Unknown voice

"I wonder if any interesting things happened to that book." Kara said while walking to the temple. He ignored the magnificent dark structure as if it was just a simple building and went straight into the entrance.

After a few seconds, he arrived at a place full of books. Layers of books were stacked against each other like buildings. Black columns were placed two meters away from each other and surrounded the library in the shape of a large circle. Likewise, neon blue jellyfishes floated in the air and gave the place an enchanted vibe. 

Heading to a cabinet made of stone, the soles of Kara's boots echoed at every step. He walked in an ordinary pace. 

With his right hand, he pulled the top drawer and then expertly swiped a secret drawer placed inside and put his hands to it. After touching what he was looking for, he immediately pulled his arm. On his hands was a thick black paged book that was now in his hand.

It was a thick book, seemingly heavy at first glance, but it was probably the lightest book in the world. 

What was this book? This black book was a mysterious book, known to be one of the clan's greatest treasures and used to be always protected by his grandfather.

He always thought it was a magic item, but when his grandfather was gone, he found out it was not. That was what made it so strange and mysterious. Based on how treasured it was, it was definitely an interesting book capable of pulling out a very interesting development.

Thus, he made it a goal to get it no matter what before he leaves.

"One last time."

While standing, he carefully flipped the cover. As expected, it was blank. He flipped the pages but it was also merely black blank pages. As though he was expecting some change, he inspected it with the most careful shine in his eyes checking if something had changed. He turned it upside down.

When it came to this book, he already developed a habit already to check if something had somehow changed since the last time, but it stayed the same as always…He really wanted to discover what this book meant or what the fuck it was!

Why was it sealed inside this temple?

What made his grandfather do that?

At first, he actually thought the life of his grandfather was connected to it. Maybe his death would make the book useful already was what he thought was the most likely answer. 

He smiled bitterly, getting more irritated, "Shit. No change?"

More than a million times--he had probably looked at this book a million times in the time his grandfather was gone. But no matter how he dealt with it, it had neither words, marks, messages nor anything that could put a dent on it. Even after he investigated, no one seemed to actually know how to make it useful. Even when he doused it with water, it would just remain as an annoying set of black and clean pages!

He stared at it silently, looking calm as always, but he felt like killing the book. He wanted to throw the book, but the more he looked at it just made it more mysterious.

"Shit." he cursed and frowned. He gritted his teeth, and pushed his nails against the cover. But no matter how he damaged this book, it would not even reveal a dent or a scratch. 

Kara looked at the cover; it had no words or letters, but in the center, he could visibly feel the Shadow clan's crest. It was a dark lacing of a network of shadow and black colored cords retreating to the center. 

"…What is the deal with this book?" he lowly uttered in frustration, knowing afterwards that he had probably asked the same question for a million times as well. Out of frustration, he pursed his lips and suddenly threw it against the opposite wall, "Useless."

He had enough. He wouldn't treasure the book anymore. He needs to leave now. 

Thud. Thud. The book stumbled against the wall until it fell to the floor. Hearing that, Kara spoke and started to saunter, "What a useless book," 'It's like playing a broken game.'

Few minutes after, he removed his black coat and the leather tunic he had inside, revealing the light thin black sweater he wore inside. He put the black coat inside the bottom drawer and pivoted.

It was at this moment…

As soon as he began leaving, his shadow accidentally covered the book at the opposite end.

In this enclosed temple, a shadow of something suddenly covered his whole body, alerting him! His pupils quickly shrank! 

Kuuu! Duu! 

An earthquake suddenly happened lasting for only a second. At the same time, the floating jellyfish of neon blue peacefully flying in the air started to glow brighter only to dim the next moment. Also, the darkness in the temple seemed to move and swirled like it was being absorbed onto somewhere onto the side.

"What is happening?' Kara thought as strange things suddenly happened simultaneously. But the moment he thought of the book, he smiled. He gazed at the direction of where he threw the book. 

As he expected, the darkness which had accumulated were now surrounding the book, denser than any place in the area! Then suddenly, the book started to float to the air, expelling a deep black nimbus of darkness as it floated!

Kara also felt that magic power started to rise in his surroundings. The neon blue lights of the floating and glowing jellyfish started to go out. However, they weren't actually turned off: the magic just turned the mage lights black.

Everything was devoured by the darkness, stretching endlessly as if he had gone to a new world in a mere instant. 

Immediately, Kara noticed that at this moment, his shadow which was unimaginably still present showed a path heading to the book that was floating slowly in the air while it was heading onto his direction.

When the book was near, he unconsciously tried to grab the book.

He was almost about to grab the book, but the book suddenly stopped mid-air, making him grin out of speechlessness. If this book was a girl, she must be an annoying girl!

His thick eyebrows tied into a slight knot, only to see the book turn page after page!

Flip! Flip! Flip! The flipping sound was loud and was so fast it was actually impossible to read anything! But as though he was in a trance, he...strangely can read all read it! Right now, unlike every time he tried to, there were now letters, words, and symbols: all strange!

Then suddenly, the strange symbols came out of the book and floated in the air surrounding him like a tornado. All of them were glowing in dark sinister aura!

And suddenly, a feminine voice was heard:



Hi, Can you give this book 1 powerstone?