Target of the Williamson Theocracy

The white horses carrying holy knights stopped before the presence of everyone in the town square.

Astrid started to move his white horse forward, as the holy knights made way for him in the middle, and looked at the people in the town square. There were commoners, knights, coachmen, and adventurers looking at him with hostile eyes.

But more importantly, there was someone who had caught his eye!

One of the four royal doctors of the Kingdom, Angelo Zar was here!

"Doctor Angelo, fancy meeting you here," Astrid said with authority, and went down the horse in his white robe. 

"Captain Astrid. What is the Williamson Theocracy doing here? Is it involved on what is happening here?" Doctor Angelo glanced at everyone and assured them first before approaching forward to talk.

"Involved?" Astrid asked.

Astrid's expression did not change as he glanced over at the knights of the Jian Dukedom before looking at Doctor Angelo again, "Hm. It seems like you are in a mission from the king. Rest assured, you can go with us, and we would take care of it."

It was at this moment that Knight Faller went to talk to Astrid. He was the highest ranked knight around here. It was their mission to escort Doctor Angelo Zar not just in the dukedom but when it is time for him to go the king. 

Knight Faller eyed the weapons of the Holy Knights of the Williamson theocracy. Next he looked at the sword of Astrid. It was obviously not a normal sword. They were also well-armed as a unit. In addition, they also had archers. It seemed obvious they came here to do something violent.

Why come to this town though

This far-end little town situated in the South-West borders of the Jian Dukedom?

"I see you are Captain Astrid of the Sixth Scripture of the Williamson Theocracy? I am Sir Knight Faller Rainfall serving Duke Jian Greygon VII ruling this territory. May I ask you what armed men from another country doing this far to the border?"

Knight Faller was extremely alert. The King had authority over Duke Greygon VII and the Jian Dukedom, but they did not receive any report from anyone when they were told to take care of something here.

"I am well aware of the Williamson Theocracy but did the King sent you here without Duke Greygon's permission?" Knight Faller asked again. 

The Jian Dukedom has its own limited sovereignty but even the king needed to get Duke Greygon's permission to execute missions around here.

When he heard the tone in the knight's voice, Astrid looked at Knight Faller. 

"Sir Faller," Doctor Angelo muttered, stopping Faller with a look of his eyes.

But it was too late. Astrid's expression was cold and indifferent as he talked.

"Duke Greygon. Who is that?" He said in mockery.

Knight Faller's eyes went furious.


Except the holy knights, everyone who had heard it too was shocked. The Duke was the highest existence in this territory. Insulting his name and disrespecting his authority was punishable by death!

But Astrid was talking as if he had nothing to fear. He looked back at his holy knights and smiled arrogantly. Then he said a speech. 

"Duke? King? The Williamson Theocracy is an affiliated kingdom of the Church which is one of the Ten Factions in this world. As a part of the church which is serving the Great Gods. We don't need permission from a lowly duke," Astrid said, unsheathing his sword from its shiny scabbard. The blade glinted with the little sun as it went out.

Knight Faller and everyone prepared to defend, but Astrid did not attack. Instead, he smiled and said with the same mockery.

"Before the church, every king and dukes had no real power."

It was at this moment. Astrid's blue eyes looked at Knight Faller as if he was a mere insect he can kill any time and swept through the people in the area. Before anyone could react, his sword flashed with holy light and slashed Knight Faller standing 3 meters away in front of him.

It was too fast. But it was not something Knight Faller could die from. Luckily, he was able to retreat a step back, minimizing the damage on him. But as he was retreating, they heard the sound of iron armor breaking apart.

*Crack* *Crack*

The iron armor on Knight Faller's chest fell to the ground and blood dripped on the broken armor.



With blood dripping to the ground, the middle-aged knight fell to his knees and looked at Astrid that was not even looking at him.

Just then, Astrid raised his voice authoritatively.

"Stray souls. Do not move. Do you wish to make the Great Gods angry?" 

Even Kara and Chris were not suspecting a sudden attack. There was no hostile intent, just pure indifference, as if he had just annihilated an insect standing on his path.

Just then, when everyone turned silent, Astrid explained their purpose here, "An evil has entered this place. She has a black hair, and black eyes. She must look young."

"A woman?" The whispers grew as agitation crept over them. Just then there were a few women in the area that matched the vague description. But there were a lot of them! 

It was at this moment that the town chief looked very agitated. 

Judging by the knights and the adventurers' reactions, even after Knight Faller was attacked, it became clear that the people belonged to a powerful organization even more higher in authority than the king and the royals.

"Does Lord Astrid have a picture of the woman Lord is looking for?" 

"None, but there is no problem. I see you're the spokesperson. Bring me all the women with black hair and black eyes. No need to bring the old, we are only looking for the young. I can feel that she's around."


The young women with black hair and black eyes started crying and they were looking for a way to escape and at the same time, looking for help from everyone, but no one was meeting their gazes. Even the adventurers and the knights. 

"What is this?" 

"Are you going to abandon us?"

"No, no, please." 

It was at this moment.

Kara heard May speak again. In an instant, it was like he was summoned to his mind. There he saw May and they were at a silent empty space of darkness.

'What is this? You never did this before, I see this is urgent.' 

'Kara, get out of here.' May simply said, as she disappeared again. It was only for two seconds, as Kara regained his sight of the real world again.

'Why would I get out of here?' Kara thought.

"Should we get out of here?" Chris asked.

For him, Kara was still the only one who knew him. He was also the supreme shadow of the clan. If he said something to do, he knew he could just tell him. Obeying him was simply natural.

"Chris. Listen I am not the supreme shadow anymore. From now on, I am free. You are free. We are no longer bound to anything."

"I see." Chris said. "What should we do though?"

"We wait." Kara said shortly.

At the very same time, Astrid grabbed something from his robe, and revealed a blue magic crystal and it is glowing.

"This blue magic crystal is saying the woman we're looking for is nearby. Send everyone who matched the description already, otherwise we would take them by force and unleash the Great God's wrath on this little town." Astrid said.

Everyone panicked looking at the young women that matched the description who were already all in tears. 

"Who is that woman?" Chris asked. He was unconscious in the Forest of the Darn so he naturally could not have known of May's existence.

"There's no one like that here. And a mere stone will not make us believe your passion for genocide." Corre suddenly said. John, Ellie, and Jane were standing by his side. 

With a calm expression, Astrid saw the silver pendant stripped on their attires. After looking at everyone earlier, he naturally knew they were silver-ranked adventurers.

At this time, Kara now knew why May told him to get out of here. A powerful church organization was looking for her.

How could that happen?

Wasn't she sealed on the book in the temple in the Shadow clan territory for a very long time?

Wasn't she from the ancient times?

Kara tried contacting May, but she was not responding again. Looking at this situation, he would not take it silently.

She needs to talk to him so he closed his eyes, 'If I remember the feeling, I can go to her again.'