Syfas Evergarden

Ren went up to the crystal. Everyone was on the tip of their seats, even the king was impatient to find out the true power of Ren Envigoron.

Ren tested at the middle of Wizard rank, on purpose. 'This brat, he needs to be ended before he gets too powerful.' the king thought to himself. After Ren, Mintz ranked at the peak of mage, as did Syfas.

After them, every one of the students tested their rank. Anyone who was not at least half way there to mage rank was immediately expelled. Out of the thousands of students, there were 2945 students left.

The next test was the final one, a duel similar to that of the entrance exams. Ren watched everyone, learning their techniques, although useless, and awaiting his turn.

Sylas's turn came. He was up against a kid named Heracles. Heracles wore a royal robe of clothing, he looked to be a stuck up noble kid, but he was in fact not.

In a small village to the south of the kingdom of Suvarna, called Hito Village, Syfas was born into a family of slaves. The slave business was a big cash grab for many merchants in Suvarna, and poor peasants that resided outside of the kingdom were better than any other to make slaves.

Syfas's family worked in a labour town, a place where they would endlessly work and farm in order to keep themselves alive. If any slave were to misbehave, they would either get severe punishment in the form of whip lashes, or death.

Syfas was born in secret, children who were born from slaves were imported away, to be slaves in other faculties, Syfas on the other hand was kept hidden from the guards. His mother, who was his only family excluding his aunt, kept him inside of a small clothing box inside of her prison living quarters.

Syfas suffered every single day, living in a box, not being able to come out. It was the only thing that his mother could do for him, was keep him alive, no matter what he had to go through. Her plan was to keep him alive and let him live a life different from hers.

As Syfas got older, when ever he saw his mother in despair, he would comfort her. She was the only reason he continued to suffer through this hell, and it was the same for his mother. Syfas looked outside of the window his mother had and saw his mother working there.

He also saw the grand world, the beautiful blue sky and the brilliantly colored green grass. He wanted to be free from his shackles, and he wanted to go out there and explore the lands.

On one fateful day, his mother had not come home at night to sleep. Syfas's confusion soon turned into fear. In the middle of the night, Syfas went outside for the first time in his entire life. Although he could barely see anything, he felt free. It was the greatest feeling he had ever experienced.

His freedom though, soon seemed like a cage that not even a dog would be put in. As he walked in the midst of the night, he saw a small hut that still had its light on. On entering the hut he saw his mother, hung by her hands on a rope. She was lashed to death.

Syfas couldn't think at all. Instead of thinking or doing anything, he just ran. He ran and ran and ran, but no matter how much he ran, his cage followed him. Soon he woke up 2 guards that started to chase him.

Syfas quickly climbed under the sewers and watched as the guards stopped looking for him. He then sat down on the disgusting sewer floor and started to cry. As he cried he heard a humming.

"London bridge is falling down.. falling down... falling down..." As he looked into the sewer tunnel, he saw a small flame lighting approaching him from afar. "London bridge is falling down..." Syfas was in shock as the light soon got bigger and bigger, revealing a man. "My fair lady.."

Syfas had never heard that song in his life, he did not even know what the london bridge was, but he was scared still. "Hello young man... can you tell me, if this is the world of Gaia?" To that Syfas replied "yes..."

The man threw something on the floor at Syfas's direction before continuing down the tunnel. "London bridge is falling down... falling down... falling down... london bridge is falling down.. my... fair... lady."

The thing on the floor was a prime citizen badge for the kingdom of Suvarna. Syfas did not know who that man was, what he was humming, why he had done this, and why he had asked such a question, but there was something he did know.

For his deceased mother and family, he would spread his wings out of his cage, and fly like an eagle! He did not want to live the same fate as his mother, and decided that to bring peace to her and himself, he would become free from all shackles in life, and banish slavery from this world.




As the match started, Heracles immediately used a spell that hardened his body. He then proceeded to use spells Haste, and Strengthening to boost his physical abilities. Finally, he launched multiple Fireballs in the direction of Syfas.

Syfas had fought with Remus and trained his magic with Mintz and Ren so much that he had grown in power tremendously. He dodged all of the Fireballs and pulled his bow from his back.

As the stretched the bow string, a bolt of lighting appeared on the bow, it soon turned into an arrow made of lightning which Syfas shot straight at Heracles. Heracles saw this beforehand and had already activated his defense spell Defense Ball. Defense Ball was a small ball of magic that defended the user from magic attacks.

The arrow tore through Heracles's defense skill and hit him on the side of his torso. The defense spell had taken away most of the arrows power but it still left a big gash on the side of Heracles's torso.

Heracles dropped to the floor, coughing up blood from the impact. The fights were arranged so that the first form of serious injury to the opponent decided the victor of the fight.

Syfas walked off stage as his win was announced. Next it was Mintz's turn. His opponent was kid by the name of Helheim. Helheim also looked to be someone that wasn't originally from the inner city.

He didn't speak at all or even looked at his opponent. He just looked down at the floor. His aura was overall drowsy. Mintz was the first to attack, he ran over to Helheim and hit him with a straight punch, which Helheim dodged with ease.

Helheim started to chant something, a large black sphere appeared in front of him. It was as big as his head. The sphere then shot towards Mintz at an insanely fast pace. Mintz couldn't dodge it so he had to take it head on.

His hands would be obliterated by that spell, so he decided to take out his wooden sword for the first time. He blocked the ball of darkness with his sword straight in front of him. Everyone was surprised on how his sword could withstand such a spell.

Mintz's sword was enchanted. Many Conjurer's that used weapons had to have their weapons enchanted by enchanters to be able to withstand magic. Mintz put his sword on his waist has he ran towards Helheim, ready to unleash the sword.

Helheim started to chant something, multiple large spheres formed in front of him, just like before. It seemed to everyone that Mintz was done for, but as he unleashed his sword from his waist, he had cut through all of the Darkness Spheres, and had slashed Helheim right in the chest.

As soon as Helheim was slashed in the chest, he released an explosion of magic throughout the entire coliseum. His aura could be sensed by everyone there. The person in charge of stopping the match was too intimidated by the aura to do anything and Helheim had a sudden burst of energy, he rushed towards Mintz who was stunned out of fear.

Before Mintz could move or the battle judge could stop the match, it seemed it was too late for Mintz. In the next second a flash of light buzzed through the crowd of students and appeared on the stage.

'Ultra Speed'

Ren appeared on the stage. He held Helheims hand that looked horrendous. His hands were like the hands of a beast, with sharp claws. Helheim was aiming straight for Mintz's heart, and if Ren had not been there, Helheim would have most likely taken Mintz's life.