Weirdest Dream!?

Harry woke with the weirdest dream ever. Yes, a few days ago he had a weird dream in which he saw Nagini, Peter, and what he recon was Voldemort and one old muggle. That was a weird dream, and he woke with his scar hurting in the morning. And he didn't wait to write about that to his Godfather Sirius Black. But today, the record for having weird dreams was broken. Yes, his scar didn't hurt, but nonetheless, it was a weird dream. He dreamed that Voldemort returns to power, and how Albus died and left them with the mission, and how they found Horcrux and deathly hallows, and ultimately defeated Voldemort. And so much more, it was almost 56 years of memory. Strangely having this extra memory didn't hurt him a bit. Well, it hurt a bit, but it was a lot less than his scar hurting.

Harry was at a loss. What can he do with this sudden memory? How can he cope with it?

This was an unexpected situation for Harry and even more for Mature 2050's Harry. Even the smartest witch of modern time didn't expect such a situation! They never expected Harry to just sit at loss about the situation. They forget that the 14-year-old teenage schoolboy wasn't smart, mature, and knowledgeable as compared to future Harry.

He clearly remembers that he has a mission to complete, and people to save, but can he do it? He, Harry, was just a little boy. He wanted to have a normal life, like any other teenage boy, but one way or other a problem would always find and fancy him. Saving others were secondary right now, and surviving at Dursley's was a primary concern for him. His so-called murderous Godfather's prestige helped him a lot, but still staying here was like living near a lion's den, and it wasn't pleasant by any means.

"We will see what happens in the future," was Harry's thought. And what more could he do right now? Other than doing housework, nothing whatsoever.

After being lost in thoughts for some time, Harry got up, as he had to help his aunt with housework.

Soon Harry heard a shout from aunt Petunia, "Boy, come in the kitchen! The breakfast is waiting to be cooked." That is how they would call him "boy" or just "you" and Harry was used to it. He didn't mind it.

Harry climbed down and went to the kitchen, and found his cousins Dudley sitting on the dining table while watching his morning show.

Something suddenly sparked inside Harry's mind. A few decades of the future passed through in fast-forward motion.

If cousin's going to keep in contact in the future, why not start now? He has a good relationship with his cousin in the future. Why not extend that good relationship a few years earlier?

Then suddenly he remembered the caution tone of future Hermione, "You can't mess with the timeline, or timeline will fight back. You can only change it slowly and subtly." And Harry agreed with future Hermione. If Harry directly start showing brotherhood to Dudley, he was sure to freak out and it might have adverse effects.

"Slowly and subtly," murmured Harry. "Yeah, that is the way, slowly and subtly."

"What are you whispering, boy!" Shouted aunt Petunia from near him." focus! Don't let it burn!"

Harry started making pancakes while decide to act slowly and subtly from now on to change the future.

"No, if that many people are going to die because of me, I can't accept it! Not that shortlist, I will try to save as many people as I can, but I have to be slow and subtle about it. I can't have messed up the timeline on me!" decided Harry, to try his best.

"Hurry up, boy," shouted Uncle Vernon. With a shout from an uncle, Harry didn't know why but he was irritated and somewhat angry. Was it normal to get him angry early this morning? No, it wasn't normal. But Harry didn't think much about his anger as he has pancakes to make, angry and hungry people to feed. He was mistaken about anger, though. This was just beginning, and he will learn that on that day itself.

The breakfast was uneventful, as mostly they pretend like Harry wasn't there at all and Harry wasn't in the mood to talk with them either. He was thinking about the memory of his future self. For one moment, he thought he should confine this matter with his best friend Ron and Hermione, or to his godfather Sirius Black, but some part of his didn't want to share said, "this is personal memory. Keep it to yourself." And decided not to share. "If something unexpected happens, I will share some limited information with them, but for now, I had to work alone. Slowly and subtly." And with that conclusion, the matter was settled.

After cleaning the kitchen, Harry went up to his room. Since he decided to extend his friendship with Dudley, he decided to act now, but slowly and subtly.

Harry knew Dudley would come back to his room after finishing his morning show, which was 20 minutes away from now, so he decided to start his drama in 20 minutes. He had to act subtly, but Harry wasn't nervous, as Dudley wasn't of brilliant type. Still, he had to make it believable. The only thing that can reach Dudley was food, so Harry decided to share food from the magical world with him.

