
The Christopher family enjoyed their cruise on the private ship left by Evans' father.

"Martha, let's find a place to be alone," said Kenand while in the family room on the ship.

"Kenand, you didn't hear what Sis Evans said. Today we are forbidden to make love," said Martha.

Kenand coquettishly grabbed Martha's hand. Martha smiled at Kenand. She followed where Kenand walked.

While Evans was accompanying Anthony fishing on the shore. He put on a life jacket to protect Anthony.

"Why are you wearing this. I'm not comfortable, Brother," said Anthony.

"Anthony, security is important. Don't argue. And I'm telling you, don't like peeking at what your sister is doing with her husband. You haven't had time to know things like that yet," Evans said.

"Brother, I'm twelve years old. Why do you always think of me as a child," said Anthony?