First Annual Test

Ren finally arrived at his lunch period. He could eat at last after his boring day. When he walked in the lunchroom, he saw Mintz and Syfas sitting at his usual table. Ren was pleasantly surprised until he heard his name in the school speaker.

"Ren Envigoron to the counselors office now!" Ren had expected this but he was heartbroken, not being able to eat his fried chicken which he had been waiting for the whole day. Mintz and Syfas gave a disappointed expression as Ren walked away in dread.

On entering the office, he saw Engar sitting on a seat which was in front of the counselors desk with bandages and an ice pack on his face. Ren almost burst out laughing before he saw the serious look on the counselors face.

He walked over and sat on the seat next to Engar. "I'm sure you know the reason I have called you here. You Ren Envigoron will now be expelled from the school, and as you know, peasants who fail school have their entire family kicked out of the inner city as well."

The counselor had a smirk look on his face as he talked. Ren was pissed off by this but then proceeded to show him his own recording.

"Oh well it seems that you were too late my friend, your paperwork has already happened!" The counselor let out a little chuckle.

"If I were to be honest, i'd say that this is what you get for messing with the prince of the kingdom!" Ren's face was now full of visible anger. Even Engar had a smile on his barely seeable face. Ren pulled out something as a last resort.

"Will you reconsider if I show you this?" Ren pulled out his prime citizen badge and put it on the table. As the counselor looked down upon it he gasped with shock. The prime citizen badge that Ren had was not just a mere prime citizen badge, but a royal citizen badge instead. It was something that only the highest tier people of the kingdom could have.

"I am incredibly sorry for such words!" The counselor immediately got on one knee in front of Ren, but Ren wasn't happy with only that. 'Domination'. On thinking this, Rens presence became immense. The counselor got on all of his hands and knees and bowed down to Ren, not out of fear, but out of instinct.

'Yes... I like this..' Ren thought to himself. The thought of another bowing down to him was appealing.

It was his instinct as an animal to bow down in front of someone stronger than him. "Please spare my family!" The counselor blurted out before Ren stopped his spell and proceeded to head back to the lunch room.

A couple of days later, the counselor was fired due to his actions against a royal citizen, and his entire family was kicked out of the inner city. Ren was happy to hear this.

His daily school life continued just as the same, He hung out with Mintz and Syfas for most of the day while learning all he could, or all he wanted to with Crona. There were of course those who tried to oppose him but he would beat the living shit out of any person or "bully" that tried to intimidate or fight him.

Soon his name grew throughout the school as the "Absolute Ruler", due to him beating the Class Rulers of many classes. After school he also practiced all of his spells and his combat techniques with Syfas and Mintz and they all gradually became stronger.

Just like this an entire year passed. The first ever school test was now being hosted. It was hosted in the schools coliseum. A ginormous place where the annual test was always held.

The Seven Pillars were on the side of the coliseum. In the seats behind them were all of the teachers and school staff members.

Everywhere else sat tens of thousands of people, this was something that was witnessed by all of the people. Merlin and the king were also present on a platform at the top of the coliseum overlooking everyone and the field. In said field were the thousands of first grade students ready to take their test.

"Looks like there are a lot of students that are not present during such an important time, shame on them. We will now begin" The Fire Pillar was cut off by something.

*Step* *Step* *Step* "Late students I see?" Three students walked inside the coliseum. Their presence filled the coliseum as it gave almost everyone there a chill down their spines. This time, Ren was not using his "Domination" spell, this was their sheer presence alone.

The three walking in were Mintz, Syfas, and Ren himself. All of the students looked back to the cocky students that showed up late while still releasing their mana throughout the stage. "Good thing you're not too late, cocky brats!" The Fire Pillar said while laughing.

The people were intrigued by these three kids. The king gripped his seat at the sight of Ren. Ren looked up to the king and gave him a smirk, which infuriated the king.

In front of the crowd of students there were 5 seats that looked like mini thrones. In 4 of them, there were the princes of the kingdom. Everyone was left wondering who the last seat was for. Ren walked through the crowd with his presence of "Absolute Ruler" and sat in the last seat.

It was prepared for him by Merlin himself. Mintz and Syfas stood at his side. The other 4 looked at him with different expressions. Some good some bad. Engar looked at Ren with absolute fury. His hatred throughout the year had gone up significantly. He could not even bare to be in Rens presence.

Before the Fire Pillar talked again, chatting was heard amongst the crowd of students, and also amongst the crowd of people that were there to witness the test.

"Why is he sitting there in that seat" "Isn't he acting too cocky?"

Ren looked back and said these words. "Anyone have a problem with me sitting here?" [ Spell Domination was used ].

Rens voice could be heard throughout the people. It seemed to be meant for the students, but it was mostly meant for the people in the crowd. He had to spread his name, to become acknowledged as someone that was not to be messed with. He would never do this without the backing of Merlin, it was his life line, but the sooner he spread his name, the faster he could reach his goals.

The students stopped talking instantly. The crowd also stopped without knowing. 'That brat has gotten too full of himself!' the king thought to himself with fury in his eyes. The Poison Pillar also looked at Ren with a evil glare.

As all of the students stopped talking and faced the 7 Pillars, the Fire Pillar started to talk. "We will now begin our annual test. More than likely, less than half of you will leave here as students of the Godthunder Academy!"

These words rose a fear in the hearts of the students, as the first test commenced. Everyone would then first be tested in Conjurer rank. One by one they would touch a special type of mana crystal, telling them which rank that they presently were.

The first to test their rank were the 4 masters of the kingdom. The first one, Heimdall, was at the rank of Tier 1, Mage! Becoming a mage at the age of 13 was an insane feat, something that only future rulers could accomplish.

The next master, Cleshera, ranked just shy of mage. The third master, Hades, ranked at the start of Wizard rank. Everyone was in awe of such a feat. The wizard rank, the legendary wizard rank that only military commander's were said to attain.

The final master, Engar, test at a normal Mage level, still a very powerful level. When it came Rens turn to test his rank, he did not know if he wanted to truly show his complete power. Although he had been showing his presence, he had not hinted to where his power truly lied. Ren Envigoron was already at the peak of the Sorcerer Rank.