Drop of Time

After only what seemed to be a drop of time out of the ocean of what it held, uncountable things had happened. Mintz and Syfas had trained using Copycat and the New World itself and became Holy Master ranks.

Ren had reached the peak of Heavenly Deity. Ren had brought over 20,000 people, rich or poor, that seemed to be decent humans, including all of Suvarna's Leftover military might, which was around 2,000 soldiers.

The New World consisted of 20 different lands of different climates. Desert, swamp, tundra, forest, jungle and many more. The flat plains was one of the 20. The flat plains alone was 30 percent of the entire New World. The rest shared a close to equal amount of land throughout the New World.

In the Flat Plains, the Theos empire had created a new kingdom called the Kingdom of Sanction. Other powerful kingdoms had also created small residences inside of the New World, only in the Flat Plains because it was the easiest climate to live in, and also had the weakest of beasts out of the 20 climates of the New World.

Ren did not know what to do with the 20,000 people who he had carried along with him. How to feed them, take care of them. He didn't know if he wanted to in the first place. Now that he had taken these people with him, with the intention of becoming a ruler, he thought what a true ruler would do.

He thought about secretaries. That's exactly what he needed, but not only that. He also needed to entitle many people with many different titles.

On arriving to the flat plains, Ren created a barrier around the thousands people so that no one could escape. There was many noises in the crowds. Some yelling why he took them away from their kingdom, and some yelling what was going to happen to them next.

"We are now in the New World, I am sure you have all heard of it!" Said Ren, who was currently flying over everyone. Everyone looked up and saw Ren. Their fear or admiration drove them to listen to him.

The New World was known to everyone by that point in time. A place that was much more dangerous and many times bigger than their current world. "I will be creating a kingdom in this land, a kingdom that will... soon take over this world! And once that is finished, all those in the world will be truly free, because they will be under MY rule! That is my goal..."

People started to laugh and or cry. Some called him crazy while others supported him. "If you do not support my decision, that means you are directly going against this empire! If so, you may leave!" Everyone quieted down. Although they were stripped away from their home, they had no where else to go.

"Uh.. I will now give titles to some people!" Ren said before flying down to the ground. "First of all! Syfas Evergarden and Mintz Ashbluff will be the two Grand General Commanders of the empire!" Syfas and Mintz both slightly bowed, knowing Rens intentions.

"For my secretaries, I have no one.." "Yet." Ren didn't have anyone to assign secretary yet. He needed to fight the perfect person. After this, soldiers and stronger men and women started to build houses to live in. If you wanted to live in a shelter, you had to build it yourself for now.

Ren had Mintz collect meat from the weaker creatures around the plains, it was a form of training, and Syfas collect water and fruits, seemingly an easy task but one with the same difficulty as Mintz's go Sako Salmon that were powerful beasts.

With food and water starting to be secured, Ren started to pick the best people that were available for the main secretary rank. Those who had prior knowledge to being a secretary, were the age of Ren, and were very good at their job were teleported to the front of the people.

Ren expected hundreds of people, there was thousands in total afterall, but only one person appeared. A young man that looked to be the age of Ren, Mintz, and Syfas had appeared. He wore some formal pants and a white buttoned shirt with overalls the same color as his brown pants.

He smiled and walked over to Ren while pushing his glasses up from the notch of is nose up to the perfect place. On getting near Ren, he got down on one knee. "I, Dray Vespertine would be extremely honored by given the position of Supreme Secretary! Please bestow me with such a grand opportunity!"

Ren was a bit confused, but he was the only person there. 'Well, ill just fire him if he is a bad secretary I suppose... and I didn't even call it Supreme Secretary, creating a name on the spot, maybe he is not a bad choice after all.'

"I accept your proposal, you are now the.. Supreme Secretary.. of this kingdom!" Dray smiled greatly before looking back up to Ren. "I thank you! Now... what shall we name this empire my lord?" Ren had never thought that far ahead. As people looked to Ren for his answer, Ren started to sweat.

'Damn! I haven't thought this far ahead!" Nothing's coming to mind!' Dray spoke before Ren could embarrass himself. "How about we call it, Empire of Envigoron!" Ren looked back to Dray. "No I-" Ren was cut off by the cheering of the crowd. People loved the name.

"Empire of Envigoron! Empire of Envigoron! Empire of Envigoron!" Dray pulled out a small pen from his pocket and handed it to Ren. "Please insert this pen into the ground, claiming this land as ours forever." This was a formality for all kings that created a nation to do.

In inserting the Pen into the floor, the King needed to insert all of their mana along with the Pen. Ren remembered this and decided to do it.

"Crona! Remember to use all of my mana, even the advanced for this!" [ No can do. We need to rule this world. ] 'You have gotten very human like these past few days.' Ren thought to himself with an annoyed expression on his face.

[ Using all of your power would cause too much damage. ] "What kind of damage? Well whatever. Ren infused an amount of mana that seemed correct into the pen and slammed it into the ground.

A thunderous sound arose from the ground that shook everyone in the near vicinity. The mana from the Pen drove through the earth, like a bolt of lighting, soaring through the large and fiery core, and shooting itself outside the other side of the plant in the "Current World."

It struck through and destroyed an entire kingdom. On that day, The Empire of Envigoron left its print on the world of Gaia.