Kingdom of Valhalla!

The world of Gaia has over ten thousand kingdoms, and the kingdom of Suvarna was one of the small ones in the south. Gaia is over 10 times the size of earth, an absolutely enormous planet. It is so big that most of the planet has not even been explored yet.

Ren flew at about 700 miles per hour, using the extent of his magic to boost himself. He needed to go to bigger kingdoms, they held the knowledge of the world that he didn't.

After flying for over 4 hours he saw civilization in the distance. He flew nearer to the ground and saw that it was only a small village. It looked horrible. It was only slightly better than the slums that Ren used to live in.

As he landed Ren saw people working in their fields, cultivating crops. He went up to an old lady that was around 62 years old and asked her the whereabouts of a big kingdom. "A big kingdom? Yes there is one, one with a new tyrannical king! He comes to take our children and make them slaves for the kingdom, an absolute dictator!"

Ren did not like the sound of this. The old lady invited Ren into her house and she prepared tea for him. After Ren told her a fake backstory of himself being a travelling merchants child, he told her that he will be going into the kingdom she was talking about.

"What?!" The old lady screamed as she dropped the tea all over herself.

After cleaning herself off, she tried to convince Ren to not go to the kingdom. "It will be too dangerous for you! Most of the kingdom is in a very bad state from what I hear, one of the largest kingdoms in the south is soon to fall."

"I'm sorry ma'am but I have to go, the reason I cannot tell you.." The old lady didn't say a word and went to another room of hers. When she came out she had a brown rag in her hands. "Well, if you are going to go, take this with you and hide your identity." Ren was surprised in her kindness.

He thanked her and was on his way. 'This village, I will not let it crumble."

After some minutes of flying, Ren arrived at a ginormous gate. 'I guess this is the gate to the kingdom huh?' Ren tried to fly over the gate, and get inside but over the gate was a big dome of some kind of see through aura. It looked like a dome of glass.

Ren couldn't pass through. Ren thought that the gate would have a ginormous line of people wanting to get in. But there was only a couple of people. Ren went to the back of the line and began his wait. After moments of waiting, some people came behind him. They looked like average bandits.

"Oi kid! Let us cut in front of you will ya'? You know the consequences if you don't right?.." The bandit liked his knife as he smiled. "Pesky little thieves.. Bow" Both of the thieves fell to the floor with their hands and knees touching the ground.

As they looked at the ground they realised the mistake they had made. "We are so sorry! We didn't know you were a prestigious mage! You looked like a kid under that rag! Please forgive us!"

'Lightning' On thinking this, the thieves were zapped by a weak bolt of lighting, they had enough and started to run away. "You won't hear the last of us you bastard!" Ren sighed as the looked in front of himself again.

It was his turn to get inside. There were guards that looked like humans there, it looked to be a human kingdom. The guards looked miserable, and they looked as though they had not bathed or eaten anything in months.

"Name.." Ren thought if he should create a different name. "Musashi Miyamoto." He chose a name he remembered from one of his favorite manga back at home. "Birthplace.." "Kingdom of Suvarna." The guard looked at Ren with confusion. "Suvarna? Thats far away, how'd you get here kid?" Ren quickly went back to his fake back story. "I was born to a traveller who died in his travels with me." "Well alright.."

Ren was finally allowed inside of the kingdom. Ren walked into a big street that had people all over. Ren looked around in shock. This kingdom was much more Developed than Suvarna. As he looked around he saw no people walking around though, it was weird. After going more inside and still seeing no one, he decided to fly up and take an aerial view.

What he saw was an immense kingdom. It was easily around 1 million miles. The land was easily double the size of many states in america. He finally got a glimpse of people in the east most corner.

Ren landed where no one saw him fly and approached the people. On the sides of the street there were humans, and humans with animal ears and tails. This confused the crap out of Ren. But that's not what Ren was thinking about.

He was thinking about how dire their situation was. They were even worse off than the slums back in Suvarna. People wore the dirtiest of clothing, on the side of the street with their children, they were there starving. Guards blocked them from going anywhere else except for this area. It seemed like the wall that blocked the poor from the rich in Suvarna.

Ren didn't like the sound of that. Soon he went to a person that had a malnourished child in her hands, sitting on the side of the street and asked her a question. "Why not live in these big homes right next to you?" The person looked at Ren with eyes that seemed like they were hollow.

"Despair" That was the only thing he could feel at that moment. The person said nothing, yet he knew that they couldn't on their own free will. Ren looked around and everyone was looking at him with the same eyes.

Ultimate despair. When a human body reaches an amount of pain, it ceases to care. These people were in ultimate despair. Ren then went to the west side of the kingdom. There he saw nobles walking around with the most luxurious robes on.

They had everything they wanted. Ren couldn't help but feel hatred. Anger. He was furious. These bastards would eat, drink, and live anyway they wanted like the people on the other side starved and died.

He proceeded to take a cart that was near him and fill it up with fruits and other foods. Ren then quickly flew over to the other side and dropped the food in the middle of the people. He did this as many times as possible before they could all eat. As he watched them he saw someone approaching in the distance.

A horse pulling a carriage. The person appeared behind Ren and was astonished to see food being given out to the people. The person that came out looked to be the highest of nobles. He had the most elegant clothing on and stood at about 5'11 ft. He walked over and said "Who did this.."

Ren replied. "Me." The person looked at Ren and proceeded to thank him. He then dropped off loads of food from his carriage as well. "You look like your not from around here.."

"No, I'm not.. tell me, why is this kingdom like this?" The person looked at Ren and said. "My father..." Ren looked back at the person, shocked. "My father is the reason for this. The king of this kingdom. He is a new king, but a horrendous one. He forced the nobles and the poor to separate and has been trying to weaken the poor to make them slaves for the nobles."

"It's absolutely horrendous. I cannot bare to just stand around and watch but I have no power in the matter..." "I see" Ren said, sighing. "We could overthrow the kingdom.." Ren looked back at the person "Why not do it?" "Well, it is not as simple as that. An organization.. an evil one at that is supporting my father."

"A couple of months ago, an old fortune teller came into our residence saying he could benefit the king heavily. He then said many things for my father to do and one by one they all benefitted my father."

"My father started to trust the fortune teller so much he made him head executive of the kingdom and followed his every demand. Although my father is king, he truly controls the kingdom. He is from an organization that is called the Death Knights."

"After telling my father to enslave the poor, to make them slaves and sell them off to other countries for profit, my father didn't think twice. The organization as also sent some of their immensely strong warriors. If not for them, we could overthrow the kingdom.."

"Sorry for telling you all of this, this is something only the leaders of our overthrow plan should know.." "So you will try to overthrow them? Even if you know you will die?" Said Ren. "*sigh* yes... it is my duty, even if I die trying, I will overthrow the kingdom and bring about freedom once again!"

"I'll. help you.." Said Ren, looking back at the people. "im sorry but I cannot drag you into this, you may die.." "That is also fine with me, but don't worry.. i'm super strong!" Ren said, looking back at the royal with a smile on his face.

"Follow me.." Said the royal, going back to the cart. "I haven't even asked for your name, My name is Lathanor Circrist, yours?" "Ren, Ren Envigoron.." They had this conversation while going to their destination.