Can't Sleep

"Let go of your hand," said Andrea.

"Answer me," Evans said.

"What," said Andrea.

"You'll do it in DC," Evans said.

Andre looked at Evans intently. This man is very handsome. His body is big and tall. Well, a half-faced face never disappoints.

If only Evans weren't annoying, she would fall in love with this man.

"Are you looking at me?" Evans said.

"What do you mean? Why am I staring at you," said Andrea?

"I don't know. You're the one looking at me. It's as if I'm the man you want to be with," Evans said.

"Ha, ha, ha. You're insane. Let me go. I want to take a shower," said Andrea.

"No wonder you smell so bad. Hurry up and clean yourself up. We'll have dinner in a minute," Evans said.

Andrea forcibly released Evans' hand that was still holding her. She just walked away, leaving Evans.

"What a unique woman," Evans muttered.

"Mr. Evans," called Madam Kim.

"Oh yeah, what's wrong?" asked Evans.

"I want to tell you something," said Madam Kim.

"What's that?" asked Evans.

"Come with me," said Madam Kim.

Evans followed Madam Kim out of the house. They walked to the front yard.

"That's sir," said Madam Kim, pointing towards the garden.

Evans frowned. He then took something from that place.

"Anywhere?" asked Evans.

"I just discovered it here and on the front porch," said Madam Kim.

"Okay then. Don't make any fuss. Only you and I know," Evans said.

"Yes, sir," said Madam Kim.

"We're back. Andrea will be having dinner soon," Evans said.

"Okay, sir, I have prepared a menu for him," said Madam Kim.


Andrea was confused to see the food menu for him. She could only stare at the menu one by one that served.

"What's wrong? You don't want to eat this anymore?" asked Evans.

"Does your waiter have to cook this much to eat only one person? You even only eat one menu of yours," said Andrea.

"You can skip it if you don't want to," Evans said as he ate his food.

"You're wasting food. There are a lot of hungry people out there who can't eat," said Andrea.

Evans put down his knife and fork. He then glared at Andrea.

"Are you going to preach here? You only need to eat if you want. If you don't like it, you don't have to eat. Are you a saint, so you preach in front of me?" Evans said in a severe tone.

Evans' voice made Andrea shrink. Yes, Andrea was afraid to be around Evans. This man somehow gave off a mysterious aura that he didn't know about.

"You'll be staying here for a while before I move you to the DC center," Evans said.

"What's that?" Andrea said.

"It's a place for you to practice being a great human being," Evans said.

"Is that some like training to become a hero?" Andrea asked curiously.

"Are you this stupid? How old are you? There's no such thing as a hero. It's all bullshit. Don't rely on imaginary things like that," Evans said.

"But you helped me. Aren't you a hero?" Andrea asked.

Evans fell silent at Andrea's question. The atmosphere is quiet for a moment. It made Andrea not dare to continue the conversation.

She continued to eat. Occasionally glanced at Evans, who did not have any expression.

"After this, you should sleep. You have to get up early tomorrow morning. Alex never tolerates being late," Evans said.

"Ehm, yes," Andrea said quietly.


Andrea couldn't sleep. She tilted her body back and forth. This luxury room is indeed charming and comfortable. But that doesn't make him comfortable at all.

"I'd better get some wind first," said Andrea.

She then got off the bed and walked out of his room.

"This house is scary during the day, especially at this time of night. Then I was stupid walking around in the middle of the night," Andrea muttered.

Andrea walked down the hall of Evans' luxurious and mysterious house. There is only darkness. Old paintings are displayed very neatly on the walls.

To Andrea's confusion, there was a painting of two small children in the main room.

"Why isn't there a family photo? Doesn't he have a family?" Andrea muttered.

Andra was about to turn around, but he bumped into someone in front of him.

"Arrrgh!" Andrea was surprised to see a prominent figure in front of her.

"Why are you out at night?" said the person who turned out to be Evans.

"Why are you standing behind me like that? You startled me," Andrea said.

"Aren't you scarier? You're wearing a white nightgown, and your hair is hanging down," Evans replied.

Andrea didn't want to argue and just walked away. Evans followed Andrea from behind.

"Why did you follow me?" Andrea asked.

"I just wanted to get some wind," Evans said.

Andrea stopped suddenly, making Evans stop suddenly too.

"You go first," said Andrea.

"All right," Evans said.

Evans walked past Andre out of the house. Out of curiosity, Andrea followed Evans' steps.

"Now you follow me," Evans said.

"You own this house. Surely you know better what is in this house," said Andrea.

"Aren't you afraid I'll turn out to be a psychopath?" asked Evans.

"What?" Andrea suddenly stopped in surprise at Evans' words.

Evans laughed and then left Andrea. Andrea was furious that Evans was teasing her.

"Why am I so easily fooled?" Andrea muttered angrily.

Andrea then quickened her pace to follow Evans. Evans smiled as Andrea limped along in his footsteps.

"Wait for me; it's dark in here. I can't see anything," said Andrea.

"You have short legs. That's why you can't walk fast," Evans teased.

"Why do you live in a haunted place like this?" Andrea asked.

"I don't like light," Evans said.

"You're not a vampire, are you?" Andrea asked.

"What's in your brain is just a fantasy. Previously a hero, now a vampire. Don't you also think about drama stories that always end with the same ending?" teased Evans.

"So what? All women must think about things like this," said Andrea.

"And you ended up betrayed," Evans said.

"Why are you talking about it. Don't you know that my heart is hurting because of that," said Andrea, confused.

Evans turned to Andrea and looked at her. Yes, Felix's betrayal was not arbitrary. He's not just having an affair with another woman.

He had the heart to sell his lover just for the sake of his position. A man like that doesn't deserve to cry.

"Why don't you cry?" asked Evans.

"Hah?" Andrea was stunned by Evans' question.

"You should be crying. Not even a drop comes out of your eye when you're with me," Evans said.

Andrea, who didn't want to cry before, burst into tears.

"It's not that I don't want to cry. It is tough on me. But ..." Andrea sobbed, unable to finish her words.

Evans immediately hugged Andrea, who was sobbing.
