Cain's first attempt to stop himself

(3rd POV)

Inside a rented room at the Whitechapel district in the city of London, Cain is sleeping - or at least he is trying to - peacefully. His newly created child is sleeping warmly while wrapped inside a thick layer of blankets because Cain is somehow too embarrassed to change her clothes so he decides to wrap her inside some layer of blanket.

'Think Cain, think! What is the meaning of life if you can't even sleep while being able to destroy the world? What is the point of having a cold heart when you can't even change your daughter's clothes!' Yeah ignore him

In the past where Cain have to stay awake for 5 years straight he began to remember the experiment where people are forced to be awake for 10 days straight without sleeping, he has wondered if he will ever become like that if the gamer mind's effect goes off. While he can use various magic to keep his mind calm he can't be sure if it will be able to help him forever.

*sigh* He let out a long disappointed sigh again, 'creating a human body and transferring my soul into it will solve the problems, but I can't do something like that yet and I can't be sure that all of my power would go with me...' He continues to fall deep into his thought, ignoring some mosquitos trying it's best to suck his non-existing blood.

'Now I'm thinking about it again, magecraft does exist in this era, should I go and check out? I might get something useful out of it and I want to try to learn some useful spells like the bounded field... wait doesn't I have already done the same thing with my magic?' Cain tried his best to use his memory about magecraft in the Fate series which he hasn't even read about.

"Nahhh, my brain doesn't even exist so thinking too much won't help me at all, but I will have to admit that even if I have a brain I properly won't remember it because it's simply a bit complicated for me," Cain said to himself then get off the bed.

After checking Jack's condition and putting necessary protection in the room, he opens the door, only to be stopped by a child's voice.

"Papa, don't leave me." Cain looked at the little girl who just talked in her sleep, "Did she accept me as her father that fast? Even in the dream?" he rubbed his head in confusion

"Well, can't leave a loli alone or else some ugly bastard might show up." Cain sighed again and lie down next to Jack, unknown to him, the little ripper is having a sweet smile on her face.


{somewhere near idk}

"Yes sir, I'm sure that yesterday someone has used a bounded field to cover the whole Whitechapel district. I suspect that there is a group of cultists trying to perform a ritual, please send reinforcement soon."

"... I understand, reinforcement will be sent to the location as soon as possible and because we might be facing a dangerous cult, please gather more information."

"I will sir, please wait for the update." And he turns off the communication line. The seemly old man walks out of his temporary base and looks at the river in the middle of Whitechapel district, where many aborted children of prostitutes were thrown at. Usually, he would have his senses warning him to not get near the river or something like that because the aborted children's wraith is always there, waiting for their wishes to be filled.

But now, everything has changed dramatically, there are not even single wraiths left in the river. The strange phenomenon has been discovered by him in the morning when he is doing his usual routine, all of the strange events has led him to a conclusion: The cult or an organization is wanting to create some kind of amalgamation of child's spirit or something like that.

The question is why? The next holy Grail war is nowhere near and there is no conflict between the Three family recently, why would they perform such a big ritual like that?

The magus continues his search for clues. The walk near the river seems to be normal and uninteresting to the old magus, but then he found something magical, the old magus sprint in the direction.

Arriving at the scene, the old magus look around the area "A trace of magic is still clean, it must have been left over by the ritual... but why didn't they remove the mana trace?" He mumble silently and tries to follow the mana, hoping to find something useful information to collect.

After an hour of finding the whole district, the trace leads the magus to a seemly normal hotel, the investigation gathers his confidence and touch the doorknob. What happens after that?

Well... let's say he got a pretty good trip inside the ID: demon


(Cain POV)

Oh ho, some stupid magus got into my trap, I have set that trap to only active when a person with mana touches it so I won't kill off innocent people. Now I'm thinking again, what does mana call in this world? I have read some fanfiction in my past life and they mention something like odd, magic circles and blah blah.

Didn't pay much attention to that part though because the fighting scene is much more interesting and the comedy part is also fun to watch.

"Mn, papa, mama." Hm? Is Jack waking up? Oh god, I have to prepare myself for this moment!

As soon as the little ripper opens her green-yellow eyes, she immediately locked her eyes on me and said the word that I has been longing for

"Good morning papa"

[Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!] [Critical hits!]

... I swear that is emotional damage, my cold heart hasn't melted yet, I have to maintain cool in front of my daughter.

{Hm~ seem like it take more than a daughter to make your heart melt Cain, should I give you some companion gems which only feature loli?}

Not your problem and fuck you Chaos

{You don't need to hide your inner beast you know, as a weapon the multidimensional FBI won't come after you.}

Wait, there are multi-dimensional FBI?

{They just been created by me just now}

... I'm going to pretend that they don't even exist

"Papa, can what are you thinking about?" Oh, little Jacky is curious doesn't she, I would like to teach her some common sense but...

She is clinging onto my back, completely naked...




"Ehem, Jack my little ripper, can you at least put your clothes first before we start conservation? I have put your clothes in the closet" She nodded and go to the closest to suit up, I have prepared some normal child clothes for her so there won't be any clothing problem soon.

Back the main problem, I am a man of standard so I won't lewd my daughter until she is 18!



Author note:

He may have a human standard but this author doesn't, the bush doesn't need any standard, he will do what he wants and this bush will do everything to achieve what he longed for