Other Plan

A luxurious mansion in the center of the city.

"You have to take responsibility! You have to make Andrea come back to me!" Rendy shouted at his friend Felix.

Felix, who was drinking his liquor, could only glance at Rendy.

"Don't you ask that strange man to take Andrea from me?" accused Randy.

"Am I going to be that crazy? You're my friend. How could I betray you after you helped me in my work," Felix said.

"Who knows? You even sold your girlfriend to me. Friends alone are meaningless," said Rendy with a disgusted expression.

"We have to find out who that man is. There's no way an ordinary person could get into your luxurious apartment area. He must be some kid of FBI or CIA," Felix said.

"You think I'm a terrorist? Why did the FBI come to my apartment?" said Randy.

"Yes, if you do the math, you're holding Andrea..."

"Watch your words! I did not hold him! I love her; how could I do that," said Rendy, not admitting his mistake.