A Sweet Fight

Evans seemed unable to say anything as Andrea cried in his arms.

"Say something," Andrea whined.

"Hmm?" Evans looked confused by Andrea's request.

"A woman is crying. You have to do something," Andrea whined again.

"Something like what?" Evans muttered thoughtfully.

"Wipe my head!" Andrea's orders.

"Oh, yes," Evans looked doubtful but did what Andrea asked.

He rubbed Andrea's head stiffly. But he knew the crushing feeling Andrea was feeling.

"You've never dated?" Andrea asked.

"What do you mean? Is comforting someone who's crying has to date first?" Evans couldn't understand Andrea's way of thinking.

"Your hands are not soft at all. Like hands that have never known love," said Andrea.

Evans removed his hand from Andrea's body. The look of pity now turned into a look of astonishment.

"What kind of woman are you? You suddenly cry. And suddenly makes me want to..."

"What do you want?" cried Andrea.

Their eyes met each other. Unknowingly not separated from each other.

"Come on, let's stop," said Evans. He then turned to leave Andrea.

"Oh, you just let a sad woman just like that?" Andrea said in a mocking tone.

"You! What do you want from me?" shrieked Evans.

"Nothing," Andrea said with a smile and then walked away.

"Is he mentally shaken? Hey, where are you going? Don't go there!" Evans said.

His feet followed Andrea's footsteps. They walked down the hallway to the dimly lit terrace.

"Stop! You don't know if there's a danger there..."

Andrea stopped hearing Evans' words. Her guts suddenly shrunk.

"What's wrong? Is there a monster you're hiding?" Andrea asked fearfully.

"Good grief!" Evans chuckled at Andrea's words.

He then grabbed Andrea's arm and asked her to go somewhere else.

"Why can't I go there?" Andrea asked.

"It's dark in there," Evans said.

"You think I'm a kid?" Andrea still didn't want to understand what Evans was saying.

"I'll accompany you on your way there." Evans pointed towards the garden.

"You're not seducing me, are you?" Andrea looks. Suspicious of Evans' invitation.

"Stop staring at me! If you don't want to go back to your room. It's time for bed. You'll be late tomorrow. You know, Madam Kim can't tolerate a schedule," Evans said.

"She's a servant, isn't he? Why did she arrange?"

"Because it's his responsibility for this house," said Evans.

"Hoaam!" Andrea seemed to yawn, and that made Evans smile.

"Go to sleep," Evans said.

"I'm not sleepy," said Andrea.

"Not sleepy, but your eyes are almost closed," Evans said.

"No, I don't want to..."

"Oops!" Evans caught Andrea's limp body.

"Let's go to the room," said Evans.

"I'm fine. I'm not sleepy," Andrea said.

"Damn it!" Evans immediately lifted Andrea's body and carried her inside.

Evans led Andre into his room.

"You like to take me with you?" Andrea said quietly in the middle of her sleep.

"Well, I'm surprised too," Evans muttered to himself in annoyance.


Today there is training on governance in DC. Andrea seemed unfocused when the mentor explained.


Someone throws paper from behind. Andrea, who had been sleepy, was surprised. She opened the form.

"We meet in the backyard!"

The contents of the paper that thrown at Andrea. Andrea looked here and there, but she didn't see anyone suspicious.

"Andrea!" call the mentor.

"Ah, yes," Andrea stuttered.

"You didn't hear me?" asked the mentor.

"Oh, of course, I hear you," said Andrea.

"In that case, state the outline of our government structure!" mentor orders.

"Emh, emh that..." Andrea couldn't answer the question.

"What were you thinking in my class?" said the mentor.

"Sorry, do I have to obey every word you say? We are both adults here. Only you stand in front of it. It doesn't mean you are superior to me," Andrea said firmly.

"What?" shouted the mentor.


Andrea is at the stables. She sentence to take care of horses for going against the words of his constitutional mentor.

"Why do I have to do all this? This isn't a school; why are they punishing me?" shouted Andrea in annoyance.

She threw the brush to comb the horse's hair so annoyed.

"Hey, don't shout! You can stress the horse!" said the stable keeper.

"Sorry," said Andrea, who hesitated to the cage keeper because she was reluctant.

She pouting lips like a duck. She took back the horse brush and accidentally saw Evans riding on the horse track.

"Hmm, is he here?" Andrea muttered.

She strolled towards Evans, who looked dashing on a horse complete with his riding uniform.

"He's a prince?" mumbled Andrea fascinated.

"Andrea, you're crazy! He's an asshole," Andrea said to herself.


There was the sound of something falling and the sound of horses neighing. Andrea turned and saw Evans falling off the horse.

"Oo, oo, that! That!" Andrea was confused about who to tell when Evans fell.

Andrea wants to find people, but on the other hand, she wants to help Evans.

"What should I do? Besides, why isn't that stupid secretary coming!" Andrea said, confused.

But because she was worried about Evans, she immediately ran to the horse track to help Evans.

"Are you okay?" Andrea asked Evans, who was still underground.

Evans just stood there, grinning. Andra tried to help Evans to stand up, but Evans hastily refused Andrea's hand.

Of course, Andrea was surprised by that. She glanced harshly at Evans. But she couldn't deny that he was worried about Evans.

"Why don't you want me to help you? You fell," said Andrea.

"I'm fine," Evans said, trying to get up.

"You can ... "

"Don't touch me!" shouted Evans.

Andrea was getting shocked. Suddenly Kenand came running. He looked panicked when he saw Evans fall.

"Are you okay, sir?" Kenand asked.

"Hey, bring Chris in," Evans said.

"Fine," said Kenand.

He then led the horse that Evans used earlier.

"Huh, your horse's name is Chris?" said Andrea in surprise.

"Why?" Evans asked as he cleaned his clothes.

"No, it's okay," Andrea said.

"You're more random than I thought," Evans said.

"Hah, never mind," said Andrea.

"Why not in class?" asked Evans.

"Um, I study here," Andrea replied.

Evans drew closer to Andrea. He stared fixedly at Andre, making Andrea feel like running away from Evans' death stare.

"Don't lie to me. I know you must be punished, right?" Evans said.

"That's fine. Why am I being punished? Besides, it's good that I'm here too," said Andrea.

"You can't lie at all, Andrea," Evans said.

"I'm not lying," Andrea growled.

"Is that true?" Evans said, getting closer to Andrea.

The closer it got, and Andrea closed her eyes.
