High Orc

After that day, Dray was also assigned Secretary of City, Secretary of The Treasury, and Supreme Secretary. He was the greatest Secretary that Ren could imagine, but his personality was something Ren found extremely annoying.

As food. water, and shelter was distributed, in close to one month, a small city was already built around where the Pen was inserted into Gaia. It consisted of over 5,000 homes. Dray had already organised and hired people for construction, food management, and everything else that was the basic needs of humans.

Everything was running smoothly. Even the treasury was already being built where the future palace of the king would be made. Many mages weak or strong with magic and might worked hard for their pay.

The amount of money they currently had was the amount Suvarna previously possessed and the money that the Theos empire gifted Ren for his victory in the King Kaza. Slowly, everything was being built, and people started to settle in.

"Hahaha! Now this is more like it! A fast start to rule to world!" Ren was admiring his own kingdom. "Well, its kind of crap at the moment, but hopefully that will change in the future!" Syfas said with a funny tone. "What did you say!?" Ren yelled back at Syfas. Ren and Syfas went back and forth as Mintz laughed at their arguments.

"Your majesty!! A talking creature has come into town saying he wants to speak to the ruler of this place! I've come to inform you at once!" Ren was slightly confused upon hearing this, and decided to quickly run out and see what was going on.

~4 hours before in a High Orc Kingdom~ In the new world, creatures stem from weak to strong, and also intelligent to non-intelligent. Some species are even smarter than humans themselves.

High Orcs, Orcs that differ from Disaster to Cataclysm class in rank, are highly intelligent beings that have the same capacity for knowledge as humans. They are one of the rarer creatures in the New World, being an Intelligent species.

"You say a human has come and claimed our land!?" Said a tall creature. The creature was an Orc, a High Orc. It stood 10 feet in height and wore a large robe around its dense body that had immense muscle. He also wore a full suit of armor and a green crown on top of his head. His mouth had 2 large teeth sticking out of the side of his mouth up to his nose in length. His face was absolutely menacing, with large scars all over his face and body.

A smaller orc that wore a hooded black robe replied. "Yes my king, I have seen with my own two eyes what they have accomplished in just a few weeks! Their leader is human.." The hooded orc disappeared upon saying this.

"Damn these insignificant humans, they all need to be wiped of the face of Gaia! Ragnar!" The orc called for another. "Yes father!" An orc seemingly teleported into the throne room of the king High Orc. This orc had the same clothing and look as its father, but had no robe and was smaller in stature, being 8 foot in height.

"Go to this puny human "Kingdom" and tell their leader to come to me at once... these humans need to be taught a lesson about the New World!" The smaller orc looked at his father with a fearful look on his face. "But father, what if "that" happened again?"

The king High Orc looked back at Ragnar. "What did you say boy?..." The king slowly tilted his head down to Ragnar, releasing a menacingly strong presence of aura that filled the atmosphere at once. Ragnar immediately looked away. "Im sorry father, it will be done immediately!" He said as he disappeared into the air.

The king high orc looked back out of his window upon his grand empire as he grunted through his large two front teeth. " Hmph! "That" eh? It sure caught me by surprise, but that human was no match for the blood of my blade! Hahaha!"

The high orc laughed as Ragnar teleported closer and closer to the small city Ren had built.

Ren ran outside of his living quarters and near the small barrier protecting them from the outside world. The barrier was a stone wall that was 6 feet in height surrounding the city in all parameters.

As Ren arrived with Dray, Mintz, and Syfas, people started to gather near the entrance to the city. A large orc with full gold armor and long braided hair with deep blue skin and an axe sheathed on his back walked over to Ren.

"I see you are the leader of this puny human town... My king, Emperor Ragnarok has called for you to meet him in our empire. If you refuse, your entire village and everyone in it will cease to exist..." Ren did not take the threat lightly.

He looked Ragnar straight in the eyes. "How dare such a peasant creature insult the almighty ruler of this world!" These words sent chills down the spine of Ragnar. 'The ruler of this world? Have we messed up in trying to fight these guys?' Ragnar thought to himself.

"Your no ruler of this world! The closest to being ruler was a human named "Theos". He was utterly defeated by the king, do not try and lie to me, puny human!" Ragnar roared back at Ren.

'What?! Theos was defeated by their king? He might actually be a worthy opponent... and a perfect subject for my test...' Ren spoke, "Fine! I will meet up with your king, take me to where he is.." Ren said to Ragnar.

Ragnar grunted before talking. "Good, be compliant human!" Mintz yelled at Ren, "Wait! What do you mean you will go?! If you have already made up in mind in going, than allow me to accompany you!"

Ren looked back at Mintz, no its fine, I don't need security haha!" Dray heard this and look at Ren as well. "No, I believe that taking someone with you would be very beneficial my lord!" Ren looked at Dray and paused before speaking. "I have to do this on my own..." On saying this, both Ren and Ragnar disappeared.

"Did you all hear that as well?" Dray asked Mintz and Syfas. "Yea, lets go!" The message Ren had mind communicated to the three was. "This will be a fun fight, apparently the king beat a strong foe, one that rivaled my power... come if you wanna watch, just don't interrupt no matter how dire the situation may look. I also have something up my sleeve that i'm excited to try haha!"

Syfas used his "Conceal" spell on Dray and Mintz and they all followed Ragnar and Ren. The Conceal spell is the most advanced concealing spell that hides your appearance and aura in the "Current world."

Ragnar and Ren appeared in the air above the kingdom of Rasha, where the High Orcs resided. The kingdom was large. It was even bigger than the Theos kingdom from the old world. (The "Current" or past world will now be referred to as "old world")

It was bustling with millions of high orcs. The kingdom was built upon an enormous mountain. The castle of the king was on the peak of said mountain. The houses were covered with vines and the roads were covered with grass but there were markets, and different buildings all round. It looked like a real human kingdom, but just slightly a bit under-taken-care-of.

Ragnar flew towards the castle on the top of the mountain, and Ren followed, his arms crossed. On arriving about 50 meters away from the palace, they were instantly teleported into the throne room.

Out of nowhere, an immense aura that the room was filled with crushed Ren down to one of his knees. He had only felt such an aura only a couple times in his lifetime. As he used his hyper senses to scan in room, he saw 21 different orcs. 10 on his left and right in large thrones. Each looking to be wearing different clothing.

Each orc had a noble but menacing aura to them. They wore most different clothes and had different skin tones from dark red to light blue and everything in between. The orc straight in front of him contributed to the aura the most. Ren raised his head and looked at Ragnarok.

His sheer appearance was menacing. "Hahaha! Yes! Just what I was hoping for!" Ren yelled out, standing up with ease. As he looked to Ragnarok with a large smile on his face, he was again forced onto his knees.

"Bow down... insect..." Ragnarok said out loud to Ren.