
After coming back home, Ren got rid of his anger. He didn't want to seem that way to his family. For the next week Ren would mostly spend time with his family. Eat with them, talk, go shopping. He barely ever trained. He wanted to give himself time to spend with his family.

Ren soon got carried away and forgot about his worries. He felt as though his life was perfect, and that nothing could ever go wrong. After that week he decided to practice with Copycat once again. He went to his pocket dimension and started to train, he knew that he couldn't let time get ahead of him, he had to be strong, fast.

The Poison Pillar got news of what happened to his spies, and was furious. "What? How dare that brat kill my spies!" The spy he was talking to was shaking in fear, as he saw Ren kill those 4 other spies as a scout.

"Sir.. he is too strong for us, he has no weakness!" The spy proclaimed. "No weakness eh? Well there is one... haha..hahaha..ahahah" A very maniacal laugh.

While Rens family was in the living room watches the daily news in the magic television, they heard a knock on the door. Daniel went over to check out who was there. As he opened the door he saw figures dressed in black with masks over their faces.

They immediately kicked the door fully open and punched Daniel in the throat. He immediately fell to the floor in pain. One of the spies ran over to Carla and stabbed her in the stomach. She fell down on the floor as well, holding the knife that was in her stomach.

"This is a direct attack from the Anton Noble Family! Your son dared to beat up our young lord in school, now regret your actions!" On saying this, another one of the 4 spies grabs Korya, but is immediately crushed to the floor.

"Bow" Ren was finished with his training, and had come to see the situation in front of him. His rage was immense. His bloodlust was completely released. As the spies cowered in fear on the floor, he quickly went over to his mother, seeing that she was stabbed.

"Ultimate Heal!" After he healed his mother, he told her to get his father and Korya and leave the room. On doing so, Ren let looked at the spies. He wanted to use his Obliterating Darkness Bomb spell on these bastards but he didn't want to destroy his entire city.

He took them and used his Ultimate Flight skill, which now allowed him to fly at quick speeds, and took them over to the forest near him. He then used his "Gamma Radiation" Spell on them to give them immeasurable pain while using "Lighting Strike" to paralyze them from killing themselves.

He intended to interrogate them for a long while but they couldn't bare the pain, Or so Ren thought. They immediately said that they worked for the Anton Noble Family, and that this was revenge for him fighting their "Young Lord". This made no sense to Ren.

Who would go this far just for a kids fight? He thought. He used Dark Lighting to kill them instantly and went back home. On realising that his family was in deep danger due to him, he felt horrible. His actions had almost no consequences to him, but had big consequences to his family.

Ren thought of an idea. 'Crona, is it possible for Copycat to always activate. I want Remus to guard my house.' [ Affirmative ] "Seriously? I only said that as a joke!" Ren was ecstatic. "Copycat!" Remus appeared in front of him. He introduced him to his family as their protector.

He now needed to get revenge. With fiery eyes, he left his house to go to the Anton Family residence.

After a little bit of flying he arrived at their front gate. "Sir, you can not go in without permission-" The guard was cut off by Rens destructive blow. He was punched in the stomach and sent flying over to the gate. His organs exploded out of his body as Ren walked towards the mansion with no remorse.

'Dark Lighting' The front door and a large part of the mansion was destroyed. As Ren entered he saw a kid he had beat up before in school, his parents were next to him. "What in lords name is going on?!"

Ren immediately hides to the side before they could see him. 'What if they were framed? They look clueless!' This thought came to his mind. He had not confirmed them as the culprits and he was attacking their home.

"If not them, then who would attack me? Someone that was a more important figure that hated me... the king? No, he is too high and mighty to send his spies to my home by himself, he must have ordered someone else to do it.

The Poison Pillar! How could I be so stupid!' Ren had realised who was most likely the culprit of the attack on his family. He had not confirmed it but he was almost sure of it. The Seven Pillars, Fire, Poison, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth, and Healing were all on the Warlock rank, although in the weakest form of Warlock rank, they were still war locks.

