Chapter five Arlie's Pov

"Arlie… Beatrice… Both of you. My office, NOW!" A sharp voice chides out all the way from down the hallway. Undoubtedly, we all know who it is, the last person I want to ever have a confrontation with. The Principal, of course.

It has been some solid hours since the morning time with Beatrice, the idiot. And being stuck in the same office as her, ugh… It's disgusting.

Although to some extent,the view in the Pricniapls' office is enough to keep me off my dislike for the person of Beatrice who sits close to me.

The office is simple and yet has some vibes of executive vibes in it. Seated in front of the desk of the Principal, I am comfortably sitted in a black swivel chair, the same goes for Beatrice as well. The chair is neatly polished mahogany wood. Or so it seems to me, what do I know about furniture? It just seems about that right. The table has a laptop which is currently not in use and some files at the center of it. And the Principal, with her blonde ponytail hair and her square rimmed glasses which sits at the bridge of her nose is busy eyeing us every now and hen. She is busy, at least trying to put on the airs of someone who is rather busy as she examines the papers in front of her, signing on some and then moving the signed pieces to the left hand side with a black ballpoint pen. At her right hand side, which is towards the side of Beatrice is a blue file cabinet having two small layers of all the important files that she may need. Once again, I don't know that, I am only guessing.

Behind her, there is her portrait, and the picture of the President, neatly framed on the cream toned wall. There is a standing air conditioning unit to my right hand side to the wall and at my left hand side, that is, at Beatrice's left hand side too is the glass paned wall. It is basically a see-through glass walling for some spaces apart, after which it is joined by the column of walling. People say that the glass is photochromic but i can't say. Regardless, I love the view that I am seeing from here. I can see the clouds and the green lawn, which is really relaxing to me than the presence of Beatrice beside me. .

Beatrice sits in her seat and is busy and ferociously chopping at her nails on the right fingers.

Like chill off, bitch, give your nails some breathing space.

I don't know if it is because she is nervous but she is obviously keen on showing fury to her nails.

Beatrice is a brunette, hair bound to the back, oval shaped head and thin pointy lips. She is the cheerleader for our sports team and obviously that is what had gotten to her head to think that she is literally above everyone else with her typical short gown and leggings.

"A-ahem! " The Principal coughs, looking at us from the edge of her glass frame. "I suppose that you have both taken the time to reflect on what you did, earlier?"

She looks from me to Beatrice and then to Beatrice and me again, as if trying to give us that serious hard look.

It does not scare me, regardless. The only thing I don't want is a call home. Not like I am scared of it but the last thing I want is more drama from the house. Like, I can't deal.

Can't I just have a normal day without retards like Beatrice coming my way?

Or maybe, I should do more to avoid Hurley. I mean, it was because of him that this whole thing started. And I am here l, he is nowhere around here. Sucks!

Still, a part of me feels some guilt about that. Hurley has been my friend for some time now. If I blank out on him because of earlier, would that not amount to me hitting him? Besides, he did not say he was pursuing me actively, did he? He even added that he did not expect an answer so It feels unfair to just blank him out.

Hm… I wonder how the class would be now. Or what course they would be having at this time. I know what it is but I'm talking about the general mood of the class here, you know.

"...So, I just want you both to think carefully about what you want and where you are planning to go, with all these." I hear the Principal say, realizing that I had zoned out of her earlier talk. "And last time, girls. This will be the last time." She calls out sternly. "You can leave."

"Thank you ma!" I say, sucking in air and then rushing all the way backwards out of the office of the Principal.

As soon as I was outside, I went to my locker with the intention to change my books. As I do that, I make sure that my head is bent low because just then students start pouring outside the classrooms for recess. I can't let them see me already, not after the embarrassing scene from earlier.

On getting to my locker, I frown, slightly taken aback in seeing a note taped to my locker saying 'leave my man alone bitch or you will regret it'.

"Stupid!" I mouthed.

Undoubtedly the work of Beatrice. If not her, then one of her minions must have done that.

Still, how childish could they get? I tore it off, disposed of it at the nearest waste bin, changed my books and then headed over to the cafeteria.

I met Ark on the way and she seemed rather happy to see me. Like I went missing in the first place... You can guess the rest, I am pestered by questions of how it went, what happened and the likes. Questions I don't answer because why should I? I'm not in the best of moods; Ark should realise that and stop the questioning.

Just then as we pick a table and sit, I see Beatrice standing up from her cheerleading group table, heading towards us

Watching her walk directly across to me, I frown, almost holding my breath for what next. Only for Beatrice to snicker and then shake her head.

She begins to turn around and in relief I sigh out inaudibly. Only for her to suddenly turn around and…

"Damn…" The cold, liquid content of her cup is all over my head and matting my hair.

People gasp and anger boils in me.

Oh, she won't get away this time!

Instantly, I rose up, picking my tray without thinking, I dumped the whole servings on my tray on Beatrice.

And the next second, after eyeing Beatrice ruefully, I turn and walk away, pulling Ark with me. The accompanying sounds being the shocked chatter of the students as they stare at the supposed figure of their cheerleader goddess, having a ruined afternoon.

And guess what, the honour is mine. No thanks!