Andrea's Life 2

Mr. Lee slammed the table in anger.

"What are you doing, Andrea! Why are you drunk? What should you do now? I warned you not to hang out with them. Why are you so wild now?" shouted Mr. Lee.

"Sorry," said Andrea with a pitiful face.

"Sorry, sorry. How are you going to explain your and Rendy Wijaya's gossip? You've been caught by reporters several times!"

"I have nothing to do with him, Mr. Lee!"

"Then why do you always get the news with him? You also just came out of the hotel room with him. Have you been sincere with him? Huh!"

"Mr. Lee! Why can you talk like that?"

"If Rendy says no or no. I don't know what to do anymore. You take care of your own problems!"

"Mr. Lee!"

"Don't you realize? Rendy Wijaya still wants you! Please be firm, Andrea. Moreover, lately, you often sleep with actors when you're drunk. What do you want? What do you want to be!"

"What do you mean, Mr. Lee?"'