
"Hmm, I see. Is there a problem there? Nothing? Is it hurt? Who? But now it's fine, right? Okay, okay, if something's wrong, please tell me. Okay, thank you," said Kenand.

He was about to turn, but he was surprised that Evans was already standing next to him.

"Good grief!"

Kenand was so shocked that his phone fell.

"Ah, Sir. Why did you startle me," said Kenand annoyed as he picked up his dropped cell phone?

"Who was hurt?" asked Evans.

"It's nothing serious. You take it easy," Kenand said.

"Kenand," Evans called for confirmation.

"It's nothing. Just about riding class. Ordinary, sir. One, one of them will definitely get hurt," said Kenand.

"Are you sure there's no problem?" asked Evans.

"Don't worry, Sir. Everything is safe. Mr. Anthony is doing well, too," said Kenand.

"That boy really made me worried," Evans said.