Chapter six

Arlie was really pissed off after the whole incident, Beatrice ruined her day because of a guy that did not even like her a bit. She sighed, packed her bag and decided to go home. she met Ark on the way

"Babe how are you holding up and are you not going to change your clothes?" Ark asked

"Don't worry, we are done with school anyways and besides what could go wrong" she replied.

Little did she know that a lot would go wrong. Arlie and Ark departed school, after which, she, Arlie, went to the bus stop. Dexter had soccer practice and would not be available to drive her home.

"Maybe I should just walk home since the house is just around the corner" she thought.

She started walking home.

On getting home, as soon as she opened the door, someone pulled her in. And immediately knew who the person was. She didn't have time to think before she was thrown to the ground. The culprit, who is her aunt's husband, picked her up from the collar of her top, and then held her against the wall.

Like a flash of lightning, his palm darted across her face, hitting her across the face, and then, the husband went ahead to drop her, making her land on her butt. She winced in pain and tried to block her face from getting beat up.

'What could have happened now, at least I tried to avoid this kind of treatment as much as I could.' Arlie's mind raced.

"You bitch, you had to fight in school over a boy. Don't you have any shame at all? I'm going to give you that fight you wanted." He said

'he stupid principal must have called home, why did she even do that? ugh, I just hope the slap mark would go before tomorrow' She reasoned, putting two plus two together.

However, the Husband was not done.

He gripped her shoulder and slapped her then went ahead to punch her in her stomach. She doubled over, her breath sucked out from her while he chuckled darkly.

As if that was not enough, he began kicking and punching her.

And Arlie, she just took it like there was nothing she could do. After all, in terms of physical strength, she is lacking talkless of the resolve to fight him back.

Her aunt did not even bother to stop her husband. He slapped her again then pulled her back with her hair.

"Go make some food for us to eat and then go to your room, I don't want to see your face again." He barked out. She nodded, muffled whimpers from her mouth, and quickly made her way to the kitchen.

Her aunt's husband became ferocious with her after he tried to have his way with her, for so many times. But each time, Arlie fought her way out of it every time.

She tried telling her aunt the first time it happened, and her aunt didn't believe her. Arlie decided not to say anything again since her aunt did not believe her, she didn't see any reason to keep telling her about it. All of this made her make up her mind not to trust anyone, or even believe someone would love her; neither will she fall in love with someone - at least that was what she thought.

She managed to make the dinner, serve everyone and clean before making her way to the room.

Her whole body is sore.

She winced as she climbed up the stairs to her room. She got to her room after what looked like forever and headed to the bathroom to check her face in the mirror to check her face, only to see that it didn't look bad.

She checks the time and realizes she still has enough time to clean herself up and have a goodnight sleep. At least that was the only way for her to escape reality. She cleaned herself up and headed to bed. Immediately her body made contact with the bed, she sighed in content and slept off.

Arlie woke up in the morning with a groan, after which, she rolled over the bed to shut her alarm off. She wanted to crawl in a hole and die, feeling extremely miserable with her lips curved down, but sadly she couldn't.

Crawling out of bed to check the mirror to see her face.

To her surprise, it's back to normal with just a little bruise that looks like she was being clumsy and she does not have much pain. She quickly took her bath head downstairs and cleaned.

She finished and went back to her room to dress up. She decided to wear blue ripped jeans, a white cropped muscle tee and her red Chuck Taylor ,all that's left for her is her hair.

Facing the mirror, she decided to wear her hair up in a ponytail. She grabbed a black hair band to hold her hair.

With that done, she went to Nora's room to get her ready for school. She finished with her and headed to the kitchen, grabbed an apple and went out. Deciding she will walk to school , she sets off.