Chapter 7: Crimson Haired Prince

When Toshiro returned to his room he decided to summon 3 peerage members for back while he in enemy territory. So he pulled up the Divine Harem System and chose 3 women I want which made 3 portals appear from the first portal a dark skinned purple haired woman with golden amber eyes wearing black tight pants orange jacket with white slip on shoes, from the second a women in a purple skin tight battle suit holding a red spear came with purple hair red eyes light colored skin, and from the final portal a girl wearing short and slender build with long brown hair which she commonly wears in a high pony tail held together with a shuriken-shaped hair ornament, bangs that are usually parted to one side, mostly covering the left side of her face and light blue eyes, signature long white scarf over her back often reaching to her lower calves with tassels that she always wears. "Welcome ladies your probably wondering why your here instead instead of the world you come from well its simple really my name is Toshiro Gremory I'm a pure blooded devil after every pure blooded devil becomes 10years old they are given 15 chess pieces to reincarnate people of your choosing to become your kin but in most cases that's wishful thinking as this world is ruled by those with the bigger stick nice people like me in the supernatural are the minority, My soul was not of this world so when I got reincarnated here I was allowed a couple cheats which any friendly closet pervert with crushes on women in different anime it became my dream to make my devil peerage full of the women I fell in love with so yes your girls are the first I've summoned to join my peerage but also join me is kick ass on the battlefield while joining my harem." Toshiro waited with nervousness for there response."So if I join your peerage I become a devil and get to occasionally fight okay simple but my condition is you label as your personal pet cat as you should know when I'm not in my human form I'm a cat so aslong as you pamper me I'm game little shiro" Yoruichi said with a teasing smile " I'm willing to join as well since you removed my burden of being caged in the shadow lands then I'm all your little shiro" Scáthach said with a smile as well now I know why they call her a God slayer. "Well Little shiro if you want this beautiful ninja for yourself you must catc.." Before she could move Toshiro was already behind her and slapped her booty which made her yelp "Fair enough little shiro you win I will also join you"

Toshiro smiled and quickly took out a rook, queen, and pawn pieces. Toshiro went up to Yoruichi "Heed my command, I Toshiro Gremory will have you reborn as my kin. Rise up, my Rook"

After the piece settled with Yoruichi she smiled and kissed little shiro in the lips "This stray cat finally found its owner thanks master" Toshiro blushed but kept a strong front as he walked up to Scáthach pulled out the queen piece and said "Heed my command, I Toshiro Gremory will have you reborn as my kin. Rise up, my Queen" Scáthach let her aura settle down and also kissed Toshiro on the lips saying "Thank you Master for becoming my hero and breaking my nightmare." Toshiro only got happier as he finally began making his harem with his dream girls. Toshiro came out of his daze as he went up to Levi while saying "Heed my command, I Toshiro Gremory will have you reborn as my kin. Rise up, my pawn" which made Levi have question marks which he proceeded to explain after her aura settled down to which she quickly blushed out of embarrassment thinking the bad about Toshiro to which he teased Levi by kissing her on the cheek while saying "It's okay my beautiful ninja just because it's the pawn piece doesn't mean your less important than Scáthach or Yoruichi." Levi just said okay and looked away, if you watched closely you'd see her as red as a tomato.

After turning his girls into devils he contacted back home to update his home on how he was doing, then he call his beloved Sona who was on cloud nine from his ring and earrings he gifted her, before ending the call he sang her a song with his guitar he learned to play while taking his education classes from his mother.

After ending his calls he started pampering Yoruichi who was in her cat form on his lap purring from his belly rubs Scáthach and Levi laid down on each side of the bed with him while he started explaining how Levi and Scáthach would be in his shadow since he didn't want MacGregor to become suspicious to coming out of his hotel on the first night with 3 peerage members he gave them rings since they're his girls why not make it official Yoruichi asked for a collar for her cat form to represent she's his which he gave. He also upgraded they're weapons such as Gae bolg which was easy to recognize but not anymore, he also added spells in Levi's grimiore, while also giving his naughty kitty an upgraded Zanpakuto. Afterwards Toshiro filled them in on his objective on finding Jeanne to become his knight while also join his harem before she gets corrupted by the chruch or Cao Cao.


