Pledge of Brothers

While Ren was at the library, He realised something that never crossed his mind. Everytime he would have to bring a book back from the pedestal and open at least one page for Crona to complete the scan. This is what was slowing him down from encompassing all the knowledge as fast as possible.

Although it was something that Ren did not think about at first because it seemed like it was the normal thing to do, he questioned if it was even necessary. He could already see all of the books within the library from the floor, and there was theoretically no need to go up to the pedestal and get the book manually.

On testing this theory, he was delighted to find that his hypothesis turned out to be correct.

'Crona, can you scan all of the books inside of the library without me having to get them manually?' He was not hopeful at first. [Yes, that is possible ] 'Nice! Let's do it!'

On saying this, Crona scanned the entire library, Ren had thought that it would take a good amount of time, but it did not. The scan was instantaneous. [ Scan complete, would host like for me to read out the new list of top 10 spells? ]


Ren was ecstatic. His daily chore of going to the library was no more.

[ Top 10 current strongest and most useful spells:

10. ...] The skills were the exact ones from before, with the exception of 2, Wind slash had now switched to Fire Barrel, and Steel Body switched to Golden Skeleton. Golden Skeleton was a stronger defense type spell than steel body, its effects were the same but more amplified.

Fire Barrel was a ring of fire that when conjured, spun ragingly at the opponent, increasing in speed as it went. Even after hitting its target, it would persist on, ramming against the target at great speeds which would leave heavy damage.

When Ren finally arrived to his room, he opened his door to see both Mintz and Syfas sitting there on his bed chatting. He was speechless for a second. "What are you guys doing here?" Ren said while checking the clock.

It was already 6 in the afternoon.

"We met each other at lunch and found out that we serve under the same person." Ren was pretty surprised. "We need to talk about you and our team, what is this. I need to know what it is that you with to accomplish, and why you have chosen us to come along with you.." Syfas noted.

Both Mintz and Syfas were curious of the same thing as they looked at Ren who was still sort of surprised. Ren did not know what to say. Should he tell them the true truth? Was it too early?

He finally spoke. "Well, thorough my life I have gone through countless hardships. Why I want to rule the world?" Before he said any more, he paused to think. Up until now, he had no true reason to take over the world. All the wanted was revenge, but in front of his semi trusted allies, he had to tell the truth. He had to forge a lie that was a truth at the same time, not just to Mintz and Syfas, but to himself and the world as well.

"I want to rule to world because throughout those hardships I have faced problems that seem solvable to me, but no one is willing to solve them, so I will be the one to do it. I will create a new kingdom, where the righteous prospers! A place where people are not separated simply due to their race, religion, power, or money! To be able to do this I need the help of trusted companions. I have put my utmost trust in you, that is based on my own reasons. "

Hearing this, Syfas started to cry. "What a resolve!" He said as he balled his eyes out hysterically. What Ren said was something that he had made up has he talked, but it was the truth...

Mintz looked down and went into thought. After a little bit he raised his head with a smile on his face, almost like he had just confirmed something.

"Syfas, let me ask you a question." Syfas looked at Ren, wiping his tears. "What is your dream?" Syfas was struck with one of the hardest questions he had ever faced. "My dream?.." A question that not a lot of people had ever thought about in their lives.

"I know exactly what my dream is! My dream is to be free! There are things in this world that we humans create to put a barrier in our tracks, but once you are free, you can do anything in this world with no consequences to follow! My dream is to become free!"

They all smiled to each other before Ren put his hand out in front of him. "To taking over this world, and becoming free!" On saying this, they all put their hands on top of each other, throwing them up as they screamed "ON TAKING OVER THE WORLD, AND BECOMING FREE!"

From this day onward, destiny forged a new path. These three brothers would become the ones to change the way of history of the world of Gaia forever!

After explaining everything else to Mintz and Syfas, they separated. 'Pocket Dimension' Ren appeared back into his endless white void. On thought, another mountain was created before his very eyes.

"Fire Barrel." A small ember appeared in front of Ren hand, instantly transforming into a wheel of fire before starting to spin rapidly. It moved towards the mountain and increased its speed gradually. By the time it reached the mountain, it had reached speeds of over 100 mph.

It crashed into the side of the mountain and kept on spinning until it was over 10 feet deep in the mountain before disappearing. Ren was happy with this, but before he went to sleep, he decided to use another Incinerating Darkness Bomb. It was just as before.

A loud sound changing pitches as the mountain was completely evaporated from the surface. Ren then deactivated his spell, falling onto his bed before quickly falling asleep.

The next day he went to class like he normally did, but there was someone sitting in his seat when he got there. As he got closer he realised it was Engar.

Engar stared at Ren with a nasty look as he walked up the stairs to his seat. "You are in my seat." Ren was interrupted by Engars screaming. "Shut up you scum! We need to fight, right now!" Ren was slightly surprised by this.

"You wanna fight huh? Sure, I can't ever pass up a request for a fight now can I?" As soon as Ren said this, he heard something in his head. [ Host is currently being recorded by some type of camera magic ]

"Cheh." Ren knew that Engar would not try to fight Ren after the trauma he was made to go through in their previous fight, and that there must have been a reason for Engar to try and fight him randomly.

Ren then pulled Engar out of his seat and sat down. He only looked forward, not doing anything. He knew that this was some type of ploy to get him out of school. Maybe a recording of violence against the Prince of the kingdom? Ren did not know the reason, but he knew that as long as he didn't attack first, he would not get in trouble.

As he thought this, Engar threw a punch at Rens face. The entire class watched in fear, and even Mintz was surprised. Ren had not expected this either. 'Is he going to edit it to make him seem like the victim then?' Ren was shocked but managed to stop Engar's punch and deflect it, not attacking back.

'This mother fucker dares to throw a punch at me??" Ren was starting to get furious, remembering why he hated engar in the first place. He calmed himself down and asked a question. 'Crona, do I have a type of recording magic spell?' [ Affirmative ]

On hearing this, Ren stood up, he looked at Engar in the face as Engar tried to throw another punch. Ren stopped his fist and gave him a strong punch to the face. Engar was sent flying across the room as he screamed and Ren smirked, having this all on camera.