Gripping Tragedy

Carrying a gun, Evans headed into the main room. He was pretty sure these people were after him.

"Who are they? Whose orders are they?" mumbled Evans.

Suddenly from an unknown direction, someone hit Evans from behind. Luckily, Evans didn't fall. He then tried to fight the man.

A bit of a fierce gamble took place between the two. And with all his might, Evans did his best to beat the man.

Fist after fist, as well as kicks, were smashed against each other.

A gunshot rang out from the other direction. The person who was fighting with Evans suddenly pointed a gun at Evans.

"Who told you to? Tell me!" shrieked Evans.

"Aaah! Brother!" Martha's screams distracted Evans.

However, the man still pointed the gun at him. He was even ready to pull the trigger of the gun.

"This ship will sink. You and your family will die, Christopher!" said the man with a smile.