I have come to test your worth.." It had a rough voice.

Both Ren and Syfas stepped back. The thing in front of them looked like an orc, but it was over 10 feet. It's body had scars everywhere you looked, the biggest scar was over its eye, it stretch from the back of its head, through its eye, all the way to its collarbone.

Unlike the other orcs who had small rags around their body parts that used their bares hands to fight, this one had a rusty axe in hand and wore a rag not just around its crotch but also around its wrists and ankles.

It also wore a beaded necklaces and wristbands. "What are you!?" Syfas blurted out. "Hmm, I am what you humans would call a boss monster." Syfass' face went pale again. A boss monster was different from an ancient one. Boss monsters were born strong, they appeared in every single cave or dungeon that monsters existed in.

Other than caves which held cave dwellers such as Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, and other types of beasts. Dungeons on the other hand was also a place adventurer's went to. Dungeons were abandoned places which had energy that lured in monsters, eventually making it a monster den holding different beasts.

Boss orcs at least an emerald level adventurer or multiple platinum level adventurers to take down.

Ren spoke. "What do you mean test my worth? I am not in the best mood right now so move on.. friend." The orc looked surprised. "You dare talk against me, you are a mere human, I, who was born from fire have no equal... get prepared to die."

Ren let out a deep sigh before raising his hand once again. This was going to be his strongest opponent yet that he faced 1 v 1 fair and square. 'Black Lighting' a loud boom again echoed throughout the cave. The "Boss" Monster had been eradicated in an instant.

Ren yawned while going over to it, he proceeded to check where the lightning landed for a mana core. There was a dark red mana core the size of a marble on the ground. Rens expression got brighter as he picked it up and started to walk outside of the cave.


After Ren and Syfas arrived out of the cave, they could only wait for their teacher to come looking for them. Ren started to rip some of clothes while waiting. "Have you truly gone crazy from all the killing? Why are you ripping your clothes Ren?" Syfas was baffled.

"You should start ripping yours too, what are you going to say to the teacher once he arrives. The best lie is to say that we were the only escapees from the boss monster that killed everyone else. It's a pretty bad lie but more believable than any of the others."

Syfas took at moment to think and before he started to laugh as he also started to rip his clothes. After a couple of hours a bubble was seen in the distance, it was the rest of the class and Mr. Avo.

Once they arrived Ren told them everything, everything about the lie he fabricated. They got on and started to go back to the adventurers guild to report what had allegedly happened.

"What!?" The desk clerk couldn't believe when he heard what had happened. After the class left he decided to go to the Guild Master and report it to him. "Your telling me that an Orc cave killed 3 supposedly gold rank adventurers and the only survivors were 2 kids?" The Guild Master questioned the clerk.

"Yes my lord, that is precisely what was stated. Please look into this!" The clerk insisted the Guild Master to look into it a little bit more, it was too suspicious to be a coincidence that there were only 2 survivors, kids at that. "Verywell, I shall send out some scouts to check the cave."

As Rens class arrived back to the school, the scouts that were sent to the cave witnessed a dead boss orc nearest to the entrance, followed by pools of blood around other orcs and diamond and gold rank plates in the middle of a large crater that was full of dark magic.

Ren then said goodbye to Syfas and went to the library. He needed a break after the long day he had just had.