Chapter 8: Timeskip

[6 years later]

(Gremory Household Castle)

Toshiro is currently in the training arena sparring with his peerage which is 1 piece short of completion to which many would think he rushed his choices but to bad each one of his girls became all rounders such as himself. After making Jeanne his knight he decided to say screw it and summoned the rest of the girls he wanted which was a blessing since they began training teamwork for rating games non stop in those 6 years, polishing and improving their arts, techniques, and magic. When he introduced his peerage to his family back when he returned when he was notified about Grayfia's water breaking, they all became impressed with my peerage in terms of power, beauty, and independence.

The women love sparring with each other and relaxing living the spoiled life I provide for them, Narberal Gamma (Overlord) whom I turned into my bishop with the help of the divine harem system I was able to change their race before I summoned them so I made her a demi-god which made her stronger I also made her superiority complex disappear but kept her maid fetish because which young master doesn't have maids reason I made her my bishop is because she well versed in magic without having a weak body.

Maki Zenin (Justu Kaisen) Before I summoned her I made her forget her sister and replaced it with me helping escape her scum clan who wanted to marry her off because she couldn't use curses, I made her my second pawn mostly because after she learns a couple styles of magic she'd be a natural all rounder not to mention she loves to spar as a fellow battle maniac. Maki is a tall athletic young woman with golden eyes and long dark green hair normally tied into a ponytail. She has a fringe over her forehead with smaller strands framing her cheeks, Maki is a very headstrong and straight forward person who tends to be quite blunt while being strong willed as well.

Shigure Kōsaka (Strongest Disciple)When I summoned Shigure I had her become more open with my family and peerage even built her a blacksmith room for her, Shigure is a fairly tall and beautiful young woman with a slender frame. She has long waist-length raven hair usually tied back in a high ponytail, peach skin, and light purple eyes. She wears a purple choker around her neck that contains numerous small pins. She normally dresses in a small pink kimono and long purple stockings; underneath she wears bandages over her chest and a fundoshi. Her most eye-catching feature is her eyebrows which resemble lightning bolts. Toshiro made her his pawn for the same reason he did with Maki because after learning some magic she'll become a beautiful all rounder as well.

Yuri Alpha (Overlord)Toshiro was able to change Yuri's race before he summoned her so he made her a demi-god which made her stronger I also made her superiority complex disappear but kept her maid fetish, Yuri Alpha is a beauty with an intelligent look, wearing glasses and a blue-collar around her neck, She wears her hair tied into a low-cropped bun at the back of her head. Toshiro chose to make Yuri his 2nd Rook since she was a monster in close quarter combat. Yuri also became my head maid which included Narberal my bishop and Lupisregina my pawn.

Chisato Hasegawa ( My devil sister testament) Toshiro changed Chisato race in a fallen angel while also replacing her obsession of Basura , with his own person making her extremely loyal and loving to Toshiro, Chisato is an stunningly attractive woman with sexy hip-length black hair that has bangs hanging on the right side with two ahoges, green eyes, a mole under her left eye, red round glasses, one earring on her left ear and a voluptuous figure, but as they say don't judge a book by its cover Chisato was strong before being summoned now as his pawn for the past 6 years she's become stronger along with her sisters.

Miyamoto Musashi (Fate) Toshiro summoned Musashi making her a demi-god as well as his knight, Musashi with her silver blonde hair and well curved body with sky blue eyes always makes heads turn but it doesn't faze her, As you see, the person herself has a relaxed, open attitude that never gets worked up. Having no particular interest in victory or prestige, yet sloven with alcohol, a sucker for money and weak against free food. However, all those who confronted and were beaten by her in battle said this in the end, "a vibrant flower of tengen. Her sword reaches the heights of nothingness."

Cheerful and openhearted, a female swordsman that is lively yet dignified. Constantly full of pride, acting complacently, but that does not mean she is looking down on her opponent. She is merely enjoying life. Her way of expressing emotions is somewhat great. She greatly laughs and gets greatly surprised. While she has a broad-minded personality that laughs off at most things, due to being "someone who masters the way of the sword" at her roots, she is very dry and severe in regards to the taking of lives.

