Teaching Jack and creating weapon for a ripper

I wanna make an Omake where Cain goes to Akame ga kill and fall in love with Esdeath but then I remember that Esdeath can't make his cold heart melt so no.

Too bad bruh, look like I will have to use Chaos's power to bring him way back to the past and teach (fuck) the little Esdeath then.

Chaos: Wait, that isn't even legal and it's disgusting

I will blame you for that, now let us continue


(Cain POV)

After Jack put on the clothes I bought for her from a nearby local store so we could blend in with the place easier, but I will have to admit that the design looks really good on her. Old London black dress for a lady and a nice bow tied on it, I'm not a fashionable person so I expected the dress to not suit her at all but damn this is good!

(imagine I picked up from the internet)

Her little figure jumped back at me, normally I would have fallen on my butt because of physic but I'm a weapon, how can I fall-

*Thud* *BAM*

I guess physic has nothing to do with anime logic eh? Probably because Jack's cuteness has defied all logic, making her able to push me down and get my head hit a table corner, lucky for her that I'm hard as... a planet I think? That is what the stats description said about me, I don't know the truth.

"Papa, are you hurt?" I look at Jack, my daughter is properly feeling guilty because it was written all over her face. "I'm okay Jack, please get off my body, someone might misunderstand if they see this." I tried to convince my daughter

"Misunderstood what?" Ohh... I forgot to fix her common sense and morality problems, god my memory is so bad!

"How can I say this? You shouldn't sit on other people's bodies when you haven't asked them for permission, if you do that some might call you a bad child and you don't want to get hated by people, right?" Jack seemed to understand what I mean and get off my body, I just wanted to do that since I don't wanna use force with her.

I look at Jack who is standing obediently waiting for me, what should I do now? I have never been in this situation before... "So my dear Jacky, what do you want to do now?" other than asking her, what can I do?

"Umm, can we go out and find mother?"


"Uhhh, how about we will do it in the evening? If we go and find your mother it will be... very inconvenient." Although it's my idea to keep her original personality, I'm still surprised by her answer, why? Can a weapon like me even get a wife?

Wait... system, can I create another sentient weapon like me and give it a body like me?

[Negative, your skills level are too low, you can't possibly create another sentient weapon, but giving a real body to a spirit is doable]

It's so... seem like there aren't many things for me to do at day, better spend some time to play with her. "So Jack, do want to play outside until night? I'm sure you haven't seen all of London yet."

"Sure papa," She reply happily, I pick up the man clothes and grab her hand "then let's go, I will teach you something on the way too.


(3rd POV)

To sum things up, Cain teaches Jack about some daily stuff, common sense and morality during the time they spend walking on the road of London.

Because Cain feels bored of walking, he decides to teach Jack about using the presence concealment skill which he has imparted inside Jack. Due to his interference, it's an EX rank skill now, making Jack simply invisible from a normal human's perspective.

So after Jack can active her skill more freely - which only take 1 minute to practise - they began to speed up by jumping from roof to roof. The little girl had a hard time following Cain since he can easily disappear from her view if she isn't focusing for just a moment.

After some hour of running around, the two decide to go back to Whitechapel district to have a quick lunch and to do something fun.

"So Jacky-chan, how do you think about our little trip around London?" Cain asked while looking at his daughter eating some fast food come from the future. "Mn, it's so fun but my clothes made it so hard to catch up with you papa, can I have a new set of clothes?"

"Now you mention it, I do have other clothes for you but you are only allowed to wear them when I allow you to okay?!" Cain said with a serious tone

"Mn, I understand... so Papa, when can we go and find mommy?" Jack asked hopefully.

"Hm, I think you will need to learn some technique first before you can begin our journey to find mom."

"Really? Then when will I start learning?" Cain looks at his cute child and smile, "we will begin after you finish your food and have some rest, performing heavy works after eating isn't a good idea." Cain reminds her.

Jack nodded in understanding and continue her lunch, unknown to her, what Cain going to teach her is gonna create another heroic spirit that shouldn't exist.


{ID: Blank}

"Say hello to Shiro-chan, she is the clone I made with about 20% of my actual power, which is enough to beat the crap out of most heroic spirits. I will let you train with this clone of mine since I have something to do in the meantime." Cain introduces his clone to Jack and pulls out two items from his inventory.

"This is the sword of Kusanagi and the sword of Totsuka, I will let you use both of them for training. I know that you prefer using knives and daggers more but I don't have any of them in stock right now so I will have to make a pair of them, in the meantime, you will be training your technique with my clone using the swords here." Cain then left his daughter with his clone and go somewhere far enough to not get affected by the battle.

"Let's see... I need a lot of facilities required to use my blacksmith skill, not to mention the amount of material and weapons I need to make to level it up... Why do I even bother to get material anymore? Yin Yang creation." Cain used his skill to create an anvil and a lot of stuff around him.

"But this anvil is just a normal one... I think I have seen a lot of anvil with special effects before, could I create something like that as well?" Cain mumble to himself and used bot Yin Yang creation and manifest at the same time to create an anvil and a hammer... with a lot of special effects.

Yin Yang hammer (epic)

A hammer created from merging Yin Yang charka with something really stupid. Increase the chance to forge better items by 30% and decrease item breaking chances by 50%.

Yin Yang anvil (epic)

A hammer created from merging Yin Yang charka with something really stupid, not at its peak state but still useable. Increase the chance to forge better item by 30% and reduce the chance of failure by 40%

Cain look at his newly created item and sighed "well, epic is the highest I can create for now so I'm not going to complain. It's time to work."


Jack the ripper (alter?)

Class: assassin

Sub-class: saber

New parameter:

Strength: A+ (through Cain's modification and training)

Endurance: B++ (the same reason as the first)

Agility: EX (She has exceeded supersonic)

Mana: B+ (she isn't built for a long term magic fight)

Luck: C (normal luck if I have to say)

Noble Phantasms: EX (you will know why soon)

Skills: next time