
As soon as the black book vanished and entered Kara's body, something interesting happened somewhere...

In an abandoned unknown castle which seemed like a king's lair which no one visits, inside a dreary throne room, the bizarre demonic statues standing before its walls suddenly opened their eyes which slowly glowed red, their gaze so deep it almost seemed like they were looking at something far beyond. 

"Sshht," a sound was heard. 

At that moment, the throne placed in the middle of the front walls overlooking the massive entrance with imposing statues on both sides suddenly emitted a mixture of dark and crimson looking gleam, lighting up the room with an ominous radiance.

The place was like a lasting forgotten memory. 

But suddenly, someone revealed themselves. 

After flickering her red eyelashes, a girl dressed in a crimson skirt and a sharp-looking red dress which was not enough to hide her little boobs and big ass revealed herself. With her mouth agape, she stood there and unconsciously swallowed in disbelief. 

She blinked her eyes, fanned her eyelashes and began to approach the glowing throne. She was not tall, only 5 feet flat. But this girl was much older than she looked. Slowly, admiration glimmered in her face and ears fell from her radiant eyes dripping to her youthful squishy facial skin. 

Then words came out of her rosy red lips, "After waiting for ten centuries, My Lord, and love, has finally returned." She said and warmly smiled as if meeting her lover whom she missed with all her heart. Then she bowed on her right knee, which was instantly followed by the sound of the statues in the background also kneeling in one knee. 

Thud! Thud! Thud!

This girl was none other than the guardian of the Great Demon Lord's castle, the Mover of the Statues!

Shortly after that, the color of dark and crimson looking gleam which had gathered at the throne grew denser! 

This was followed by dancing shadows swirling like snakes around the big imposing throne! 

Then shoong! A dark crimson beam of light suddenly flashed, piercing through the roof of the castle, and shot out into the sky as if it phased through! 

This was noticed by all of the nearby inhabitants of the area which were definitely not humans. But at the same time, some people couldn't help but cry and laugh in great speechlessness while looking at the dark sky of the Demon Continent. 

"The new age is coming," said a fit old man with a white moustache and goatee, dressed in a butler suit, "My Lord is coming." 



Standing in the library of the temple in the shadow clan, Kara, on the other hand, had his eyebrows tied to a knot. His mind in utter confusion. 

"What was that?" he asked with perplexed feelings. He unconsciously touched his chest, and he could still feel it racing hard. This was something he had never felt for a long time. He remembered the "female voice" he just talked to as though he just dreamed for a moment and then he went back to reality. After remembering he had wasted time already, he fixed his hair that had fallen to his face. 

With a dazed expression on his face, he found himself looking at the dark ceiling, which dragged him back to reality. So he shook his head. 

"That's right. I need to get to the third fortress now. I could figure this out when I'm finally out of the territory." He said, pivoting his feet. But as soon as he turned around, he suddenly heard footsteps rushing inside.

Tap Tap Tap

Tap Tap Tap

His eyes gazed with suspense upon the entrance of the temple. 

In this village, this certain temple was a restricted area. It used to be his grandfather's mediation spot, and had always been closed to non-family members. So why was he hearing people's footsteps coming in? It did not take long for their voices to grow audible.

But before he could even see hear clearly, he physiologically noticed a change in his body. 

Kara did not think too much of it, thinking it was futile, but a strange feeling suddenly gushed on his body.

"What is this? Am I…" 

He did not know why, and he had never experienced this, so he was not aware what he was feeling. But…he was angry. 

Kara couldn't but grin in speechlessness. He started to lose focus. He felt the insane strange surge creeping throughout his existence. When he looked at his palms, it was nothing different but it was pulsating with an unnatural flow of anger. It was unreasonable.

While he was confused, the figures entering the temple's library had finally showed themselves! And to his surprise, it was the elders! 

"Kara, you had finally awakened it, huh."

"Give it to us!"

When he heard them demand something one after another like a crowd of very hostile assassins, Kara could not be more confused. He couldn't help but asked out of character, "What?" 

Yet the elders were still bellowing at him, demanding him to give them something. If this was a skit, this was very funny. But this was no joke. The moving shadows emitted in a thin layer before the fabric of their black coats were moving violently. If there was one thing to know when these silent cold killers were unhappy, this was it!

Kara knew that he was going to escape, but what was this? Did the elders knew of his plan, despite him proceeding so smoothly? 