As Harry has expected, Dudley came up soon to play a video game, and Harry had "accidentally" left the door open just enough to see Harry enjoying Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. In one moment Harry "accidentally" looked up, and was "shocked" to find Dudley looking inside. Harry internally "struggled" and came to a difficult "decision", "Hey, why don't you come in and we can eat it together. I have enough to share!" cheerfully suggested Harry.

Dudley was smiling and standing outside. He always took pleasure in giving Harry a hard time, but with the temptation of delicious-looking jelly-type beans, he has a hard time to decided that what would be more enjoyable -- delicious-looking beans which both of them could share or giving Harry a hard time. It was a really hard decision to make considering it was Dudley, but it took less than 5 seconds to consider it, must be a record for him. He looked around to check whether anyone was looking and when he was sure that no one was looking, he came running to Harry -- more precisely to say, toward Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and took it from Harry's hand with considerable swiftness which might look impossible considering his "healthy body". Dudley would have decided to give Harry a hard time or blackmail him, but this summer he was on diet and eating only vegetables which hardly fill his belly.

Harry let him take away Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and sat taking support from the wall. "Hey Dudley, fair warning, it is Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans." Dudley stupidly looked at Harry, so he went on, "You want to be careful with those. When they say every flavor, they mean every flavor — you know, you get all the ordinary ones like chocolate and peppermint and marmalade, but then you can get spinach and liver and tripe. My friend reckons he had a bogey-flavored one once." Harry took one out of the box and ate, "this is how you eat, Bleaaargh — see? Sprouts." Harry vomited out beans in disgust.

Dudley stand in shock, unsure what to do next, but hunger was greater than anxiety and fear. He took out one and with a shaky hand ate one, and started enjoying it as he got a good flavored one. "Strawberry," muffled Dudley while chewing it, apparently enjoying it. He sat down next to Harry and both started eating. Harry got cinnamon flavor and Dudley got ketchup one. Both shared beans and laughter while eating it and telling which flavor they got. And the most laugh was on the last bean as Dudley got vomit flavor. He had a hard time keeping his disgust and shouts and Harry was rolling on the floor laughing. Strangely he was happier than normally he would have watched one eat vomit flavor bean, but he didn't mind more fun and happiness. He didn't remember when did he had his last laugh like this. It was abnormal but he didn't give a second thought to it.

Before they can continue or Dudly could ask for more, they heard a noise below. Apparently, they caused too much turmoil and were heard below by uncle and aunt.

Without any discuss or plan, both nodded their head at once tactical understanding-- they didn't want to let their secret out. Dudley went to his room and Harry picked up the mess behind. Just as he had cleared up the last one and throw it under the bed, the door open with a bang. His uncle's purple face was filled with anger, "What-in-the-name-of-God-you-are-making-such-a-loud-noise?" spoke Uncle Vernon, one word at a time in anger. "Nothing, nothing. Just fall of the bed," replied Harry while massaging his bum. Uncle Vernon clearly didn't buy his story as he look around to find any evidence of otherwise story, but couldn't find any as Harry's room was already a mess with everything laying around here and there. Fail to find anything else, he left with a warning, "Don't make noise! We don't wanna let neighbors know that we have a freak in our home." and shut the door behind as he left in hurry. Evidently, the threat from his so-called murderous godfather was still effective, otherwise causing this much noise would have caused Harry hunger for few days.

"Thanks, once again Sirius," murmured Harry, smiling, and lay on the bed while punching pillow to likable shape to rest his head.

On the next morning's breakfast, Dudley had only vegetables, again. He miserably looked at Harry when uncle and aunt were talking. Harry winked at him and Dudley understood at once. And once again they enjoyed a second breakfast in Harry's room. Few such days passed when both kept a happy secret between them. In a few days, they were on talking terms. Dudley wasn't that bad if you keep his food habit aside. One such a day, Harry was talking about Hogsmeade, the only entirely non-Mugglesettlement in the country, "...and you must try Butterbeer. It has unbelievable taste." "Amazing," that is all Dudley could speak, hearing wonderous facts from Harry.

Harry looked at troubled Dudley who seem like wanted to speak and ask something but didn't know-how. Before long, Dudley asked hesitantly, "Could you send me...?" Before he could finish his sentence, Harry helped him, "Butterbeer that I am talking about? Yeah, sure. I mean why not? We are cousins, right?" Both boys sat there staring at each other with smiling faces. Their smile was disturbed when aunt Petunia shouted, "Boy, come here, now."

