Arlie got to school exhausted, as usual plastering a fake smile but only one person sees through her and that's her best friend Ark. Honestly, they both got each other back but will never admit how much to each other, well, it's pretty much normal anyways.

"How bad is it?" Ark asked, looking at her friend with her eyes full of concern. Only she knows what Arlie goes through at home.

"Not that bad, at least I'm here that's what matters," Arlie replied, giving her friend a small smile.

"I really feel like coming over to your house and giving your aunt and her husband a piece of my mind" Ark said looking angry. She knew Arlie to be kindhearted, she just doesn't understand how somebody, or some people would want to hurt her. She felt bad for Arlie. Arlie keeps telling her she's fine but deep down she knows Arlie is longing for freedom. She looks exhausted too.

"Ark I am fine, besides I'm in my senior year already. After this year I will be able to move away since my college is not here. Don't worry, okay?" Arlie replied, offering Ark a smile.

'I have another problem at hand." Arlie said

"Huh what is that again "Ark said looking alarmed

"Why are you looking alarmed, I just said I have a problem not that I'm dying" Arlie said giving her an amused look

"Pardon me for caring your royal highest "she replied, rolling her eyes.

"Stop being dramatic. I was referring to Hurley, I haven't spoken to him since that time. I don't even know what to say to him. I really don't want to destroy our friendship at all. And you know I'm not exactly in the right state of mind to be in a relationship." Arlie said

"Damn, I completely forgot about that. Why don't you give it a try, I mean have you seen that boy, he is so fucking fine like God made him specially, if I were you, I would totally go for him "Ark said have a stupid dreamy look on her. Leave it to Ark to exaggerate about things. Though, Hurley is fine.

"Gee…. thanks for the help "Arlie replied sarcastically

From her peripheral vision she can see Beatrice coming towards them.

"What does she want this time and I don't even have strength to fight her" she told Ark

"Her minions are so dumb; I doubt if she knows their name" Ark replied with a stupid expression which made Arlie smile.

"Look what we have here" Beatrice said with a smirk, looking uncomfortable with the clothes she wore. Like who wears clothes that was supposed to be for babies. Ark and Arlie snickers as they saw that Beatrice was trying to adjust her heels.

"Why are you laughing, you think you're perfect, wait until I break you before everyone, and they will know how imperfect you are," Beatrice said with so much hatred.

" Okay Beatrice you're being delusional " Ark said with a hard glare which made Beatrice flinch. That girl can be scary whenever she wants to be. Beatrice was about to talk but one of her minions beats her to it

"Don't talk to Beatrice like that if you think anybody is being delusional, it's you" one of the minions who looks like she doesn't know how to tie her shoes said.

"Don't talk to Beatrice like that if you think anybody is being delusional it's you" Ark said mimicking the minion in a high-pitched voice. "Now I know that your brain cells are dead" Ark added. Beatrice was about to open her mouth to talk but Arlie beat her to it.

"Ok Beatrice before you open your mouth and start spewing rubbish again, listen and listen carefully, you think you can break me with all this rubbish you're doing? Huh? And I never said im perfect, heck nobody is perfect ´Arlie said as she watched Beatrice eyes held furry and her lips quivered

"But guess what Beatrice "Arlie leaned close to her ears and whispered "I don't have any weak spot" `she leaned back and gave her a triumphant smirk which pissed Beatrice off. She brought her hand to slap Arlie. But Arlie caught her hand instantly and gave her menacing glare. The amount of pressure Arlie's hold on Beatrice made Beatrice whimper but Arlie was too pissed to care. The anger swirling in Arlie's eyes cut through Beatrice's eyes.

"Listen Beatrice I have been through a lot of traumatic shit that will last me through a lifetime, so think well before you mess with me. You can't hurt me even if you tried, Bitch" Arlie said with each word holding anger. Everybody knows you can't break someone who is already broken. Releasing her wrist Arlie flipped her hair and turned to her friend who had a wicked grin on her face all through the time Arlie was talking to Beatrice.

"Holy shit that was hot, you put that dumbass in her place. I'm so freaking proud of you right now. I just can't get over the look on her face. Girl you're on fire "Ark said excitedly not caring that Beatrice can hear her. Arlie grabbed her books and walked off with her friend leaving a fuming Beatrice and her minions behind.


"What just happened?" one of my minions asked as we walked down the hallway. I turned to look at her. She was carrying my books and hers trying to make them balance. come to think of it, this girl whom I don't even know her name thinks she's my friend. I barely know her name. Chewing on my bubble gum loudly, I spat on her face.

"I don't fucking know, okay? You all stood there and watch her say those things to me and have the freaking nerve to ask me what just happened" I screamed at her.

"We were all in shock, we didn't expect her to say anything. But if I may ask, why did you hate her so much? It's not like she did anything bad," the other girl, who I don't know her name, answered.

"Honestly she didn't do anything, I just don't like the fact that she's real, she's too real and it is getting on my nerves" it's true she's too real. Like she's not fake like all other bitches in jasper senior high. And I despise real people.

The girl looked so confused about my reasoning. Honestly, these girls are dumb. Why am I with them again? They wanted popularity and I wanted people to worship me, it's kind of a win-win situation but really, they are starting to piss me off. How dare Arlie talk to me like, who does she think she is? I need to find a way to deal with her. I need to bring her down. But how, I need to come up with something. And just like that an Idea came up.

"Oh this should be fun" I thought. Turning to my minions , I collected my book for next class and left. They both look confused but I wouldn't care less.