He thought hard, but he couldn't help but feel bothered with his internal emotions. A strong surge of anger!

'Shit. What is this?' He cursed, while looking at his palms and then his body, "Where is this emotion coming from?"

Gradually, his eyes started to hurt. His mind felt like a hot flat metal was pushed against it!


The elders became violent, "He's doing something."

"Get him!" 

Thud! Thud! Thud! 

The elders surged towards him from different angles. The others approached him, while the others dished out shadow magic attacks from a distance! 

Gleaming shadow attacks went straight at Kara's direction emitting heavy killing intentions. 

But Kara's face had contorted with a pained expression. But at the same time, slowly, while his hands covered his face, he suddenly laughed. His eyes turned wicked! His mouth manifested an evil smirk, and his face became that of a psychopath! 

While everyone was out to get him, his crimson eyes glowed between his fingers! Then from his eyes, insane superior shadow magic instantly shot out a spiral thin sharp circle of waves, affecting everyone!

"Aghhh! Ugh!"

With a heart wrenching scream in the background, one elder stood there like a frozen doll in shock. His eyes were empty as his surrounding suddenly grew twisted and warped. Before he knew it, crimson juice went out of his eyes and his body heavily dropped to the floor as if he was a huge block of iron! Sprawled like a dead man, his eyeballs looked at the floor, but it was gone. And he was suddenly falling in the speed of light in a dark scary abyss while feeling extreme pain in all of his being!

"A-AHHHH!" He shouted in grimace, as all of his bones grew mangled. 

Kara grinned at this, as the other elders started to drop down in the floor while suffering the same. A few of them started to leak out crimson juice, their face torn to shreds by their own nails! Their skin became victims of the most diseased rashes. Some lines in their skins had also turned violet. Big sharp nails continued to scratch them until their breathing pathway gave up. 

It was a horrible sight that would make people's eyes close due to how cruel it was. If this happened in the battlefield, ordinary people would naturally show emotion even a little. But the shadows were different, cold and indifferent gleaming facial expressions surged at Kara like agile dolls. 

They dismissed their dead comrade and the expression on their face turned grim, their eyes had narrowed into a slit. 

In response, Kara grinned even wider, turning to a wide mocking smirk while his eyes glowing crimson, "Old man, I shall say goodbye to this clan. This is it. It's time for a massacre!" 

The groups of elders had finally reached him. Their deadly shadow attacks vibrated violently aiming at him, and with a "pssh!" ominous sound, Kara was engulfed in a blinding surge of energy! 

That was a mistake. The elders tried to draw back, but it was too late. 

"What is this magic?!" 

"A magic from the light mage arts?" 


All of their attacks were blocked by the monster's defense, a funneling crimson fire that burned wildly! This was totally unexpected. 

When this happened, Kara started laughing. 

Crag! Crag! CLUNG! The sound of a seemingly dangerous rabid monster banging the chains strapped in its arms as he went against its cage fiercely sounded inside his mind! 

"Father, I'm gonna borrow your magic," he mumbled. Immediately after, his bright crimson eyes started to grow dim, creaking a vibe of bottomless wells of blood. Then all of a sudden, his whole arms suddenly had sharp tattoos moving in his skin like it was alive! Pulsating like a disease, it invaded to his neck towards his face, and then lastly, his raven hair had a few bright crimson strands!

At this moment, his form had grown very different, shocking the elders. The form was very familiar! 


"Crimson Tattooed Clan!" 

"You bastard!"

After that, there was a moment of silence. Kara did not respond, he instantly gathered all his magic energy in just one second, making his newly formed dark crimson tattoos bloody glow! 

Then, his pupils shrank to dots, and magic flew out of him like a silent ominous wave, making everyone intimidated before his presence!

"Crimson Magic: Laughing Explosion!"

As soon as Kara said this, the strong fragrance of blood grew! 

Then he smirked. 




At first the elders were confused, but suddenly, they saw blood lines appear in the ground and the walls. It has glowed as if they were in some labyrinth! It was just a glimpse before a white light suddenly invaded their vision, taking their breath away, until their bodies turn to nothing!



The massive sounds of a series of explosion blasted, coming from all directions!


With a grin in Kara's face which had returned to normal, calm, Kara was unscathed! He calmly watched the neon-blue jellyfishes as they all perished. 


An explosion sounded inside again, but Kara had already left the temple's doors. 


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