He could not defeat him just yet. Ren needed to become more power as fast as possible more than ever before. As he went home he heard something in his head. [ Copycat spell deactivated ]

Ren didn't know what this meant, if someone was there at his home or it had just deactivated on its own, but he flew at max speeds to reach his home. By the time he arrived he saw his house in ruins.

He rushed inside to see his father's hand had been cut off and his mother was again gravely injured. He quickly ran into Koryas room, the fear in his heart wouldn't stop. When he walked inside, he was devastated. There was a dead spy inside, along with a mangled corpse of Korya.

Ren froze. Throughout all of the rages he had ever had in his life, this was was far superior to the rest. He quietly walked over to his parents who were unconscious and healed them. After that he flew over to the Poison Pillars residence.

Inside of the Poison Pillars palace, they were talking about how everything went down. "You killed a little brat but let the other two live? You should have just killed them all!" The Poison Pillar said while laughing.

"Haha yes, but he was quite fierce, if she was trained correctly, she would have been a prodigy ahaha!" As they laughed they heard out booms outside of the mansion. "BOOM!" A sudden explosion blew open the door to the mansion.

Inside came a boy that looked to be around 13, his body and clothing were normal but his aura was menacing. He was the embodiment of darkness, the only thing that glew in the dark world he created were his red eyes full of anger. This boy was Ren.

"Poison Pillar.. you will die here today.." Ren spoke. "You have gotten too cocky brat!" After chanting something, the Poison Pillar threw multiple Ice Spears at Ren, Ren easily dodged them, but his eyes started to close. His body started to feel drowsy.

[ High levels of poison detected! High levels of internal injuries detected! High levels of disease detected! Initiating Demiurge Healing ]

"How have you not died yet? I used my strongest poison spell on you!" The Poison Pillar yelled.

[ Level of damage too high, Demiurge Healing cannot keep up due to level not being high enough, host is starting to take slight damage. I recommend you leave this situation at once! ]

'...Obliterating Darkness Bomb! '

A loud sharp sound followed by a deep hollow. The Poison Pillars mansion was annihilated in an instant. The Poison Pillar was gravely injured, and everyone else inside of his mansion was decimated.

After using a heal spell on himself, The Poison Pillar used multiple Poison spells at Ren. Ren, who was slowly taking damage, needed to end this quickly. He used his Dark Lighting on the Poison Pillar multiple times as the Pillar dodged and moved around the floor that his mansion once stood on.

'Domination! Dark Lighting! Gamma Radiation! Fire Wheel!' Ren started to get desperate. "Obliterating Darkness Bomb!" Another explosion, but the Poison Pillar still stood. After the explosion ended, the poison pillar quickly grabbed Ren and slammed him into the ground.

Ren coughed up blood from his internal injuries and his health was almost diminished. His Mana Ocean was also most completely out of magic. "I GOT YOU KNOW YOU FILTH!" The Poison Pillar formed a spear made of deadly poison in his right hand and stabbed Ren in the chest, multiple times.

Ren, while coughing up blood was still alive, but his entire body was now useless.

[ Auto using "Full Stat Reset" ]

Ren glew a bright green color as he started to float from the ground. The Poison Pillar's hand burned as he tried to touch him. Rens health was fully restored and so was his Magic. He was completely reset.

"haha.. this is... hahah, ahahaaha!" Ren started to laugh. He couldn't stop himself. He laughed because he realised that he could now kill the Poison Pillar, and not die instead. The pillar fell on his ass. He was in awe of such legendary power.

'INCINERATING DARKNESS BOMB!' Ren used his Incinerating Darkness Bomb spell multiple times and decimated many mansions around the Poison Pillars mansion. He also decimated the Poison Pillar.

Happy, Ren decided to now fully invest himself into becoming stronger. His thirst for power grew. He left a note for Mintz and Syfas. "Become strong, when I come back I will need only the strongest of warriors by my side" They immediately knew what they had to do.

He also left Merlin a note. "I have killed the Poison Pillar for trying to kill my family, make sure they are never to be hurt again Merlin, even if you have to stand guard yourself!" Merlin laughed at the note, but he knew to not let Rens family get hurt again. Merlin enforced heavy protection around Rens family.

Ren left his small Kingdom of Suvarna in search for power.