The next morning after Toshiro woke up he got washed up and prepared breakfast for his girls he also pampered Yoruichi then had Scáthach and Levi enter his shadow while Yoruichi hid inside his kimono while leaving the hotel since pets technically aren't allowed in his room. Afterwards he started scouting one orphanage after another until he finally found the future blonde bombshell Jeanne who's currently just a 10 year old child like himself. While stalking Jeanne Toshiro suddenly senses a stray devil stalking Jeanne who in the forest near the orphanage swinging a wooden sword. Just as the stray devil was about to hit Jeanne, Toshiro appeared in the middle of the stray and Jeanne catching them off guard while pointing a magic gun that looks like a m1911 with silver plating with black dragons ingraved into it he pulls the trigger. "Meteor Dragonar" a blue energy turns into a dragon any destroys the stray leaving no evidence behind afterwards Toshiro returns the weapon back into his space inventory while focusing his attention on Jeanne who's looking at him with hearts in her eyes.

[Jeanne Pov]

Everyday I train in the forest outside close to the orphanage with a wooden sword left at the orphanage by a former orphan. Everyday I swing this wooden sword because I feel lonely otherwise the other children isolate me and the mother in the orphanage doesn't really care for anyone of us so it's save to assume it won't ever change. Days turned into months while months turned into years what am I suppose to do no one gets me. That was until today when a boy my age defended me from a monster that was sneaking up on me while I was zoned out he's wearing all black besides his kimono, but his crimson hair is what drew my attention he's my hero.


After setting up a barrier to cut of eavesdropping Toshiro walks up to Jeanne and introduces himself. "Hello there my name is Toshiro Gremory a Pure Blooded devil I was wondering if your interested in joining my peerage and becoming my knight, not only will I help you get stronger but we will occasionally fight other devil's in rating games if not hunt down strays such as that monsteraity that tried to kill you a few minutes ago." After letting his words sink in Jeanne didn't even think twice and immediately agreed since it was her dream to fight and leaving behind the orphanage. "Yes shiro take me with you I don't need anything from the orphanage so we can leave immediately." After dispersing his barrier Toshiro was about teleport himself and Jeanne when they both got surrounded by a dozen exorcist leading them was a hulk of a man which made Toshiro break into a sweat thinking his luck today just went to shit. "So little devil what are you doing far away from home ? Are you trying to take this child away from that caring orphanage to make her your play thing like most of your kind does?" Vasco Starda asked while unleashing he killing intent but to his surprise the crimson haired boy covered Jeanne shielding her from the intent. "You might want to retire those old bones of yours old timer you almost traumatized my future knight, well I'll start of by introducing myself as Toshiro Gremory little brother of the badass Lucifer Satan here searching for peerage members since devil's and humans alike are without perfection sometimes humans are more cruel to there own than my own people are to our own, also I just saved this beautiful girl from a stray which just so happens to be the dust your standing on as she has agreed to join my peerage is there any reason to esclate this further?" When Vasco was about to reply one the exorcist shot his gun shouting " Shut up you filthy devil you clearly charmed that poor girl we shall rescue her from your clutches who cares about you brother you all the same trash!" Toshiro unleashed his power of destruction erasing the shot while bringing out his spear from his longinus, most of the underworld call him a sword demon but his spearmanship is further ahead than his swordsmanship the moment his spear was in his arms the area become cold and suffocating if not for Toshiro shielding Jeanne she would've fainted. "Your call old timer" Vasco was relieved to see things haven't gone completely south so he turned towards Jeanne asking" Is it true your joining his peerage out of your own will? If not we can rescue you and you can join the church?" Jeanne just shook her head while saying " Sorry old man Toshiro here already invited me an I accepted not to mention your lackeys need extra discipline shooting Toshiro without warning doesn't do your faction any good." Vasco just sighed and looked back at Toshiro who looked prepared for battle. Vasco just turned around and signaled the exorcist to follow him which they did since they could tell that beside Vasco no one was Toshiro match.

After the Vasco and his exorcist left Toshiro grabbed Jeanne hand and teleported to his room in the hotel then called out the 3 girls in his shadow, so he could introduce Jeanne to her new family. "These 3 are part of my peerage as well we have my beautiful ninja pawn Levi Kazama then next to her is my lazy kitty Yoruichi who's a rook then finally the queen god slayer Scáthach "

Toshiro let Jeanne talk it out with his girls as he cooked food for them then once they finished eating he brought out his knight piece and walked over to Jeanne "Heed my command, I Toshiro Gremory will have you reborn as my kin. Rise up, my Knight" After Jeanne piece was settled he started buying them clothes and daily necessities while also getting them passports so he book there next flight it was time to travel for a couple years while summoning his favorite anime character's to become his peerage.