New World!

"Now that there are the two of us, we have a chance of winning!" Angar, who had a face that looked almost "unsmilable" was smiling.

Angar would take Rakah and Ren would taken on Sliner. Angar immediately started to exchange countless blows with Rakah. While Ren was looking in the direction of Angar, he was again hit by the hand of Sliner.

Sliners ability made it so that his hands could stretch, but it wasn't like rubber. His hands could freely turn into ropes that swung around, they wouldn't stretch back to his body. Sliner's hit left a deadly rope burn looking scar on Rens torso.

"Your fighting a Legend rank Enhancer here... don't mess around with me!" Everything was going too fast for Ren. "Legend rank enhancer?? That... that's the highest rank that one can reach as an enhancer, what in the.."

Ren finally regrouped himself and stood up. If not for Demiurge Healing, he would have been long dead multiple times by now. "I am still so weak, what was I thinking coming out here... i'm pathetic... hopeless, I don't have any strength."

While Ren sulked, Sliner took the time to release a barrage of attack upon him. [ Warning, if attack level is too high, Demiurge Healing cannot heal the host of its damage due to level not being high enough ]

Rens body was getting countlessly whipped. Angar was also holding in there by a string. In the second instant, both Sliner and Rakah's bodies had been Demolished.

*Step* *Step* *Step* Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. "My my... look what we have here.."

The person who had just walked in went by the name of, Sodatsu. He wore a black suit and had glasses on his face. His hair was completely black. He was quite tall, reaching 6'4 ft in height.

"Hahahaha, Hahah, haha, hahaha! Ren Envigornon eh? Nice name. The prophesied one... Haha.. hahaha!" Sodatsu couldn't stop laughing for some reason. He laughed as he held his glasses in place.

As he walked towards Angar who was on the floor floor from the shock, he looked only at Ren. 'This guy... he's not human, he's a monster... no.. he's not of this world!' Angar was feeling immense pressure alooming from Sodatsu.

'He can easily kill me with the flick of his finger! What do I do?? Hes nearing.." As Sodatsu walked by Angar, he felt as though his skin was being melted off due to the pressure. Ren had his eyes on the floor, he was heavily damaged but he instantly looked up due to the immense pressure that was being emitted.

Sodatsu's pressure made Rens look like a small ants, completely nonexistent. On getting only a few feet away from Ren, Angar exploded into a pool of guts and blood. It was loud yet so quiet. Ren was stunned, he was completely in fear for his life.

"Your nothing but a little budding... goodbye Ren Envigoron, come back strong now will you?" On saying this, Rens vision started to become much more clear, he saw colors vibrating out of everyone much more cleanly.

The colors started to spin faster and faster, eventually all Ren could see was a rainbow of colors spinning insanely fast in front of him. He felt sick, as if he was on a rollercoaster on steroids. It all soon turned into a vortex.

As Ren looked all around him, he realised he was not where he was before. Now he was in a vortex of colors spinning around him infinitely. In an instant, all of the colors disappeared. He was suddenly inside of a deep jungle.

As he looked around him, he saw trees that were the size of nothing he had ever seen before. The tallest building back on earth was the Burj Khalifa, stand at over 2700 ft, but this tree was easily over 20 thousand feet, and it was one of the smallest ones there.

"What th-" Ren was interrupted by a sound that completely ruptured his ear drums. [ Initiating Demiurge Healing... Initiating Sound Deduction ] Thanks to the two abilities that were applied to Ren, he could hear what the sound was.

He was on top of a hill that wasn't too far up, below him was a ginormous tiger that was the size of a school classroom. It was beautiful, having white hair all round with dark stripes, it looked like a big albino tiger.

While it was roaring intimidatingly, a enormous crocodile that was twice the size of the tiger completely bit the tiger in half, and started to eat it. Before Ren could even give a reaction, another tiger that was red ran over and ate the crocodile in one bite.

Ren was beyond shocked. Right after that, a gorilla the size of a mountain came and devoured the enormous tiger in one bite. In the next second, a fox, tiger hybrid looking creature that was just as big as the gorilla ran over and roar at the latter.

Ren looked on as they both proceeded to fight. The gorilla beat its chest to a magnificent tune, the shockwaves from the beating were enough to knock Ren many meter away. Naked and shocked, Ren decided to run away from these beasts.

'What is this place!?" As Ren ran he found a conveniently human sized cave in the side of a hill and decided to go inside. Right inside was a small bonfire, with a person sitting next to it on a log that looked human sized.

On there was a man holding a stick with meat attached to it over the fire. He wore a small white jacket over a gray shirt, and had shorts that reached down to the middle of his shins. He looked like he was around 40 years old. On seeing Ren, he said "Huh? A random kid? What are you doing here brat?" Ren saw a sign of humanity in this ginormous jungle and couldn't help but feel happy.

"Where am I?.." Seeing that Ren wore nothing but ripped pants over his private parts and that he had scratches and bruised all over him, the old man knew exactly what had happened to him.

"Where are you? Well your in the New World, a place that has yet to be explored by those in the world you probably know of. A vast world of things much grander and more powerful. Your lucky kid, if any old average joe stumbled into this place, they would immediately get slaughtered.. good thing you found me!"

Ren was shocked. A whole new world, different to that of which he always knew? It felt as though his goal had gotten significantly larger, with such a powerhouse back in the kinds castle, and a new world that had beasts even a Mythical Sage might have not been able to beat.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Ren had many questions. "Me?.." The man started to poke the dying fire with his stick to fizzle out the coals. "I'm just an old man trying to find freedom.." The man said to Ren, looking up and smiling with all his soul.

'Old man?' "Me too... it is also my goal.. to find freedom in this world, it's not just a goal, but a promise i've made to my friends!" The old man looked at Ren for a little bit of time. Alright, i've decided! I'm gonna train you!"

"Wha?!?-" After this, Ren was given new clothes and they introduced their names to each other. The man's name was Kyrios Alithea, despite how he looked, he was actually 91 years old. His physique was nothing special, a normal body that stood at around 6'0.

Kyrios gave Ren the information about the New World. It was a world only explored by the strongest of the strong. A place that held very bad people and very bad beasts that were still to be undiscovered. Large criminal organizations that terrorized the world also had their bases of operation here. Mostly to train.

World leaders also had their training facilities here for themselves. The ranks above Warlord, Grandmaster and Mythical Sage wouldn't even be the starting point here. It was a world completely different from that of what Ren knew to be true.

The Ranks started off with the Sage, continuing onto the Master, Holy Master, Heavenly Master, Sublime Deity, Mythical Deity, Exalted Deity, Divine Avatar, Ethereal Being, and Finally, Transcendent God! It did not matter if you were an Enhancer or Conjurer, The power one attained labeled them as any of of these.

Those were the ranks for humans, then came the monster ranks. Beast class, Monster class, Demon class, Disaster class, Cataclysm class, Catastrophe class, and finally, Calamity class beasts.

Each beast in their respective ranks had 10 levels. The stronger they were in those levels, the higher they ranked up the class ranking.

After learning all of this information, Ren, who was 13 at the time, started to train!