Anthony Know Something

Andrea was at Christopher's grave for a long time because Philips didn't want to leave. But after being persuaded, he wanted to be invited down.

When he came down, he accidentally saw a car in front of Evans' resort.

"That's not Evans' car. As far as I know, he's not in the Republic?" muttered Andrea.

"Andrea, wait for me!"

Silvy, who had been walking behind Andrea, finally arrived below.

"Shhh!" Andrea signaled Silvy to be quiet.

"Why?" asked Silvy.

"Andrea?" someone called Andrea. And suddenly Andrea turned around.

"A–Anthony!" stammered Andrea. He reflexively hugged Philips and hid her son's face.

"Why are you here?" Anthony asked.

"Wh-why? I'm just on vacation here," said Andrea, uneasy.

Anthony glanced at the child Andrea was holding.

"Who is that?" he asked.

"Oh, this is a child around this place. I took him for a walk," said Andrea.