That being said, she fell in love with Toshiro easily and likes to be depended on very much. She also likes to be praised very much. Weak to flattery. A banchou disposition that loves a brawl. Although she has a sense of justice, she never preaches to be righteous herself. Fundamentally a carefree swordwoman, but she becomes ruthless when coming across scenes such as people destroying others dignity or simply getting her food getting stolen which made Toshiro call her his little glutton.

Kanzaki Kaori (Magical Index) Toshiro made her race into a fallen angel while turning her into his pawn, She is a rather tall young lady, standing at 5'7, with long black hair tied up in a ponytail that reaches her hips and has a very attractive body along with large breasts. One can easily associate her white skin with that of a princess. She wears a short white T-shirt tied into a knot at the bottom, revealing her navel; a pair of jeans below with one side sawed off, revealing her thigh. Because the T-shirt is tied down, her breasts are much more noticeable. One can see her snowy white leg, from the thigh all the way down. She uses a two-meter-long nodachi called "Seven Heavens Seven Swords" as her weapon which I upgraded with my longinus so it could shrink into a more manageable size or become longer if need be. Kaori is someone Toshiro loves to tease due to her naivety when it comes to relationships between man and woman she also happen to be a clutz with machines.

Minamoto-no-Raikou (Fate) Toshiro summoned Raikou making her a demi-god while turning her into his pawn, Raikou is an elegant, virtuous and glamorous woman in the prime of her youth. While a cool-headed military woman, Raikou is also a beautiful woman overflowing with tolerance. Surely the personification of maternal love when she accepted Toshiro offer she immediately smothered the 10year old Toshiro into paradise, Raikou like most of her sisters love to be spoiled when on dates or spending time with Toshiro outside of traning.

Evangeline A.K. McDowell (Uq Holder) Toshiro made Eva into a Dhampir which broke her curse while also turning her into his bishop after she calmed down, she reformed her body to look like her older version while smothering Toshiro in paradise as most of his peerage does. Eva is the typical tsundere while being weak to compliments from Toshiro, she also enjoys drinking Toshiro's blood.

Lupusregina Beta (Overlord) Toshiro kept her race as a werewolf he also assigned her under Yuri as one of his 3 maids after making her his pawn, Lupusregina Beta is a brown-skinned beauty with an athletic look and red hair tied in two long braids. She wears a maid uniform with short sleeves and long black gloves with a skirt that has a long slit on its left side, revealing thigh-high white stockings. She is equipped with an imposing black and silver scepter slung across her back. Lupusregina has a very bright and outgoing personality but is able to act accordingly like a perfect lady when in a social setting.


[Flash back]

(Sitri Territory, Sitri Hospital)

When Toshiro arrived with his peerage at the hospital that Grayfia was waiting to give birth in he was immediately swarmed with questions on if they are talented enough to be in my peerage to which I introduced every single one of my girls with there respective piece they hold and what there good at. My mother immediately went into her mother in law role judging my girls until she was satisfied while, I caught up with my dad and sister who was here with Akeno and Shuri.

"Brother how did you manage to find so many peerage members so fast?" Rias asked trying to pry information to help her find more peerage members. "Well I can give you a location spell that can point you towards people with potential obviously there are some downsides like if I use it here it will ping you, mom, dad because you either have potential or your powerful already so becareful where you use it" Rias instantly jumped and hugged me while kissing me on the cheek saying I'm the best brother ever. "Son have you shared this spell with anyone besides Rias?" Dad asked to which I said that I gave it to Sona but under the emphasis of not telling anyone."You interested in selling the magic spell?" Toshiro shook his head "No way dad it'll cause to much problems such as kidnapping and forced slavery, those arrogant young devil's living of their ancestors fame and bloodline will become worse so yeah no thank you" Dad could only sigh in defeat.

While Toshiro's peerage and family where getting to know each other Yoruichi turned into her cat form jumped into his lap where he was seated to get pampered which he obliged since, Toshiro was use to her lazy attitude outside of combat. After sometime Sona showed up which made my peerage including Yoruichi who was being lazy on my lap surround her kidnap her to talk elsewhere. When they returned Sona had a smile on her face while sitting next to me after kissing me on the cheek, after informing me that she found a perfect queen candidate who was Tsubaki. While we were catching up the doctor informed us that a baby boy was born, both mother and son are healthy.