A Heart’s Revision

Diamond walked up to Jay, still laying in the middle of camp, just before sunset. "Look, I know you're a nighttime person. It's time we had a therapy session, work on some emotional healing as your brother would call it. Right now. Come on." Jay got up groaning and followed her toward a little nook of trees against the back of the camp. He knew better than to argue with her. "So let's just dive in headfirst shall we? Tell me everything that happened there. I need to document it," she said tapping on a clipboard. He started regretfully. "Before we get into all of that, I really need to get something off of my chest. I have a friend who is still trapped there. I've only ever met him in person once, but he was kept in the cell next to mine. He has psychic powers, that's why he was there. He was the only one that talked to me. (taking a deep breath) I've been very worried. He's still being tortured and I'm not there to comfort him." "Well Jay, do you know exactly where they were keeping you?" "No...but I think I could recognize it. Just as soon as I get my damn sight back, I will fly over there and get my revenge." "Not without the rest of us." Diamond quickly retorted. Jay cocked his head a little and she went on. "When they stole you, they ripped a piece of this family's heart out, the stuff that keeps this pride together...Now tell me what happened." "Well, when I came to from the tranq darts, they had me strapped down to a table with velcro at first. They learned their lesson quick when I ripped my arms free and sliced them open. Haha. I got chains from that point on. Anyway they cut me open, took all sorts of samples, and broke me over and over. They did tests, tried different chemical concoctions, slowed my damn healing. I never stopped fighting though and I often got beat for it. Usually I got thrown in my cell while I was still unconscious. I'd just wake up sore and bloody, and not knowing what had been done, luck if I could move at all. My only connection to the outside world was a tiny window maybe four inches wide, the moonlight bringing me occasional solace. They gave me rationed does of blood to keep me alive, after one experiment where they deprived me and watched me blood rage crazy for hours, tearing up my cell. I finally passed out and I think they somehow force fed me. I never received any real food. Starvation. THAT really pissed me off. Almost as much as when they cut my gorgeous mane off and pulled out one of my fangs," he growled. "They both are growing back… (he sighs) gruelingly slow. Of course they then fiddle with my brain and I go blind! Freaking morons. But, not long after that, they captured my friend. His name is Cruxzalius, but he had me call him Crux for short. He's a clouded leopard. Quite fascinating really, I had never met one before since they are so rare. He took my mind off of the pain, keeping me focused on why I needed to survive and not give up. Occasionally we would be able to muster up a joke. My heart hurt more than anything they did to me. Worst six months of my entire life. I guess they got everything they needed from me, so they just dumped my near lifeless body at the border not caring whether I lived or died." A long pause passed, Diamond just sitting with a sad shocked face and then she slowly nodded. Jay just kind of shrugged at her lack of response and said "well, that's all. I'll be going now." He felt his way towards the exit. "Uhh okay. But we're nowhere near done counseling. You're emotional barrier will break, and when it does Jay, I'll be here for you." Diamond called after him. Clearly a little annoyed he replied, "Okay. Now if you don't mind, practice doctor, I am heading back to the medical den. Goodnight."

Jay spent another couple of weeks with his eye bandages on, focusing on building up his muscles again. Brian eventually switched him to his sunglasses instead of gauze, after several tests. "They have to be exposed to the light delicately," he said. The day he did, he actually had to kick Jay out of the medicine den. Diamond went into labor. This time she had two boys, a lion and leopard. They were named Koal and Striker. Jay couldn't stop sniffing at them, still seeing nothing but blurry shapes. "Though I can't see them, they're fascinating. But… they've stolen my bed," he said mockingly. "Oh. Shut up." Brian said smiling at his newborns. "Lucky bastard." Jay laughed back at him, flopping down on the other side of the den. Brian and Diamond shared a glance that Jay couldn't see.

Another achingly long week passed by with Jay slowly regaining his eyesight. His body still covered in sutures and long tender scars, he elected to keep the gauze over them. He built muscle elsewhere, his friend Dusk helping him with physical therapy. The newborns too kept him busy, tussling about gently with them.

He took off his sunglasses one morning. Amazed he could see clear images, bright colors and sharp shapes. He teared up and let out a tiny squeal of joy. The first thing he did was run to his love, wanting to actually see her. She gasped, "Oh honey! Look at those eyes!" she said, affectionately stroking his face. "They are as beautiful as ever." They shared a long loving moment, just holding one another, gazing into each other's souls. "There's something I have to tell you…" she began, breaking the peaceful moment. He looked a little confused but mostly curious. "I can't keep it held in from you any longer." She turned and called towards their den. "Dawn and Dusk! Come here please." Jay perked up at hearing his friend's name. He was excited to see what she actually looked like, rather than just an ever present voice or blurry fuzz blob.