The Perfect Trap! (Wolf POV)

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

Dito, the shape-shifting wolf, ran in fear while being chased by an incredibly perverse enemy.

Something crazy had happened in the village. 

Before, there had only been demotivated and scared villagers fearing to leave their homes. They considered themselves valiant, yet they remained cooped in what they considered safe. 

Little did they realize that the only reason they were even left alive was that he loved the wine that they produced. It had all started long ago from an accident, one that had left him addicted to the taste. 

Everything was perfect, and it should have stayed this way. But then HE came along! HE was a hateful human who called himself a wolf hunter yet owned a tiny wolf pet!

The little creature was happily serving the man, seemingly not realizing that he was killing its brethren. How ridiculous!