
Lanthanor and Ren were on their carriage for a small moment of time before getting off into the Knights Guild building. On getting off the carriage, Lanthanor looked left and right, checking if there was anyone there that could see them. On seeing that there was no one there, he signaled Ren to follow him inside.

Inside of the building he was greeted by Angar, the knights commander. Through Crona's analysis, Ren knew that Angar was easily above the Sorcerer rank. He was very close to Warlock rank.

Angar was a middle aged man in his 40s that had dark black hair and a small beard. He wore a Knight Commander's armor at all times. This was a knights armor that had an apron like cloth on the front of the armor. Angar was an intimidating person to the normal eye, being over 6 ft in height.

Angar still didn't trust Ren enough to reveal their plans to him, so they asked Ren to show them his power.

In this world and any other, people trust those who they fear more than love or hate. Fear is derived from power, meaning the more powerful one is, the more people will fear them, in turn, the more people will trust them.

Ren didn't know which spell he should use to show his power, he didn't even know if he should show them his full power. If he showed them a spell that was too weak than he wouldn't look good, but one too strong and the entire building would go down. Ren finally decided to use this spell.

"Dominance.." A strong gush of power, aura, and bloodlust bursted from Ren. Due to Ren using his full power, most of the kingdom was able to sense his power. Lanthanor, who was beside Angar, fell to the ground as he threw up holding his chest.

Angar couldn't believe his eyes, or any of his senses. "Bow" A force like that of a million pounds falling on your back made Angar fall to his knees. Before he felt as though a demon, no, he felt as though the Demon Lord himself had appeared.

'Oops, i've gone too far!' Ren stopped the spell and the two could finally breathe again. As they were regrouping their minds, someone barged in the room. "What kind of monster have you brung in now Lanthanor!?! I was on my knees holding my breath for hours!!

"It wasn't for hours, it was a mere 4 seconds.." Everyone in the room was shocked. Even Angar had felt as though it had been multiple minutes. "That is how strong this person is. We need him in able to fight these warriors!" Lanthanor exclaimed.

"Your right, welcome to the team.. uh" "Ren" "Ah yes, Ren!" The man who barged into the room and who was currently speaking went by the name of Ugo. He was a short man reaching the height of 4'5 ft.

After everyone settled down, they discussed the plans. It was not much of a plan, but a full on attack. The full army who was under the control of the king but was still loyal to their Knight Commander, Angar, would storm the castle of the king. They could fight their way through as much as they could to make way for Ren and Angar to fight the warriors of the Death Knights and reach the kings throne room.

There, they would capture the king and give the crown to Lanthanor who would lead the kingdom and rid the kingdom of its impurities. That was the plan so far. On asking when they would enact the plan, they said "In 4 months!" which threw Ren off.

"Four months?! Why so long!?" Ren seemed like he was running low on time. "Why? is protecting the people not worth your precious time?" Said Ugo. "It is because our main army is still far away fighting a monster invasion in the north. They will only return in four months." Angar replied.

"I don't care about the time... how many will get sold off as slaves in that time?!" Ren was furious. "Sorry kiddo, but it's the only thing we got.." Ugo replied. Ren didn't like that he had to wait for so long, but he had to persevere.

'Pocket Dimension' For the first time, Ren needed to use the mana crystal he got from his entrance exam. 'Crona, absorb all the mana from this crystal' [ Commencing ] On saying this, the mana from the crystal poured into Rens mana ocean, strengthening it immensely.

[ Host has now broken through to the Warlock Rank! ] A big smile appeared on Rens face. Although he was still only in the beginning, he was officially at the fabled rank of Warlock.

When laying down to sleep, he thought of the people of this land, and his people back at home. His dead sister. His smile instantly faded away as he opened his eyes with rage as he gritted his teeth.

He couldn't sleep so he decided to take a look at what was going on outside. He saw the poor people wandering the streets aimlessly. On the other side of the kingdom, he saw nobles sleeping soundly in their houses. On coming back to the poor side of the kingdom, he saw a drunk noble there. He was there with a carriage. "You wan foo?" The drunk man said.

"here-" The man dumped out the most disgusting looking garbage. It infuriated Ren. Bones that had barely a speck of meat left, rotte fruit, it was horrible. "Oi! What do you think your doing you fat motherfucker!"

"Huh? Wha-" The noble was cut off by Ren's String Spell. It cut the nobles head clean off. Ren then proceeded to go back and forth again, getting food for everyone. After a while he was tired but he stayed out there with the people instead of going inside.

He couldn't sleep all night, furious. As he looked around, in that one night, hundreds of people had been taken as slaves. Ren couldn't wait around any longer. 'Who cares about them and their army, I am here alone, by myself.'

It was 3 in the morning, and Ren started to fly towards the kings castle. On arriving, he went inside, there were guards there who didn't recognise him so they tried to defend, but their heads were silently cut off in the midst of night before they could make a squeak due to Rens String ability.

As arrived in the throne room, he had already killed multiple guards. Inside the ginormous throne room was a ginormous brute of muscle that had a iron club in hand, and next to him was a skinny slithery guy with a mask over his face. They were strong. Stronger than all of the opponents Ren had faced so far.

They didn't say a word, almost like they couldn't talk. Ren didn't waste any time attacking them. 'Dark Lighting!' The one on the right, the big guy, was struck with a huge blast of lighting, he only came out with a couple of scratches.

Ren's mind was blown. Before he could do anything else, the smaller guy appeared in front of him, teleportation magic. A ginormous force imbedded into his fist hit Ren in the face. Ren was thrown crashing to one of the walls.

Rens face had its skin melted, bones poking out, and bloody all over. It was horrendous. [ Initiating Demiurge Healing ] Ren went forward with his fists coated in darkness magic and so did the smaller guy.

They shared hundreds of fast blows with each other. While attacking, Rens hands were being completely decimated. Before he could step back, he was struck with a huge hit from the bat of the bigger guy to his side.

Ren was again thrown to the wall, his body completely mangled but recovering fast. "Your worthy to know our names, remember them as you die!" Said the big guy. "The names Rokah, and this small guys name is Sliner, remember them as the ones who killed you!"

Rokah screamed out before thrusting his metal club through the body of Ren, into the wall. All of Rens organs had been completely decimated and his torso was disconnected from his legs. It looked to be the end of Ren if this continued.

Before Rakah could give Ren another hit with his club, he was knocked to the other side of the room by a wierd force. It was Angar. "I knew you wouldn't follow the plan!" He said, smiling.

"Now that there are two of us, we have a chance!"