
There was a knocking sound from outside the twenty-fifth introspection room.

"Yes," said Andrea from inside.

"You still don't want to think about what you did wrong?" a female was heard a voice from outside.

"I don't know what I did wrong. I can't contemplate anything here," Andrea said.

"Okay. You won't be released until you tell me what you did was wrong," the woman said.

"All right, go ahead," Andrea replied.

The woman left Andrea's room. Meanwhile, Laura, who was detained in the introspection room yesterday, has been out since yesterday.

No one could stand living in a closed room alone like this. And it seemed that only Andrea had been in this room for two days.


Kenand rushed to Evans' room. Without knocking on the door, he entered the boss's room.

"Sir!" shrieked Kenand.

Evans, who was curled up on the sofa, was awakened by Kenand's loud noise.

"Why didn't you come home last night? You slept with Andrea?" shrieked Kenand.