Unsure what was going on, Harry went down and Dudley went to his room. Both of them still didn't wanna tell their secret meeting and breakfast to others.

When Harry went down, he saw aunt Petunia sitting at the dining table and staring at a letter as if it was full of dirty things which were so full of stamps too.

"This," hissed Aunt Petunia, before Harry could speak, and pointed at the letter. Harry suddenly remembered that Ron has written him about how they were going to pick him up for the Quidditch world cup. He completely forgot to mention to his aunt. They are going to send a letter for asking permission in Muggle way, and here it was -- letter full of stamps.

"Oh, that must be from my friend. They wanted to ask you that if I can go to their house for the rest of summer and the Quidditch world cup. They are going to pick me up on Saturday at 5 P.M., that means tomorrow evening," said Harry carelessly. He was happy to move away from here. "Maybe I will miss Dudley...Nah, who am I kidding, I won't...or maybe a little..." thought Harry.

Aunt Petunia was still angry but rather than shouting, she started reading the letter. "Postman rang the bell rather than putting in the letterbox. He wanted to know if the letter full of stamps was our friend's way of a joke. Can't even send letter properly." Harry could take it and retorted, "Like I said they wanted to send it Muggle way, and no, just like you don't know any magical way; in the same way, they don't know any muggle way, but they tried at least, you know." Harry's irrational anger was here. He thought he was used to their taunting and criticism but in the last few days, he showed intensified anger.

"No gratefulness at all! We watered and feed you for 13 years! Humph! And look at this letter -- just from the writing I can say this is a messy and unlikable woman. So dirty paper it is. No manners. "She was going on with her insult on every sentence as if to prove she was better than wizards and witches but Harry couldn't take it anymore. "Shut up! Just shut up! Mrs. Weasley is the greatest woman I have ever met in my life, far better than..." Harry stopped in middle saying "far better than you, anyway." as he saw her aunt's face and he knew he had crossed the line. Harry didn't know where did this anger come from but he couldn't hear insults again Mrs. Weasley. He thought he was immune to their insult, but seemingly not. It happened the first time in a while. Or perhaps not, he was angry a few days ago too, but he didn't think much as aunt Petunia was breathing like an angry cat. "Well then, you mustn't have met any excellent women, clearly," said she while putting away the letter. Harry knew better not to argue with her. He silently took the letter and went to his room and closed the door. He sat on the bed and started reading the letter. They were coming tomorrow to pick him up. He was glad. He couldn't help but look forward to tomorrow. He laughed out loud when he reached the last part. It was like this: "P.S.: I hope I have put enough stamps. Love Molly Weasely." Harry was laughing as there were really enough stamps, more than enough, in fact.

The rest of the day was too much for Harry as couldn't wait for them to pick him up, but Harry swore that the clock was moving so slow that he couldn't believe it. One time there was a loud noise and Harry ran outside hoping they have come early to pick him up, but it was just a neighbor kid kicking football on the dustbin. And for that, Harry had to hear angry shouts from his Uncle.

How the night had arrived that only Harry knew. So long was the time from morning to night for Harry, too long! He was so excited that he couldn't sleep, and so he started pacing in the room. And then it suddenly struck Harry that he was too emotional in the last few days. No, more precisely from the day when he got the memories from the Future Harry. When he was happy, it escalated his happiness, and when was angry, anger would reach a new level, and when he was excited, excitement seem to pour out from each part of his body!

"Yes, this is why I felt something was amiss. This was it! After I got the memory from Future Harry, my feeling intensified! It must be a side effect. Yes, that must be it!" exclaimed Harry. He was awed by his own deduction too. His logic was normal, at best above average. "That too must be a side effect, who knows, it is the first time it has ever happened. So no one can be sure about this," concluded Harry.

Harry didn't mind the increase in mindpower, but he was unsure about intensified emotions. He didn't know how it will affect his life, but at least he can be happy for having a good mark in the next exam. Harry lay awake in the bed for a long time. He simply couldn't sleep from all the excitement. He couldn't wait for a new day to began and evening to arrive. Finally, he will meet his friend. This will the best summer of life, he just knew it. Thinking about better days ahead of him, Harry fall asleep when the moon was setting.