Teasing Kenand

"I'm not going to force Andrea," Evans said.

"But only Andrea can make Rendy Wijaya falter, sir. We must rack our brains again if Andrea doesn't want to," said Kenand.

"Then I will appear. Rendy Wijaya is also looking for me," Evans said casually.

"No! Absolutely not! Even if you insist, I will restrain you as best I can," Kenand said.

"Are you scared?"

"You are a pillar of this organization. If something happens to you, how will this organization run," said Kenand.

"I can't hide forever. Look, Wijaya finally contacted me. Of course, I had to come to represent my father," said Evans.

Kenand glared at his boss.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you. You have to be there for all of us," Kenand said emphatically.

"I'm not Martha Kenand. Don't put your obsession on me. I told you, find a replacement. I'll approve if you remarry," Evans said.

Hearing Evans' words made Kenand annoyed. He stood up and left Evans' room.