Bulldozing Through!

In the Wolf Den, a man was maniacally laughing as he stared at empty air. 

But at this moment, Jack didn't care one bit for how he looked. This was because of the announcements the system had just sent his way. 

[Inspired courage into NPCs, making them confront their fears!] 

[Men under you trust you enough to go against their beliefs!] 

[Incredible Feat Accomplished!] 

[Acquired Leadership Stat!] 

This was enough to fill his heart with joy. He was happier than a man sniffin' snow at Christmas. He felt so damn energetic, as if he could take on the world! 

What did the Leadership stat even do? Nothing! It was more of a badge of prestige than anything else. It was akin to a graduation certificate: intrinsically useless yet opening a few doors. 

It boosted one's followers, but only so very slightly that it was unnoticeable at his level. However, it allowed leading an army. Without that stat, such a feat was impossible.